The Erotic Highway

There are worse things to be called, than cheap...
LovesEmNaughty 5 Reviews 1029 reads
1 / 22

I've occasionally heard pro's refer to clients as cheap who aren't willing to pay top dollar, and only heard them say that when I was the one paying top dollar, now they can say that about me... its classless....

So this is happening with SB's a lot lately... they know they want a lot of money and I can tell.  I'm a pretty determined negotiator I'll try everything I can to get them to lay out a dollar amount... they refuse and say they want the suggestion to come from me.  I go to great effort to lay out my budget and what I can really afford to do, which is admittedly modest.... and if they don't like it... they call me cheap.  CHEAP!  Like I  have had numerous women under 25 call me CHEAP!

Do they understand what this word means?  DO the think I have the leprechauns stash and just won't share?  Cheapness implies someone has the money and won't spend it... I'm practically offering these women all of the fun money I have and their response is "Cheap"..... as if I'm holding back... as if they know they are worth SO MUCH MORE to other men... Well where the fuck is he honey? Why are you talking to cheap ass guys like me if the world is so full of men who want to lavish cash on you?

And on a side note... why would pros AND sb's sit around and collect nothing than collect less than their price tag?  I see girls advertising all day long on sites, but won't budge on price... and we all see these same "High" and "Substabtial" SB's that only leave because they shut down their accounts... I mean sure no one is paying them for economics advice... but this makes no sense... Go ahead, tell me I'm a placeholder till the big fish comes, I won't be offended.

Not even "Thank for your time"... This is the height of entitled cuntiness whether its from a pro or an SB.

972619 22 Reviews 352 reads
2 / 22

So out of the last 5 SBs to call you cheap, what was your final and best offer to each one of them? Curious minds want to know. It all boils down to simple math in the end. Some will argue about other things but money talks loudest.

CloakingDevice 410 reads
3 / 22

Why would you let the opinion of someone who clearly hasn't figured out how the world works get to you in the first place?

If you've already laid out your discretionary budget illustrating you can spend x amount (meaning x + anything else would be completely unfeasible) and you run into an SB who calls you silly names, treat her like the "25 going on 12" brat she is and move on. Creating a thread about it, however, makes it seem like you want to compete with her/them for the immaturity crown.

Remember - you're supposed to be the older, wiser, more mature, experienced gentleman here. If this sort of thing really gets to you, you're going to have a tumultuous life.

LovesEmNaughty 5 Reviews 382 reads
4 / 22

Its usually an objection to my maximum available outlay each month, and wanting multiple meetings at that rate.... not a specific best offer.  Obviously I want to try to avoid committing my whole play fund to see one woman once a week...   and they want to get paid as much as they think they deserve or "need" which  of course they don't because SA is not a guaranteed source of incoming... what they need is a job.

I don't see how what I'm offering justifies the complaint I'm making... no matter what if someone offers literally all that they can afford, they are not being cheap.  They are in fact willing to put themselves at a huge disadvantage, which is the opposite.  Even the girl I posted about previously who told me she needed double the money of our first meet for less than half the action... called me cheap when I refused her....

Like these girls on SA seriously imagine that all men have money they are secretly refusing to spend on them and them alone

LovesEmNaughty 5 Reviews 356 reads
5 / 22

Gee thanks darling.  I don't think you can assess my emotional state or coping skills from the fact that I made this thread.  But your wisdom is so precious to me, I'm going to write it on my wall in permanent marker so I never forget.  You really needed an alias to say that nonsense?

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 306 reads
6 / 22

Once we decide that we want to meet I simply ask them what they are seeking. If they hesitate I just tell them that its easier to do via text or phone prior to meet face to face. Ive had a couple ladies refuse. I move on.

Had a very pretty 24 yo stop by my place the other day. She told me her previous was 3500 per month. I said I'd be lying if I  said I  would consider that. I told her 300 to 400 per meet to start. She quicly agreed. Then asked when. I said now. Alas she was on her period. So we had some very hot kissing. She's coming back on Saturday.  

OTOH,  HAVE one lady who is stuck at 600. I havent budged. She has called me cheap. Told her Im ok with that. Yet she still tects me daily. If she has so many men interested in her why the texts?

In the meantime Im dropping SA for awhile. Not worth it out in pussy siberia lol.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 11:45:02 AM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 367 reads
7 / 22
CloakingDevice 468 reads
8 / 22

Or, alternatively, whine more. Your prerogative, snowflake.

Maybe you should look into using an alias of your own, though it may be far too late to salvage your current handle.

bdb6 24 Reviews 305 reads
9 / 22

She meant "broke ass."    

Since you are unwilling to declare what you're offering, let's say for argument's sake that all the fun money you have to spend is $100. Should she take that because it represents a larger percentage of your income or net worth than some other guy who's willing to spend $300 to $400?  Just doesn't make sense

principium 362 reads
10 / 22

I rather be "accused" of being cheap any day as opposed to being called out as a scam artist, a cheat (financially speaking) a fraud or a fake! If I am addressed as such and believe me I have been called cheap even with my 500 PM "allowance", I will wear that as a badge of honor as opposed to guys who mislead girls talking a very big game and then delivering absolutely nothing! There are many of those on SA and some of our esteemed mongers have also "boasted" about those spoils on here!

I think what makes it a bit more difficult for you is the budget which you have set aside (about 1K per month IIRC) which is about my dispensable  SA funds (I'm in at 1.5 with the dates) with the frequency which you are looking for, which basically translates to about $250 overnight. This indeed makes it a tougher feat to achieve (speaking purely for myself) although someone like Sweetman seems to have no problems within that figure.

Finally since we had not heard from you, I was hoping that things were going swell for you and that lush SB you had met a couple of weeks ago. I guess not!

sweetman 93 Reviews 267 reads
11 / 22

I do seem to do ok in a lower dollar range, though to be honest I've been  in a dry spell lately. I think it's more due to the fact that I always seem to chase the young newbies who don't really know what they want rather than my dollar amount being too low. I suppose I could be wrong about that and would do better offering a lot more.  I only have one SB in my rotation at the moment, but she's a hot 19yo who spends the night with me for $200 so I can't complain. As for the OP, I too would be annoyed if a girl called me cheap.  I've had several decline my offers but in a polite way.  I've had a few go bsc when I declind their insanely high expectations. But I don't think the word cheap has ever come up.

easternpacific 291 reads
12 / 22

Just had initial meet with a SB, very cordial discussion of what we are looking for, likes, wants, desires and seemed to mesh well. Then the topic of allowance came up. She said she's been getting a monthly of $3000 for once a week meetings, my counter was half that with a couple overnights included. She showed some disbelief and immediately countered with 2000, but I let her know I was not comfortable with a full monthly allowance at first until we got to know each other better. Got the typical line that it seems too much like a transaction that way. We departed without an agreement, I guess I'm not sympathetic enough about why a once a month transaction has less of a stigma than a per meet transaction. Regardless, we left it open and will see what happens.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 322 reads
13 / 22

Offer her $1miilion. Once she says Ok its easy. Tell her we have established thats she is a hooker. Now we have to agree on price. Easy peasy.

principium 330 reads
14 / 22

That is not how that anecdote goes (I know that chubby means well), but here is the correct version because in Chubby's version he has already stated an actual $um!

You: Dear gorgeous POT SB, would you be willing to be intimate with me and become my ever doting exclusive SB, if I offer you a "substantial" allowance?!

Her: But of course my charming, dashing and debonair SD. So how much sugar are you going to allow me handsome?

You: How about X00 per meeting?

Her: (shocked!) You fcuking cheap arse! What kind of a woman (lady) do you think that I am?

You: Well, my dear! We have already established what kind of a woman (lady) you are, so we are now just negotiating over the price!

A variant of this anecdote had been attributed to George Bernard Shaw who had used the word haggling over negotiating ;)

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 8:02:38 PM

herbtcat 6 Reviews 437 reads
15 / 22

My sense is that the SB assumes that with a monthly amount, they can either skip or delay one of the specified meets (whether from a "real" emergency or not) without penalty.    

Her rationale: "The monthly allowance is just that, my monthly sugar, and I count it as "income."  And as part of my SB "duties" I will make best effort to meet my SD every week, or 2x / 3 x a month, etc..  But just like having a BF or Hubby, shit will happen and sometimes my schedule will just have priorities (like another SD!) that demand my time.  But, hey, my Daddy is such a sweet and generous guy that he won't mind, especially if I promise to make it up to him later (even if I never do).  In fact, I'll bet he will appreciate me even more if he has to wait an extra week for all this sugar!"  

My rationale:  "Fuck that!"  

Its p4p now and for the foreseeable future. I've already been stung more than once by the separation of sugar and service.  

I had an SB that had seen me BCD 4 times in 7 weeks and never a complaint or issue with her $400 sugar per.  She asked me for her $400 3 days in advance to help her cover an important bill and I provided.  You can guess this already, gents can't you?  Total radio silence.  No reply to texts, calls, emails.  Did not block me on SA or WYP and her profiles are still active. I'm pretty sure I'll see her one day when I go back to the strip club where she dances part time. That will be an interesting day...  

Final observation: For every 3 POT SB's negotiations that fail, I get 1 that works out to at least one BCD for 250-500 (in the San Fernando Valley). I am not younger, or slimmer, and I'm not god's gift to banging some hottie into dozens of orgasms (though I always make sure she has one or two), so they aren't just falling onto my dick. The average batting average in the MLB in 2004 was .260. So I'll take a .250 batting average all day.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 296 reads
16 / 22

As always princess I was using the cliff notes version. You go for war and peace. You try typing on a goddam phone! But I have a new laptop so I can be more verbose in my posts. NOT!  As for you I still plan on wrappimg my chubby fingers around your neck and shcaking you like a ragdoll once you come out of hiding. Have a nice day!

Posted By: principium
That is not how that anecdote goes (I know that chubby means well), but here is the correct version because in Chubby's version he has already stated an actual $um!  
 You: Dear gorgeous POT SB, would you be willing to be intimate with me and become my ever doting exclusive SB, if I offer you a "substantial" allowance?!  
 Her: But of course my charming, dashing and debonair SD. So how much sugar are you going to allow me handsome?  
 You: How about X00 per meeting?  
 Her: (shocked!) You fcuking cheap arse! What kind of a woman (lady) do you think that I am?  
 You: Well, my dear! We have already established what kind of a woman (lady) you are, so we are now just negotiating over the price!  
 A variant of this anecdote had been attributed to George Bernard Shaw who had used the word haggling over negotiating ;)

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 8:02:38 PM

GaGambler 381 reads
17 / 22

Your cliff notes version was just fine as EVERYONE is familiar with the quote/anecdote.

Some jokes are so old and so well known, retelling them is a waste of time and bores the audience. just repeating the punch line is more than sufficient.

It' just like the difference between "potential and reality" there is no need to retell the entire joke, but doesn't this suffice? "We have the potential of making two million dollars, but the reality is that we are living with a couple of whores" lol

principium 261 reads
18 / 22

I didn't know you were into erotic asphyxiation? LOL!

principium 402 reads
19 / 22

Now you're being a dimwit for the sake of stirring the pot! So here is an extra spatula for you :D

Once you tell the "joke" incorrectly, it pans and backfires! Chubby's version would already let the cat out of the bag by stating that 1 Mil as his offer, so to tell that anecdote with a specific number stated will not work in one's favor in order to deliver the punchline.

We granted, I know that Chubby means well. I've know of that fcuker for a while now ;)

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 10:33:40 AM

GaGambler 305 reads
20 / 22

We've all heard it so the fastest route to the punchline is the preferred method.

There is nothing worse than dragging out the telling of a fifty year old joke, by the time someone like you has made it to the punchline, the rest of us have moved on to another topic.

principium 333 reads
21 / 22

Terrible joke to tell an unsophisticated POT SB on SA!

This is the kind of "joke" that you would consider telling a self-entitled yet sophisticated socialite minx while sipping on expensive cognac and enjoying a more pricey stogy (old fashioned setting for an old joke).

Don't blame me though! Chubby started this!

easternpacific 298 reads
22 / 22

After a couple days, the SB got back to me and agreed to a pay per meet. After she spent a few days back on SA I can only assume it was my natural charm, good looks and superior intellect...haha. We even agreed in short order on the amount. In any event, as with any arrangement, it's all a roll of the dice, she's already back online so I'll probably get kicked to the curb by a "real" SD that knows how to spoil her....

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