The Erotic Highway

Too good to be true?
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 2130 reads

I've been in contact with this very hot looking asian lady. She has removed her profile from SA I think yet we have kept in touch via text. She sent me a pic of her in a bikini and I was floored.  
Here is my concern. She wants to drive 2 hours to my place on Saturday. Hang out poolside, BCD fun and dinner. Possibly overnight for 300.  
Im thinking we should meet in public rather than her just coming straight to my place because this just seems TGTBT. Thoughts?

She won't be willing to drive 2 hours if you ask her for coffee first, IMHO
And if you do like her then let her come to your place, she cannot force you to do anything.

Actually I  don't. But I am leaning towards having her come out. If she flakes. Oh well. If she's heavier or her pics arent accurate then I guess I can tell her sorry Charly.

in_vino_veritas636 reads

Flaking, ugly or heavy are not the worst case scenarios.
So, she literally made you an offer you can't refuse: hot chick coming 2hrs to you for an overnight for 300.
To me that means that she is desperately trying to get into your house, for what reason, who knows. Is she alone, is she really he? Probably overly paranoid, but this does not smell right.
At a minimum meet her somewhere else first and get comfortable before bringing her to your house.

I'm with IVV.  Be wary.  Meet her in public.  Do a few hours.  Don't do an overnight with a stranger in your home.  The downside risks are substantial.

GaGambler359 reads

She actually drove more than two hours to see me, but my city was on her way to Dallas so it's not like she drove 3 hours JUST to see me. She also spent the night for that exact $300 price, and yes we spent the night at my place, not a hotel. and yes we had a great time. It led to a rather regular thing, that is until she went BSC on me, but that was at least a dozen dates later. lol

I might suggest if it's supposed to be an overnight that you plan on having dinner first. This way if you get catfished you can bail on her at the restaurant and spare yourself the drama of having to throw her out of your house if she turns out to be a pig. lol

I most definitely say GO FOR IT. What do you have to lose? She is the one taking the chance driving two hours to see you.

Assume you have:  

1. Googled her phone number, and Googled her phone + name  
2. TinEye and Googled her pics
3. Searched her name and phone number on FB
4. Googled her email (if provided)
5. Taken a fairly unique-looking section of text from her profile and googled that (might catch a catfisher who posts a boilerplate profile on multiple sites).  

If you did all this with no bad or suspicious results and you still feel uncomfortable, try suggesting a quick Skype chat to talk about anything (except what she looks like).  

- Tell her you want to talk about her favorite drinks or food so you have them ready for her when she arrives. Or take the web cam/laptop with you to virtually tour your pool area and show her your place so she feels comfortable.    

If your Spidey Senses are still acting up, trust your instinct and bail.

Her googled number brought up an ad that was about 7 months old. Even had the same heading. She pulled her procile from SA. Semi pro?


Or retired pro (and by "retired" I mean maybe she got arrested)?

You can tell her anything you like, such as your roof leaked and you can't use your house this weekend after all, or you simply want to wine and dine her in a swankier setting. But let her travel to your town, just don't bring her home with you right off the bat.

I will find out tomorrow. Im very sceptical  for sure. Report to follow.

Even if in a parking lot..  I had one SB send me a txt just before we were to meet asking if I would be cool with a guy sucking me off..  Told what I thought to be her hell no..  She then wanted my home addy vice very public restaurant I suggested we meet first..   This advertised 95 lb Asian could be some 350lb olfactory gland challenge dude or tranny.    

She texted me this morning that she was on the way. One hour later she texts me with a picture of her engine oil pressure warning. Then tells me where she is at which made zero sense. She was at least 80 miles from where she should have been. Oh well.

Which is what happened to me once.  She was already halfway there, car broke down, now she's stuck in a bad place, please send some money so she can make it the rest of the way, blah blah.  Don't do it.

I had one come by my place. She helped herself to tequila and 420. 5 hours later she hit a wall. Literally. She asks me to help pay her deductible because it was partly my fault. Lol. And I  dudnt even f her. Classic.

GaGambler417 reads

I just can't imagine that ever happening to me. EVERY POT SB that has come to my house has fucked me. None of us have a 100% success rate with POT SB's, but I do have a 100% success rate with the ones willing to come to my home. I consider it pretty much a given that if a POT SB wants to come to my home or to my hotel room, we are going there to fuck.

Please tell me you didn't fuck her of your own volition and restore my faith in you, or else I am going to have Princess drop by and pick up your man card. lol

Just a BJ.

Posted By: GaGambler
I just can't imagine that ever happening to me. EVERY POT SB that has come to my house has fucked me. None of us have a 100% success rate with POT SB's, but I do have a 100% success rate with the ones willing to come to my home. I consider it pretty much a given that if a POT SB wants to come to my home or to my hotel room, we are going there to fuck.  
 Please tell me you didn't fuck her of your own volition and restore my faith in you, or else I am going to have Princess drop by and pick up your man card. lol


I too, have a 100% success rate once the SB get's to my house - with one BSC exception.  

This 28 yr old brunette, former model who lived in Beverly Hills contacted me and wanted an expedited process to get to BCD time, no meet & greet necessary. She was 5'8", smoking hot pics and I didn't see any other red flags from her profile other than her desire to meet asap. I made a reasonable offer through text which was accepted and set a date for the following Wednesday evening.  

On Wednesday afternoon she texted me that her car had a breakdown (tires) and she couldn't make it. My Spidey Senses went on full alert in anticipation of a request for advance cash to pay for car repairs, but it never came.  Instead, she offered to reschedule 3 days later on Saturday. I took that as a good sign and agreed. On Saturday afternoon she texted me to confirm and then texted me again when she left home to drive to my place.  I set out some wine glasses with a nice Sauv. Blanc on ice,  and a cheese plate for us to sip & nibble as we got to know each other before starting the horizontal mamba.  

She sent me a fresh selfie pic of her driving on the 405 freeway and I got ready for fun.  

When she got to my place, she drove past my house, turned around and drove past it in the other direction, then turned around one more time and drove past again. I was texting her that I saw her car and she was indeed at the right place.  She finally parked about 3 houses down the street, and texted me she would be walking to my door in a moment. I waited and about 5 minutes later she knocked on my door. I opened the door and there she was; 5'8", brunette and with a bikini-model body.... but probably closer to 35 than to 28.  No worries. I wasn't going to get judgy with a hottie on my doorstep who was DTF.  

I invited her in and offered her a seat and a glass of wine.  She got about 2 steps into my foyer and stopped... Instead of sitting down, she looked a bit panicked and said she forgot her wallet in her car.  You can now guess that she went back to her car, got in, started the engine and drove off.  I asked her by text what was wrong and she just said "I'm sorry, I can't."  

That was it.  Never contacted me again. Didn't block me on SA and I think her profile is no longer active.

GaGambler447 reads

She might have thought less about herself "about to become a hooker" and more a "this isn't so bad" if she hadn't put the pressure on herself to "get right to it" by meeting at your house

But honestly, who knows? Even with the benefit of hindsight, some things just aren't meant to be.

I suppose with a lot of POT SB's it's like being a hooker's first P4P date, I am sure they are a thousand times more nervous than the guys. It's why I do like to meet for dinner/drinks rather than lunch/coffee. It just seems more natural to move from having a few cocktails or a nice dinner with wine back to "my place" and it seems so much less transactional. A lunch or coffee date followed by sex feels much more like a paid date, not that it bothers me of course, but I know the ladies seem to feel more comfortable when the dates seem less like a paid rendezvous and more like an "organic" date as many of them like to say.

Oh well, I don't think any of us want to have sex with a woman who is not 100% on board with it. I don't want to feel like I took advantage of any of these girls and so far none of them have made me feel that way, or that any of them had even the slightest bit of regret about having had sex with me. Of course there was that one who I am positive I was her first SD and probably the first sex she had had in quite some time, when we were done she said "well I guess I am now officially a hooker" lol I asked if that was a good or a bad thing, she made me feel a lot better when she said she only felt guilty about taking my money because it was the first good fucking she had gotten in a couple of years. She saw me at least another dozen times, so I guess she was telling the truth.

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