The Erotic Highway

Will they never learn?
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 1641 reads

So I've been bantering witb a POT SB for about 2 weeks. Milfy jot looking blond that has my BSC spidey sense tingling but in pussy siberia I am willing to chance it. On sunday I told her 3 to 4 per meet. She didnt say no. She actually didnt respond and we continued our banter. So today she said she wants to come over and mentions 500. I told her no. I thought we had agreed on 3 to 4. She tells me her previous daddy paid her 500 per meet for 2 years. I said good for her Good luck. Silence fir a few hours now she wants to reconsider my offer. Not sure if I will or wont. She might go BSC.

with a young SB out of town.  I made my offer, she says she always gets $500, and I told her how lucky she is and good for her.  Now she wants me to make another offer which might "satisfy her".  I asked her to make a counter offer but she refused.  So, not sure she understands the entire concept of negotiating and I don't feel motivated enough to offer much more.

So here it goes:

The current SB who shall no longer be referred to the unicorn and I, have been going through a cold freeze in the current month. I had been avoiding her "enthusiasm" for hooking up so when I finally had to relent and reluctantly make a date with her, I was so over joyed when she let me know that she had to cancel because of some BS (it was BS because I have been in hookerville long enough to know that I was luckily bumped).

In the process, she reminded me that our arrangement no longer seemed like an ongoing agreement since I had made it PPM in the last few times that we had met instead of our initial agreement that I (let's use the word transfer) give her allowance on regular monthly dates. I had also become a bit wormy mentioning finances, etc during my communications. She then just came out asking me if I had changed my mind, to which I immediately answered: YES & NO! :D

No, because I still wanted to have an arrangement but yes because I felt that the duration and the frequency of the prior arrangement was no longer suited to my current schedule.  

The solution:

We agreed to continue seeing one another but most likely skip the overnight stays and the dinner dates (my proposal). I would still commit to the current allowance but we would see each other 3 times instead of 2 for shorter trysts. So far, so good as we had our first ever afternoon hookup before parting ways. Incidentally, I resisted advance payments request (been there, done that and have been burnt by others) and set the rule from the outset: PPM as after being together for a handful of months we no longer have to blow smoke up our arses as we both know that in order to play, Princess will have to pay!

Moral of the story being that some of them enjoy sex enough so that they are willing to keep the income on the same level even if they have to take on extra shifts as long as they are not grave yard shifts. This is fine by me for now.

I know you wont admit princess but you and I are the different sides of the same coin.

Posted By: principium
So here it goes:  
 The current SB who shall no longer be referred to the unicorn and I, have been going through a cold freeze in the current month. I had been avoiding her "enthusiasm" for hooking up so when I finally had to relent and reluctantly make a date with her, I was so over joyed when she let me know that she had to cancel because of some BS (it was BS because I have been in hookerville long enough to know that I was luckily bumped).  
 In the process, she reminded me that our arrangement no longer seemed like an ongoing agreement since I had made it PPM in the last few times that we had met instead of our initial agreement that I (let's use the word transfer) give her allowance on regular monthly dates. I had also become a bit wormy mentioning finances, etc during my communications. She then just came out asking me if I had changed my mind, to which I immediately answered: YES & NO! :D  
 No, because I still wanted to have an arrangement but yes because I felt that the duration and the frequency of the prior arrangement was no longer suited to my current schedule.  
 The solution:  
 We agreed to continue seeing one another but most likely skip the overnight stays and the dinner dates (my proposal). I would still commit to the current allowance but we would see each other 3 times instead of 2 for shorter trysts. So far, so good as we had our first ever afternoon hookup before parting ways. Incidentally, I resisted advance payments request (been there, done that and have been burnt by others) and set the rule from the outset: PPM as after being together for a handful of months we no longer have to blow smoke up our arses as we both know that in order to play, Princess will have to pay!  
 Moral of the story being that some of them enjoy sex enough so that they are willing to keep the income on the same level even if they have to take on extra shifts as long as they are not grave yard shifts. This is fine by me for now.

That once a SB starts bucking the trend, or acting differently from the original set up, it's time to say, "Good Night. Sleep Tight. Until we Meet Again. Adios. Au Revoir. Aufvedersein." (SP)

No getting the horse back on the rails after it has sailed.

Just my 2c and respectfully submitted.

Posted By: principium
So here it goes:  
 The current SB who shall no longer be referred to the unicorn and I, have been going through a cold freeze in the current month. I had been avoiding her "enthusiasm" for hooking up so when I finally had to relent and reluctantly make a date with her, I was so over joyed when she let me know that she had to cancel because of some BS (it was BS because I have been in hookerville long enough to know that I was luckily bumped).  
 In the process, she reminded me that our arrangement no longer seemed like an ongoing agreement since I had made it PPM in the last few times that we had met instead of our initial agreement that I (let's use the word transfer) give her allowance on regular monthly dates. I had also become a bit wormy mentioning finances, etc during my communications. She then just came out asking me if I had changed my mind, to which I immediately answered: YES & NO! :D  
 No, because I still wanted to have an arrangement but yes because I felt that the duration and the frequency of the prior arrangement was no longer suited to my current schedule.  
 The solution:  
 We agreed to continue seeing one another but most likely skip the overnight stays and the dinner dates (my proposal). I would still commit to the current allowance but we would see each other 3 times instead of 2 for shorter trysts. So far, so good as we had our first ever afternoon hookup before parting ways. Incidentally, I resisted advance payments request (been there, done that and have been burnt by others) and set the rule from the outset: PPM as after being together for a handful of months we no longer have to blow smoke up our arses as we both know that in order to play, Princess will have to pay!  
 Moral of the story being that some of them enjoy sex enough so that they are willing to keep the income on the same level even if they have to take on extra shifts as long as they are not grave yard shifts. This is fine by me for now.

Hence the reference to "former unicorn". I know that this new sliding scale arrangement has bucked the previous trend and that the end may be nigh, but I didn't want to say no to the renegotiated terms. I concur with you 200% that this will not last too long beyond here. Who knows? Maybe today with the last session and if so, I'm OK with it.

Posted By: principium
Hence the reference to "former unicorn". I know that this new sliding scale arrangement has bucked the previous trend and that the end may be nigh, but I didn't want to say no to the renegotiated terms. I concur with you 200% that this will not last too long beyond here. Who knows? Maybe today with the last session and if so, I'm OK with it.

CaptAwesome317 reads

Particularly the young ones.  

I've been talking with one really cute 19 year old with a fitness model body.  I offered 300.  She said she is used to getting 800-1000.  I told her she is very lucky to be in that  position and wished her the best.  We still chit-chat but money hasn't come up again.  Waiting to see if she comes down to earth.

Also found a 20 year old asian spinner who told me she needs $1000 by the end of the month.  I offered her $300 per meet.  She said set set a minimum for herself of $500.  Again, good for you and best of luck.  That was a a couple of days ago.  No word from her.  

Meanwhile, the horny older women (25-35) that I've chatted with have been much more agreeable.  I have one date set with a hot asian woman who is 33.  I offered her $300 and she replied that she's not the girl for me at that rate.  So I asked her what her number was....she said $400.  Lol.  

Another woman I'm meeting next week is 34.  She has never even brought up the subject of money.  

$300-400 per meet get lotsa SBs in DC. I've gone to $500, but that was for overnight, and with a true hardbody hottie in her mid 30'September.

So, lesson to us all: Stick to that normal range, take your time, choose a few hottie, and have fun!

I tell them with that range, I can sustain a meeting per week (which gets them close to their $2K dream).

I have only had three SBs in the DMV go for $300 or lower. Very few of the ladies will pick $300 when offered $300-400. Nearly all say something to the effect, "$400 will work." But, that's my bargaining point. I can afford $400. Not 500,600,etc. If they want more, I say, nope. Sorry.

Note that if I could only afford $300, I would offer $200-300 as the range.  

So, I suggest modifying your negotiation to saying that your budget allows a per meet range of, say, $300-400, payable at the end of the month based on the number of private meetings, or on a per meeting basis--whatever she prefers (except payable in advance....).  

I have been getting laughed repeatedly at by SBs recently when I offer 300. I think I'm going to have to up my opening offer to 350-500 to get any sort of action around here (DC). I would be ok with 500 if she is super hot. Luckily I'm learning to be a better negotiator talking to you guys and knowing when to walk away is just as important. Trying to remember that it's a numbers game and I have to keep taking shots if I expect any of them to go in.

A lot of 500-600 demanding girls will easily come down to 400, some can meet twice a week for 500-600 which is a good bargain in this area. They all want to make 2-4k a month, and breaking the ice can be hard with new ones so it's best to re-negotiate especially if the arrangement is ppm. Just come up with excuse like you need money for some relative and would still like to meet if she can for a bit less.

Good call. I think 350-400 is going to be the sweet spot. I swear SA can be totally feast or famine sometimes bc after I posted that earlier today, I now have a 25 yo SB that I will probably meet this week for 375, a really hot 23 yo black spinner that wants to meet for 3-400 and an 18 yo white POT unicorn with a banging body who just wants someone to treat her well and get stoned with! This shit is definitely a roller coaster but fun as hell when it starts working in your favor!

Messaged a hot co ed who agreed to lunch and a few hours in the hotel if lunch went as hoped

HOw much -- $1k

Sorry, no way.  I can do $400 max

How about $700

No, can only do $400

Ok, $400.

Three amazing hours with a 23 yo blonde yoga girl who liked nothing better than to get pounded till she could not take it more.

Helped to know from anoter SD who had seen her on and off for 6 months that she was fine with $400 for an afternoon of fucking.

Many are trying to see what they get away with, but actually know their worth.


If we are using the low-ball strategy because we might catch a newb or low-self-esteem SB that will take 200 P4P, then it's predictable that SB's will take a high-ball strategy because some dumb shit (or just rich as hell) SD will pay $1000 per meet without blinking an eye.  

Ultimately, "low ball" and "high ball" will meet somewhere in the middle. Based on my unscientific and anecdotal reading of posts here for a while, looks like that "middle" is generally about 300-500.  That means the real budget-impacting lever is not the per session sugar, it's the number of meets per week or month across your rotation.  

For me, I try to see no more than one per week on average, along with one or two M&G's per week to keep the rotation pipeline fresh. Plus I add a weekend trip to Napa, Vegas, San Diego, etc. once every 2 months and a minimum 2-week trip per year.

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