
Going after the easy targets first
theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 522 reads

A classic tactic. They figure trans people are few in number and have few defenders.  It's as predictable as it is despicable.

So far the regime has had a few surprises==not as many people are willing to look the other way as they counted on. Here's hoping the resistance only grows stronger and more unified.

Meanwhile, Trump and Sessions will have contributed to making trans kids' lives that much harder in school, and no doubt will supply that extra nudge that pushes a few to suicide. Hope they are proud of themselves.

(And as somebody said on the Stephanie Miller show this morning, great start to Melania's anti-bullying campaign.)

LATSDog1724 reads

HOPEFULLY, 3 years and 11 months to go.  Not sure if the folks here watched the news tonight. I assume so as its unavoidable.  Dumb ass Jeffrey Sessions revoked Obama's executive order allowing transgender school children to use the bathroom of their preference.  Leaving it up to the states to sort out.  I am actually not sure it was an executive order or not but Obama did what was right.  I myself feel California will do the right thing.  Not so sure about Alabamy, Arkan-sauce, or South Karolina?

I have conversed with a few people I know from very RED states and very patiently opened my mind and ear to their views.  ON all accounts, their view was very jaded and in my opinion, very closed minded. It was very obvious they were clueless about transgender or gay and lesbian lifestyles.  On all accounts, the folks I had a conversation with all painted the picture of some gay boy in a dress changing in front of their little daughter at gym class, lifting up the toilet seat to go pee pee.  FYI - all of the peeps I conversed with were from the state where Rick Perry from Texas said in an interview in 2015 that being gay was like being an alcoholic.  Both are treatable diseases.  Seriously?????????

Not claiming to be an expert on anything, I myself do not see a huge wave of transgender grade school children demanding to use the bathroom of their choice.  While I expect to see protests on TV regarding this, I know so many passable TS girls a few years older (23 and new in town :)) that have valid state drivers licenses that document their sex as F for Female.  Knowing the TS girls who participate on the board, my assumption is that when they enter the women's rest room, the second looks are non existent.  

Ok my rant is over.  

I recommend you call your congressman on any Dump the fucker Trump issues - the number is 202-225-3121.  


Nothing but bad news lately.  It doesn't surprise me that the bathroom issue came up again.

A classic tactic. They figure trans people are few in number and have few defenders.  It's as predictable as it is despicable.

So far the regime has had a few surprises==not as many people are willing to look the other way as they counted on. Here's hoping the resistance only grows stronger and more unified.

Meanwhile, Trump and Sessions will have contributed to making trans kids' lives that much harder in school, and no doubt will supply that extra nudge that pushes a few to suicide. Hope they are proud of themselves.

(And as somebody said on the Stephanie Miller show this morning, great start to Melania's anti-bullying campaign.)

No one's right to take a piss in a public toilet is threatened, only their preference as to the company kept in the room while doing so.  Federal involvement in this is legitimate only if a pattern of harassment and abuse (which does not include 'trauma' because someone's preference wasn't met) prevails and local/state government is not taking policy action to stop it.  That action might vary depending on the nature of the problem, another reason why a draconian law from on high won't work.

The Federal government has much bigger problems that affect far more people, more profoundly than this.  It is a textbook case of federal overreach that should left to the states.  If a state elects ignorant politicians, as Rick Perry, who denigrate people with different sexual orientations, the necessary first task of the group that objects to the present policy is to change the view of the electorate so the 'Rick Perrys' fade into relics of history and the seemingly insurmountable obstacles fall like dominoes.  The Federal government cannot solve that problem by edict.

LATSDog497 reads

Overreaching or not, for stuff like this, at least its consistency.  I'm not debating anyone but feel sorry for the transgender people in states that are not consistent with everyone's rights.  That was a win for Sessions.  Too bad.

... and deserves adjudication by the highest court in the land, that is the "land of the free, home of the brave" where the mantle of victimhood is now sought as license for obtaining entitlement.  And of course all who differ in opinion are reincarnations of Hitler whose free speech should be quashed or otherwise shouted down --- you know like the Nazis themselves did and the anti-Trump protesters take their tactics from.  How about they have a night of book burning of The Bell Curve authors, Herrnstein and Murray, writings on college campuses!  Throw in Ayn Rand's stuff too.  After all, they need to protect people from reading these.

Medieval-ism is alive and well with political correctness as the modern version of Christianity’s witch hunting dogma with social justice warrior superheros as the heresy fighting Torquemadas of the Inquisition.  Just as in centuries earlier, we are a culture in retrograde that thinks its illusions are noble.

Anyway, back to the more important issue of our urgent need for a federal law governing who can be in the same room with us when we take a piss…

LATSDog486 reads

Its time for another SNL skit making fun of our want to be president and his bigotry cabinet.  

LATSDog445 reads

I have the roll of TP on display in my guest bathroom and the pen holder in my office.

I have a great idea, maybe we can send Donald a case of TP for the his guest bathroom in the big house!

I remember a lot of restrooms used to be either or, they were just one at a time.  There were even ones that had the family picture by the door so mom and dad could go in together with their kid (s).  Wtf man?!?  It's a damn restroom, people have to use it.  Make a couple of, or a few single stalls so anybody can go in.  It's a toilet, what kind of an ass hole cares who's pissing in it?!?

I thought there was a political section to TER.  If I'm wrong, then my apologies.  As for this, I read only the first section.  It said something about changing O's executive order, then complained that it needed to be left up to the states.  Maybe I missed the point, but aint it kind of hypocritical to say to leave O's order alone, then next to say the rules need to be left up to the states.  

 And this is one of those rare occasions when I disagree with you.  I believe strongly that people need to stick with there sex bathroom, unless they are far enough along to easily pass for the other.  Or if there is a 3rd rest room, for like the handicapped, employees etc.  And what ever the state votes for, is what is good enough, even if it disagrees with us.  I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I couldn't vote for Hillary because of her dishonesty and danger to the economy and our pensions.  I am also a gun owner for hunting and defense.  

Well, I need to get off of this subject.  I was actually trying to find info on the carnival down here in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  I'll keep looking and you all have a good and pleasant day.

LATSDog467 reads

And I bet you the total amount of money your wife brings for lunch each week that if you posted what I posted on the board you reference, the audience would not be very receptive and probably say some not so nice things.  Then when the TER mod reviews the post and sees the word "transgender", he will move it back to the TS board.

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 8:40:58 PM

TSTS607 reads

I think IMO, Richy is trying bring this transgenderism subject to the political board to put it in peril where much more ignorant people would agree with his ideologies. It's an endless battle of ignorance, that no one understands transgender people unless you are one, not even trans-friendly people. Even if someone comes close to understanding it takes time of maturity to understand. Most people don't even care about facts regarding transgenderism, or what a person is going through or the studies of science especially republican/conservatives for them it's either black or white until it's about them or their tribe members. This thread is in the right place, IMO.

Posted By: LATSDog
And I bet you the total amount of money your wife brings for lunch each week that if you posted what I posted on the board you reference, the audience would not be very receptive and probably say some not so nice things.  Then when the TER mod reviews the post and sees the word "transgender", he will move it back to the TS board.

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 8:40:58 PM

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