The Erotic Highway

SA updated their site
Looking4FitGFE 31 Reviews 848 reads

Last night I noticed that SA updated their site and had new symols for the Messages and Interests icon. Apparently they screwed up the messaging while doing this.. Before when you sent a message to a lady it would have a symbol next to your message showing that it was waiting to be read and once it was read by the lady there would be a check mark next to the message.  
Now, as soon as you send the message it immediately shows up with the check mark saying that is been read, which is not the case.
I sent 2 replies from interests I received this morning and immediately both said read when neither of the ladies were even online. Anyone else notice the same thing? I'm in Socal so not sure if it's a regional screw up or site wide screw up?

I'm having exact same issue

Posted By: Looking4FitGFE
Last night I noticed that SA updated their site and had new symols for the Messages and Interests icon. Apparently they screwed up the messaging while doing this.. Before when you sent a message to a lady it would have a symbol next to your message showing that it was waiting to be read and once it was read by the lady there would be a check mark next to the message.  
 Now, as soon as you send the message it immediately shows up with the check mark saying that is been read, which is not the case.  
 I sent 2 replies from interests I received this morning and immediately both said read when neither of the ladies were even online. Anyone else notice the same thing? I'm in Socal so not sure if it's a regional screw up or site wide screw up?

Just looked at it now and these bugs appear to be fixed.  

I sent two messages last night and they show as sent (but not read) today.

GaGambler462 reads

I started talking to a POT SB a few days ago and poof, she's gone completely. I mean every trace of her is gone including all the messages we traded over the last couple of days. Fortunately we started talking by email so I can ask her what happened, but normally even if a girl delists, the messages you exchange with her remain in your inbox although the profile no longer shows.

GaGa, I'm not sure, but I think this is what happens when an SB is removed for violating TOS.  

GaGambler367 reads

She just pulled the old "meet-assurance ticket id" scam on me. Or at least she tried to.  

I had a feeling she was TGTBT, smoking hot, wants a fuck buddy, wants to meet right now and never even spoke once about money. This is at least the fifth POT SB who has tried to get me to sign up for some kind of bogus "verification site" over the last few months.

Here's a PSA for the rest of you. This scam usually has the same MO. Hot girl of course, wants to get right at it and implies you will be fucking her before the day is over. Always wants to get right off of SA and uses email rather than text. Soon as she sets the hook and you agree to meet she tries to reel you into to some kind of phishing site on the pretense of "verification"  I have gone so far as to play along right up to having the link sent to me in order for me to get "verified" but I have always been on my own computer and there is no way in hell I am clicking on that link that will unleash God knows what kind of crap onto my computer.

The "upgrade" one feature and it has unintended consequences in verious other places. Eventually they get it more or less sorted out. But I guess they never heard of beta testing.

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