The Erotic Highway

Totally in agreement with all the above!
principium 548 reads
1 / 7

A few interesting threads and tales down below, so this being Christmas eve and with me having nothing better to do, I'm just going to waffle some thoughts as I often do!

A couple of weeks back, the Unicorn and I had a bit of a tiff during texting! It started very innocuously but I cracked a joke which contained the word "Pro" which was badly misinterpreted by the young lady. I did not call her or even insinuated that about her but boy oh boy,talk about hitting a raw nerve; did things accelerate to the bottom from there or what not! In every "relationship" after being together for a while, albeit an ephemeral one as these typically are on SA, two people tend to find out more and more about each other and their insecurities, I have learned that (vis a vis this one) that at times we are not on the same page when it comes to "humor" specially if conveyed via text and when things get lost in translation, instead of me backing off, doubling down, expounding my explanation, groveling and so forth; the best thing is just STFU as she has a tendency to get over it within a day or so, and then everything seems to go back to normal!  

Interestingly right after the last BS spat, she reactivates her SA profile and she's been on / off everyday. OK, I could've also easily reactivated mine if I wanted to get serious about a roster change for which I honestly was not in the mood for pre Christmas (taking on more expense$!). So what did I do, I got over it as I had already alluded to, these are ephemeral and nothing long lasting from my 4 years on/off experiences on SA. At the end of the day, I just consider myself as fortune to have kept myself in good physical shape, beneficiary of a very good education plus a few quids in my pocket to be able to help out a young hottie here and there to spend some time with me so that I can recharge my batteries to concentrate on life's main events as they ensue and unfold in the coming minutes, hours, days, months and hopefully many more years! Case in point: if you develop feelings for someone much younger, shake it off and let go of possessive and jealous traits because it is quite pathetic as a supposedly "high" status man when we act out like a broken winged hurt little sparrow! Get the fcuk over it because you ain't going to be offering her anything of substance to lock her down and why should she settle down for you, me, gaga or whomever the fcuk? For a paltry handful of $$$? TBT, I wouldn't want that kind of woman IRL as an SO!

As for long distance, it's ultimately a sh*t show! There are of course exceptions like there are in many, many cases; but since I am already in a very target rich locale, I'd rather go for a reasonable 8 (TER 10+) for a reasonable $um rather than a totally haute babe from across the country for whom I will not only have to step all over my own d*ck, but also a legion of d*cks all over the fcuking place trying to tap that booty! If I had an easily attained and unconditional budget of say 5K per month, I would consider playing that looong game to snipe hotties from every corner and recruit a new one every month or so.  

 If nothing else, my feigned female profile taught me that there are some real "animals" on the site masquerading as POT SDs. I have since gained more respect for these SBs who dangle themselves out there, but to each his./her own! lastly, speaking of beasts, major congrats to LEM for landing his own Unicorn ;)

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 298 reads
3 / 7

Caused me problems. I'm the anti princess to begin with. Short and sweet. Throw in a sarcastic wit and not really knowing the c sense of humor of the sender? MASSIVE problems.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 243 reads
4 / 7

Every so often you're going to find that horn up your butt

mrfisher 108 Reviews 206 reads
5 / 7

I'm finding more and more gals unwilling to use any other method to communicate.

This is not a good thing

principium 163 reads
6 / 7

Yes Mr. Fisher, I have gotten that Unicorn horn up my bonghole a couple of times in the past when I tried to be too "cute" on text which clearly backfired! Having learned of her pace for getting over matters, I just let her go silent for a day or so, then she comes back because lets face it, a 1/2 grand is still 1/2 grand plus the extra trimmings here and there.

And as for SftD, yes at times I wish I could be as succinct and as concise as you, but this tongue of mine gets me in all sorts of trouble, but in all fairness they're not all necessarily bad problems ;)

GaGambler 245 reads
7 / 7

I don't have any problem communicating through text, but of course I also have no problems communicating with women who barely speak English, if at all. I guess it's an acquired skill.

Come to think of it, I used to HATE communicating through email, my how times have changed, but I still won't FB or Twitter. I guess maybe I am still a dinosaur after all. lol

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