The Erotic Highway

Yes, please do laugh! That shit was so ridiculous it was funny!teeth_smile
junglegym25 19 Reviews 488 reads

She probably blocked me on text, but I texted her after and said it was almost worth the 375 just to see her run out the room in a towel! Lmao 😂😂😂

Met her yesterday. First red flag was when she was an hour late but was texting that she was only 5 minutes away. We had nice lunch and then back to the motel where she started to get squirrelly. She kept texting her "sister" and getting agitated because the sister was supposedly watching her dog but  was saying she had to go out and couldn't watch the dog. She then asked for the money first which was second YUGE red flag. Here's where I fucked up because I showed her the money figuring that she would see it and know she was going to get paid and we should be good to go. Instead of giving it to her, placed it on the nightstand. We finally both got naked and got to down to business, when after about 5 minutes of pretty lame carnal activities, she said she had to pee, so she checked her phone again, went to the bathroom, grabbed a towel and WALKED OUT THE MOTEL ROOM BUTT-NAKED with just a towel on in broad daylight. I checked the envelope and the money was gone. She left all of her clothes in the room. I guess she figured she could buy new clothes with the money she took lmao.  
I was like WTF? Did that really just happen?!?! I can't really include more details on this board as TER would consider this a "review" instead of a warning/funny anecdote.  
Can't list her name here, but DC SDs can PM me if interested. It was so ridiculous it's almost comical.

GaGambler483 reads

Yes, you fucked up by not holding back the cash, but you had to think it was clear sailing after you guys were naked in bed together.

I am trying to laugh "with you" here instead of laughing "at you" Thanks for sharing, and I think we all have to admit that in the uncharted waters of the Sugar Bowl, this type of thing could happen to any one of us. I am willing to cut you a LOT of slack here, whereas in the hooker world I'd be lighting up my flame thrower after reading thins. lmao

I hope your next date is better, but if it isn't I hope at least it generates another good story for the rest of us. lol

She probably blocked me on text, but I texted her after and said it was almost worth the 375 just to see her run out the room in a towel! Lmao 😂😂😂

GaGambler594 reads

One of my earlier meeting upon joining SA was with a Laotian girl of 38 who looked 25. She was one of the very few POT SB's that I didn't have any BCD time on the first date by her choice, not mine.

Typical lead up, we exchange a couple of PM's then a few emails and I can tell she is doing this strictly for the money which is fine with me. She has a kid so hosting is out of the question with her, she also lives a good hundred miles from me, so seeing her for less than an overnight really would hardly be worth it, but she looks good, and I do have a weakness for Asian women, so we agree to dinner. We have our dinner date, everything is fine although she doesn't drink, which is negative points on the GaGa scale. lol We seem to enjoy each other's company and during dinner we discuss allowance, one of the few times I have actually had a negotiated rate before going BCD, but like I said she was most definitely looking for money, not a "good time" AAR we agree to $500 for each overnight date lasting from about 8 PM until 8 AM and schedule a date for a few days later.

On the day of our date I find a nice Marriot for us to stay, get the room, and wait for her to show up which she does, reasonably on time to boot. We have a nice dinner go up to the room, it's around 9:30 PM or so by now, we have some fun, and then her son of about 13 years old starts blowing up her phone. She tries to ignore it but he texts her about thirty times an hour it seems for the rest of the evening. In spite of this we manage to get in a second round, by this time it's midnight or so. Now she had never asked me for the money, or even to show it to her, but like you I leave out there in plain sight on the nightstand. Back to her and her son, after round two I am ready for sleep, but he won't let up, he continues to blow up her phone and finally she has had enough and says she has to leave, I barely even acknowledge her and mumble something like "whatever, go if you have to" which she does.  

Fast forward to the next morning, I wake up "alone" of course and much to my surprise the $500 is still on the nightstand where I left it. I get up go home and by mid morning she starts texting alternately apologizing and whining about a $280 ticket she got and how I gave her no money. I tell her I had left the money on the nightstand which seemed to mollify her and I told her I would give her "extra" the next time I see her, thinking to myself I'd give her the agreed upon $500 for our next date and maybe $300 more for our "shortened date" and we'd both be happy. She seems happy and then for the next several days I get busy and can't come see her, she gets pissed and notices that I am still logging onto SA so she accuses me of looking for a new SB and starts sounding like a jealous GF. Well anyone one who knows me can guess what I do next. I drop her like a hot potato and stop returning her calls, texts, etc. I told you my story has a happier ending than yours. lol No I never saw her again and No, I never made the slightest effort to send her any money. Homey don't play the BSC game. lol

That is indeed a candidate for the Sugar Darwin Awards!  

Reminds me of an SB that I had been courting while still Sugar-Newbie in San Jose.  We went to dinner for our preliminary M&G, then agreed to dinner and BCD two nights later.  She had all kinds of serious money issues (1st red flag), like she had moved to Cali from Texas with almost zero cash and she could not get a checking account due to past bounced check history (Yes, that's a thing. Banks have their own sort of checking account shared-history system kind of like a credit bureau.). The bank would only give her a debit card with a max spend amount of $100 per transaction (2nd red flag). She had a retail job that she said barely covered her rent. Plus no car, no credit cards, lived in a rented room in a trailer park (3rd red flag), and on the second dinner gave me this sad story (which may have been true?) about leaving TX due to an abusive BF (4th red flag).  

Then, if you can believe it, it got worse: She told me her BF had followed her to CA, found her the previous night and beaten her up (5th red flag). She had lumps and bruises on the back of her head to show for it, and was in pain. She really wasn't up for BCD that night (6th red flag), but could I please help her by depositing $400 in her account so she could buy food (7th red flag)?  

Did I mention I was a Sugar-Newbie at this time? Well, it was more like a Sugar-Infant!

I obliged and popped the $400 in her account. Then I agreed to delay our BCD to the following Friday and she would do anything I wanted if I could give her another $300.  On Friday, I picked her up, took her to my place (about 3 miles away) handed over the $$$, and took her top off  in the bedroom.  She went to the bathroom as I got naked and waited on the bed, and then she came back in with her phone ringing, grabbed her top and said it was her boss. She answered and started talking to someone, then slowly moved down my hallway, presumably to get some privacy for her call (8th red flag).

GaGa, at this point you are undoubtedly SCREAMING at me that I am a total dumb fuck and you are correct. That's because she did not stop in my living room to finish her call, she went right out the door and closed it behind her.  I waited for a few minutes expecting her to come back in, but no. After about 10 minutes, she texted me something like this:  

"I'm sorry but I can't do this."  

I texted her back and said "Hey I get it's uncomfortable,  just give me back my $700 and I'll take you home."  

It is at this point that GaGa will now want to punch me in the balls (if he could find them)!  

You can guess that she did not return even the $300 in hand.  She just walked off and presumably home.  I was left naked with a hard on, no sugar and no cash.  Bad day. She did not answer my texts or calls, or any of the "WTF" messages I sent her on SA. Of course, I reported her to SA as a ROB and they thanked me for the info and did nothing. Her profile is still active years later (see epilog).  

Epilog: Yes, the story has one more chapter.  About a year later she had the audacity contact me and ask if I'd like to meet!  I told her the only way I'd even consider it is if she gave me 6 free blowjobs, BBBJWSNQNS (only I spelled it out in all caps). She passed. Then 2 years after that, after I had moved to SoCal, she tried again! She was back in TX and wanted to know if I could help her come back to California. I repeated my last condition. She agreed if I would pay for her air/car/bus fare to Cali.  I'm still chuckling over that one.  

AsianManNOVA557 reads

Except I was even more stupid; I tried to chase her down while naked, some hotel guest called the cops, and I got busted. You can read the rest of the story. I had to hire a lawyer to get me off. It ended up costing me close to 2k.

Here is the story:

I met this SB at the hotel. She looked a bit chubbier than her pic but still looked OK for 250 for 90 min; basically, I let my little head do the thinking. She wanted the money upfront because she said she got cheated several times before. I said either you get naked or suck my dick and I will give you the money (I was already naked after taking a shower). She started sucking my dick so I gave her the money. After a few minutes, she said she needed to get the towel from the bathroom. As I was watching her, she opened the door and ran away. I ran after her naked which was a big mistake. Somebody saw us at the hallway and called the cops so I had to let her go.  
The cops showed up and I told them what happened. I didn't tell them what happened exactly of course. I said she took the money from my wallet while I was taking a shower. They said I was intending to have sex for money and it was illegal. They gave me a ticket for visiting a bawdy place whatever that means and I have to show up in court in August. I asked them if they will try to find the girl and they said all they have is her cell phone number. I said you can easily track her down using her number, but they said they don't have the resource for such a small case. I asked them what kind of justice this is: I got robbed and had to show up in court for some stupid drummed-up charge, and the robber got away. They wouldn't answer me of course.  
I have had success in the SB scene, but I think I will lay low for a while and just see the ones I have already met. Getting scammed is bad enough, having to show up in court for getting robbed is really adding insult to injury.  

-- Modified on 5/30/2015 11:25:52 AM

-- Modified on 1/26/2017 2:21:00 PM

I immediately remembered your story and that's when the alarm bells really started going off for me!

in_vino_veritas548 reads

would you believe that I have NEVER had a girl ask for the money upfront. My guess is that I filter them out; and by that, I mean that I've been lucky :). What's surprised me is the ones that never mention what sort of allowance they are expecting. There's one I've been seeing for over 6 months now. We just never talked about the allowance and her profile didn't have a range. I just picked an amount after our first date and that's what it's been.

Posted By: in_vino_veritas
would you believe that I have NEVER had a girl ask for the money upfront. My guess is that I filter them out; and by that, I mean that I've been lucky :). What's surprised me is the ones that never mention what sort of allowance they are expecting. There's one I've been seeing for over 6 months now. We just never talked about the allowance and her profile didn't have a range. I just picked an amount after our first date and that's what it's been.

I strongly recommend ending a date immediately if the SB asks for money up front.  Tell her the norm is "after the fact" and if she doesn't like it, you are not a good match.  If you want, give her $50 or so for her time/trouble.

The first time it happened to me, the SB hid some of the money and claimed I was short.  Eventually, we got into an argument and she wouldn't leave.  I called hotel security and she went BSC.  She then threatened me, so I blocked her.  The threatening texts came from a different phone number, one I found on TER and also in a ripoff report.  She was a cash and dash girl who likely had a drug problem.

The second time, I wasn't concerned about getting ripped off, but the classy SB thought that 45-60 minutes of play and one round were adequate.  I paid only $300 in L.A., and she was very pretty (a former model), but I would have liked another hour.  I try to discreetly ask about length of date up front now.  

GaGambler518 reads

She said I had given her a hundred dollars less than what I had actually given her, and then when I told her I knew exactly how much I had given her she claimed she would "get in trouble" if she didn't come out with a certain amount of money. At that point I threw her the fuck out of my apartment and told her if her "pimp" had an issue, he was free to come talk to me. I further told her, to be sure not to stand directly in front of the door as I might just "shoot first and answer the door second" It's nice living in a state like Texas sometimes. lol

The pimp never came a knocking. One thing I REFUSE to do is to deal with a blood sucking pimp or any woman with a pimp. I guess this is also an example of one of the downsides to having an unknown SB come to your home. I am single, well armed and I live in a state where "defending your castle" is a right not to be abridged. I can only imagine how many years in prison you would get for defending yourself against a pimp in a state like CA, NY, or IL. In Texas I am pretty sure you get a medal. lol

Was definitely one for the lesson books for me lol

I now always communicate up front that my expectations for a date include at least two rounds of playtime. It has definitely turned some girls off but I'd rather just wait and find the ones who are willing to bang all night long

I've had some question 2 hours, saying they don't have the stamina.  I try to tell them there will be foreplay, kissing, conversation, a break, etc.  If they still balk, I pass on them.  A few have said it would cost me more for more time.  I definitely passed on them.  

I'm with you brother. I got luck with my unicorn who likes to go at least three rounds. We've had at least two sessions that went five rounds. i have been spoiled rotten with this woman. I dread the eventual need to find another as this one is just to good to be true but has been so far.

Except for one time last year a very cute SB spent the night with me and I wound up going three rounds with her before she left in the morning.  I don't suppose all the weed we smoked had anything to do with it??

I'm normally the same way, but for some reason she just flips my switch. I can't imagine a one and done with her. I think she would be upset if that's all I could muster. The 5 round sessions required some breaks, food to restore energy, and water as I could feel my feet and legs cramping at times. Ha ha

I guess that's why you call them a unicorn.

Boy did I  learn that lesson in vegas. Me so stupid.

Posted By: KL69069
I strongly recommend ending a date immediately if the SB asks for money up front.  Tell her the norm is "after the fact" and if she doesn't like it, you are not a good match.  If you want, give her $50 or so for her time/trouble.  
 The first time it happened to me, the SB hid some of the money and claimed I was short.  Eventually, we got into an argument and she wouldn't leave.  I called hotel security and she went BSC.  She then threatened me, so I blocked her.  The threatening texts came from a different phone number, one I found on TER and also in a ripoff report.  She was a cash and dash girl who likely had a drug problem.  
 The second time, I wasn't concerned about getting ripped off, but the classy SB thought that 45-60 minutes of play and one round were adequate.  I paid only $300 in L.A., and she was very pretty (a former model), but I would have liked another hour.  I try to discreetly ask about length of date up front now.  

Yeah, when we are horny, naked, and raring to go, it is difficult to stop, but it really is the best thing to do.  I've kept that in mind and conditioned myself not to be "all in" until we get past a certain point.  

like the time a super hot 18yo showed up after we had already agreed on $300 and then pretended we had not already discussed intimacy which she said she would never do for anything less than $600!  Crap!  I gave her the 6 and fucked her brains out but felt like such a dumbass. And she was one of those who sprang out of bed and got dressed before I'd even wiped off my tool!

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