The Erotic Highway

Unicorn Sighted
LovesEmNaughty 5 Reviews 2025 reads
1 / 24

I went out last night with this woman who's only had an SB profile for about 10 days... she told me she was bored of she told me her other dates so far on SA had been lackluster or slightly rapey...  When I arrived (on time) she was already halfway into her first pricey glass of wine and looking way better than her photos "TER 8" no problem ... it turned out we both grew up in the same area, and had cultural backgrounds that were similar and both enjoy cigars, so rapport was easy to build... appetizers came... and she went for expensive glass of wine number two... and when the food was cleared I excused myself to the restroom and found her now drinking a martini... So as a completely sober person she's becoming a little sloppy to my eye, but as a heavy drinker she thinks she's fine...

While drinking the martini... she says "You know, you're kind of sexy"... I say "You know what?  I think you're kind of sexy too so the feeling is mutual isn't it?"  She says Yeah... and then in a lull she gets this bout of paranoia where she starts telling me that she feels bad that's shes drinking and I"m not and if I'm bored its cool if I leave, and would I just sit there if I didn't like her... etc...  So I stand up walk over to her side of the table and kiss her and sit back down and say "Does that answer your question?"  She says "yes"  Then she thinks for a minute and says "Should I call my roommate and see if he'll watch my dog?"  I ask why, and she says she doesn't want to go home she wants to come to my place and do more kissing.... and I say uhhhhhhh... okay.  I pay the $80 bill the bulk of which is her $40 in drinks....

So after some mild drunken psychodrama... we fuck for like 90 mins or so... I make her some tea and uber her back to her car... no talk of money exchanged only talk of fucking more in the future.  

Scored one for the home team bitches!

-- Modified on 1/5/2017 10:19:50 AM

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 569 reads
2 / 24

But I  don't think an 8 on TER who evidently is a lush with low moral values qualifies for the vaunted "unicorn" status! Congrats on the freebie but give it some time for the BSC moment to arrive. Lol

LovesEmNaughty 5 Reviews 450 reads
3 / 24

Wait... are you judging a woman's morals based on her fucking someone that she wants to?

Pot meet Kettle.

You know its 2017 right?

Yeah probably not a prized unicorn, but one of the ones that the king gives to a noble man as a gift.  She was hot... maybe more of a TER 9 but she's 35... so is hard to be objective when those ratings can apply to 50 year-olds lol.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 396 reads
4 / 24

Dude. Did you missed the fact that I  was making a joke.  This is a fuck board. I  certainly wouldn't seriously question anyones morals here! Lighten up lol.

Posted By: LovesEmNaughty
Wait... are you judging a woman's morals based on her fucking someone that she wants to?  
 Pot meet Kettle.  
 You know its 2017 right?  
 Yeah probably not a prized unicorn, but one of the ones that the king gives to a noble man as a gift.  She was hot... maybe more of a TER 9 but she's 35... so is hard to be objective when those ratings can apply to 50 year-olds lol.

junglegym25 19 Reviews 376 reads
5 / 24
sweetman 93 Reviews 602 reads
6 / 24

That sure as fuck has never happened to me.  Now I feel all sad and deprived! The chubby little cutie I banged Tuesday night was lotsa fun but definitely wanted that $$!   But seriously, I'm wondering why did the subject of money never come up with your date? Had you discussed gifts or arrangement styles or allowances or anything of that nature before you met her?  What was her "Lifestyle Expectation" on her profile? Did the alcohol just make her so horny she forgot about the money?  Are you such an Adonis that obviously any woman would lie down for you? Unicorn status aside, I am jealous!

herbtcat 6 Reviews 469 reads
7 / 24

So maybe my Los Angeles-based location is a little on the provincial side, but what exactly does "slightly rapey" mean?  

Was she raped? Did she call the police? Did she report the alleged felon posing as a SD to SA?  Is she OK with getting "slightly raped"? Please help me with this one...  


I'm just wondering if the "roommate" who will watch her dog is actually her husband (from a bad/boring/sexless marriage)? Of maybe she's his beard and he's gay on the DL? Not that there's anything wrong with that.  

That might explain her behavior. And by "behavior" I mean getting drunk enough to make her ok with having sex with a guy she's known for less than 90 minutes, not specifically having consensual sex with another adult.   Not that there's anything wrong with that, either. It's the very foundation of success on SA. :

LovesEmNaughty 5 Reviews 375 reads
8 / 24

Nah she just meant that the guys seemed entitled to make out with her or advance sex simply for having bought dinner.

And no the roommate is not a husband, she's been dating on for years and just got out of a short term relationship in August.  There was just good chemistry.

LovesEmNaughty 5 Reviews 436 reads
9 / 24

Well I think money didn't come up initially because she's not in the sugar bowl for help and had only been there 10 days and had no real expectations.

In fairness... I'm 41, have all of my hair and its still black and have blue eyes... I was a stage and film performer... so I have some charisma and looks despite being a bit odd.  Some chicks just really dig me.  So, without sounding like too much of an ass, yes, a lot of women will just lie down for me in the right circumstances.

She did text me asking how I would compensate her in the future today, and I told her that if she'd rather have money than $80 dinners that's fine, or she could let me save up so we could do nicer things and take little trips together, and she said that sounded totally fair.  So this has way more of gf/relationship vibe than what you typically find.   She definitely does not want to be paid to fuck.

principium 461 reads
10 / 24

But if you ought to know me well enough by now, I will caution you that your subsequent response to her regarding the compensation was on the weak side. IMHO, they leave traditional dating sites, or join SA to complement traditional / Tinder for ulterior motives ($$$) which some/most will not be able to bring into the conversation from the very outset! All that sai, this indeed maybe that FWB/FB (unicorn) whom you have been looking for. In my "judgemental" opinion, this scenario sounds lot better than that former eff'ed porno chick. Enjoy it Bud *thumbs up*

Oh and don't mind the Devil Man! He's a chubby jovial happy-go-lucky type. As harmless as can be ;

principium 342 reads
11 / 24

Very very handsy like an octopus type! Forcefully entitled to sample without asking. You know, aike our upcoming Dear Leader! LOLz!. I've heard that expression before and with the changing times, I reckon that some of these SBs are going to encounter those "rapey" types! LOLLLL...

GaGambler 466 reads
12 / 24

but the way I have gotten several "freebies" is by simply not mentioning money unless and until she does. I have actually had a couple of women tell me that if I had ever mentioned money in exchange for sex they would NOT have fucked me because they would have felt like a prostitute.

My "secret" is simple. I don't "ask" for free sex, I simply let the sex happen, sometimes it happens so naturally the subject of money never comes up. Most of the time it does, but not ALL the time.

One difference between me and you of course, if it were me the tab would have been more like $200, but well over half of it would be mine. lol

I really don't mind paying for sex, but if the subject doesn't come up, why should I be the one to fuck up a good thing?

GaGambler 394 reads
13 / 24

Have you never met a chick in a bar, immediately "clicked" and wound up fucking an hour or two later? If not, you really need to get out more often.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I have women constantly throwing themselves at me. If that were the case I wouldn't be fucking SB's or hookers, but it does happen every once in a while, some women just want to fuck and as long as you don't do anything to fuck it up, like asking stupid questions like "do you REALLY want to do this?" and forcing her to make a cerebral decision instead of letting things flow naturally, some women are perfectly happy to hop in the sack with a complete stranger as long as you don't make it weird for them.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 298 reads
14 / 24

Concur.... potential congrats on a potential Unicorn.  

BUT - and there's always a but - still way too early for her BSC to emerge. And it always does, even (especially?) with Unicorns.  

Also, I'm seeing that BSC tendencies aside, some Unicorns can move themselves out of Unicorn status. Case in point: My $2,700 car loan SB has delivered all but 2 of the promised 9 sessions to pay off the loan and she just dumped the following on me (before a hot BBBJ, FF, CIMWS session):  

1. Needs to move now - wants "help" with the $700 security deposit.
2. Wants a co-signer on the lease (I will NEVER agree to this).
3. Needs to get cash more often, wants to increase p4p to $400 (still a decent rate for the LA market, but a 33% increase).
4. Wants to move closer to me to reduce drive time from 90 to 20 minutes, so she can see me more often (at $400) - so aggregate monthly spend could go up by as much as 375% if I see her weekly instead of bi-weekly.  
5. Took a night job (7p to 7a) 5 nights a week across weekends, so overnights and weekend trips are not easy to schedule. Can't blame her for getting a job - actually it was a good thing for her and I fully support it. But it reduces the Unicorn potential due to the schedule restriction.  

(Note: She also sent me an email on 12/20 with 16 (yes I said16!) "gifts" she wanted for Christmas, including two (yes I said 2!) $2500 YSL purses.  I gently let her know I would look over the list and get anything I wanted to give her as a gift. Ended up spending about $400 on various clothes and items.)

I've agreed to $400 p4p, but haven't responded to the other asks yet. Also, she's excellent in bed, but only an 8 for looks in my book.  As far as she knows, she is booked as my travel SB when I spend 5 weeks on vacation in Australia on October. But I'm actively interviewing for possible upgrades (and I'm talking about upgrades on air fare, cruise ship cabin, or hotel rooms :p

principium 556 reads
15 / 24

Despite her purported short stint on SA (10 days, did you say?) she has had "enough" experiences to determine that some men behave in  a"rapey" way. Now think about it again ;)

Facts are, these girls can easily get up to two meets per day, or at the very least one per day if their profile is on that darn site 24/7. I am not insinuating that these meetings go on to flourish into full dates and BCD activities, but it is not impossible for a POT SB who is both very good looking and also in need of an arrangement ASAP, to garner 2 meetings per 24 hours (lunch and dinner) specially when they are new and the wolf pack of the usual suspects are in hot/heavy pursuit of some fresh poon.

As for me, I've been giving the Unicorn the cold shoulder and after having gone radio silent on her for several days, I'm getting "I'm concerned" text messages all the while she's on every day on SA while prospecting for new SDs. I came to the simple yet late conclusion that in that dynamic, I WAS THE DARN UNICORN :D

GaGambler 340 reads
16 / 24

Are you sure you want to limit yourself to only one woman during your 5 week vacation?

It sounds like she wants to step up the commitment from you to her, It's kind of like when a girl you are dating asks for a single drawer to leave stuff in and one day you wake up to find she has taken over your entire closet. lol

If you are wondering how SB's end up with those $5k a month SD's, well this is how it starts.

Back to Australia, have you ever considered cultivating some local talent down there over the next several months between now and October?

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 325 reads
17 / 24

Chubby??? Lol

Posted By: principium
But if you ought to know me well enough by now, I will caution you that your subsequent response to her regarding the compensation was on the weak side. IMHO, they leave traditional dating sites, or join SA to complement traditional / Tinder for ulterior motives ($$$) which some/most will not be able to bring into the conversation from the very outset! All that sai, this indeed maybe that FWB/FB (unicorn) whom you have been looking for. In my "judgemental" opinion, this scenario sounds lot better than that former eff'ed porno chick. Enjoy it Bud *thumbs up*  
 Oh and don't mind the Devil Man! He's a chubby jovial happy-go-lucky type. As harmless as can be ;)  

sweetman 93 Reviews 334 reads
18 / 24

Totally agree!  When  I search for SA hotties without any geographic restrictions I often find myslef reading Australian babes' profiles.  Seriously hot.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 319 reads
19 / 24

Good questions and points, GG.  I have set up a profile and listed the trip on Misstravel, another sister site to SA (the other one is WhatsYourPrice, where I have had considerable success as well).  

So far only a few potentially serious/credible wins and messages (not even going to consider the 45 yr. old German chick), but I haven't upped for more than the trial period as a full subscriber - yet.   Frankly the biggest appeal to bringing one of my top current 3 SB's with me are twofold:  

1. I will get a known quantity, not likely to flake or pull some drama at the last minute or during the trip. This happened to me years ago when I went to South America for a month - sex stopped on the 8th day. Since I am not a rapist (or "slightly rapey" :P I had to suffer along. Fortunately, I had also done deep research on the visited countries and was able to slip away twice to go to a local pro.  
2. My plan is to get both of us fully tested just before we leave LA and once verifying the results, I will leave something behind (like many small foil packages) while still enjoying the spontaneity of sexual opportunities that can occur on a cruise ship or after a day of private wine tasting tours.  
3. (I know I said twofold, but I thought of another) I do enjoy the GF-like experience and genuine friendship of my SB's.  So having those shared non-BCD experiences adds significantly to my enjoyment.  Sharing is caring-sort of thing.  

Might be different if I was planning a week long or weekend trip. Then I'd treat it like one of my business trips and put out feelers in the city I will be visiting.  Done that many times before and usually nets me a hot p4p session with an 18-26 yr old GFE-like SB for 400-500.  Then I head home and (usually) burn her contact info.  Ahh... good times. (I often ask for and obtain permission to take pics of her naked or "in the act" and keep them for later review. No, these will never be published or shared and they are kept in encrypted files off my phone. That's a promise I make and I keep because bad karma is a bitch.)

GaGambler 331 reads
20 / 24

My absolute worst trip was a ten day trip to Hawaii with a hooker GF, I was regretting it after the second day and I really should have put her ass on a plane back home on the second day. If I had to put up with her for an entire month I would have drowned her and used her for bait. lol

Just out of curiosity, how long is the longest you have spent together with this woman?

herbtcat 6 Reviews 344 reads
21 / 24

So far, just a few overnights.  I'm planning a 3 day trip to Napa before we get close to the Australia trip as a test drive.  

But as I mentioned, I am actively interviewing others, including an on-again/off-again Unicorn I've been seeing for over 4 years. I have taken that one with me on trips as long as 10 days and it was nearly non-stop sex and no drama at all. Plus, she hates gambling, so yeah. I already mentioned the trip to her an she's interested. I'll be seeing her Monday for BCD and will give her more details to sell the idea, including her sugar for coming with me. (Note: as I am typing this she just texted me to say good night... Nice.)

GaGambler 259 reads
23 / 24

It really sounds like the one you are/were planning on taking won't even be in the picture come October and if you were able to make it ten days with a woman, chances are you can make it 5 weeks.

I'll be honest with you, I can't imagine spending five weeks with the same woman, but that's just me and probably why I have no worries about ever getting married again. I am good for two, maybe three days tops with a woman and then I start wanting some "me time"

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 297 reads
24 / 24
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