The Erotic Highway

SB update. And thoughts
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 1848 reads

First and foremost. There are no rules. You have to be patient and flexible. Im not super rich so early on I ask them what they are seeking. If we arent even close we both saved time. And money with with dinner or drinks.

In the past 2 weeks I've  fucked a 52, 34,25,25 yo. Total cost 500 for about 12 hours of fucking and companionship. Im 58. Bald. 6' 215.

I treat them nice. Dont bullshit them. Dont pressure. At least in my market I'm starting to realize a lot DO want mentoring but having a place to chill for them us important. Roomates and parents is wearing them out and some want to fuck.  

Im amazed!

4 women for $500. What's you're secret? You should write a book.  

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
First and foremost. There are no rules. You have to be patient and flexible. Im not super rich so early on I ask them what they are seeking. If we arent even close we both saved time. And money with with dinner or drinks.  
 In the past 2 weeks I've  fucked a 52, 34,25,25 yo. Total cost 500 for about 12 hours of fucking and companionship. Im 58. Bald. 6' 215.  
 I treat them nice. Dont bullshit them. Dont pressure. At least in my market I'm starting to realize a lot DO want mentoring but having a place to chill for them us important. Roomates and parents is wearing them out and some want to fuck.  
 Im amazed!

GaGambler434 reads

Oh well, I suppose the OP is lying too.

SFTD seems to have found the happy medium of asking for sex without "pressuring" the girls for sex.

The most important rule he points out is that there are no rules to this. Just a few suggested methods that seem to work for those of us who take the time to post.

He reminds me of the dude who has to embellish everything for his own ego.

I'm sure he's dabbled in P4P....but I suggest that most of his stories are just contrived in his head.

He probably lifts shit off of the old Penthouse letters for material as well.

As for anyone who is fucking a's still P4P in sugarland or hookerland.  Nothing all that tough to figure out.  And as you have often pointed out, and I concur...some guys just have "that confidence" to not have problems getting what they they want it.

And then there are guys like Z who simply never had it.

Posted By: GaGambler
Oh well, I suppose the OP is lying too.  
 SFTD seems to have found the happy medium of asking for sex without "pressuring" the girls for sex.  
 The most important rule he points out is that there are no rules to this. Just a few suggested methods that seem to work for those of us who take the time to post.

GaGambler280 reads

He was on here the other day and in a sideways, rather cunty manner tried to call me out as a liar, but if we are going to have a credibility contest here, Can ANYONE vouch for the guy? Neither of us write reviews, but there are dozens, most likely hundreds of people who can vouch for me.  

Has any person, man or woman, EVER met the guy? Would anyone like to vouch for him, or is he just a giant sack of hot air?

Zangari389 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Has any person, man or woman, EVER met the guy? Would anyone like to vouch for him, or is he just a giant sack of hot air?
 You seem really emboldened now that big bro showed up.   You also have a history,  "player".   Just a quick search on the GD board will show these guys your delusional egomania:  your idiotic bragging about "fucking your Hooker GFs for free", etc.  Your posts here are just a slight variation of your old garbage on the GD board.  

 If you really had the game you claim you have, then you wouldn't be spending all your time posting on a site for Johns.  You'd be on Tinder or Match.  Instead,  you post on TER **way more** than anyone on the board: over 2800 posts in 6 months. That doesn't say 'Player', that describes a very lonely person.  My advice: drop off the board & get a life.  You're welcome.  --

Zangari430 reads

Posted By: Dr Who revived
 I'm sure he's dabbled in P4P....but I suggest that most of his stories are just contrived --snip--  
 On the topic of reliability, tell the guys on this board how many name changes you've had to make here on TER.   Or when you tried to pretend on the GD board that you weren't married.  There's even an old post you made here on Erotic Highway--crying to the Love Goddess because you were too perverted for a hooker.   At least back then, you were an honest pervert.   Just a few TER searches reveals so much about you.   --

So which of the personas that you're following is the real persona?

It's all so terribly confusing   hahahaha

You think I was an "honest pervert"?  That is so cute  ;)

BTW....pull up those posts where I called you out over the years.  That might keep you busy too.  I'm too lazy.

Please tell "us" that story again of the hooker/sb that you were afraid of.  That was a fun story.  At least the first 28 times.

Posted By: Zangari
Posted By: Dr Who revived
 I'm sure he's dabbled in P4P....but I suggest that most of his stories are just contrived --snip--  
  On the topic of reliability, tell the guys on this board how many name changes you've had to make here on TER.   Or when you tried to pretend on the GD board that you weren't married.  There's even an old post you made here on Erotic Highway--crying to the Love Goddess because you were too perverted for a hooker.   At least back then, you were an honest pervert.   Just a few TER searches reveals so much about you.   --z  

since I usually spend only $200 for a multi hour date with a lovely honey. I've got two 19yo SBs in the rotation right now at that price and will be meeting an 18yo to add to the mix next week.  But I agree totally with you about treating them nice and being honest and straight up with them. A little bit of kindness and a little bit of money go a long way.

CuriousSort308 reads

When you say it cost you about $500 does that mean you're giving them money or is that what it cost you for dinner, drinks, etc?  How did the finances break down?

So....I have a 27 year old that initially I'm only able to meet around lunch time.  I've seen her once.  No talk at all about money.  Just had coffee with her.  But she likes me. I honestly suspect she isn't looking for money as much as she wants a decent guy and a good fuck.

 She lives in the same town as my daughter works so I'm thinking of trying to set it up where I pick her up (so that we end up back at her place) and take her out to another nearby town.  There aren't any really good places to eat in the area.  There are some places to shop.  I can't be gone for 3 hours though for lunch.  There are parks/lakes in the area...thought maybe about buying her some nice jewelry and taking her to a park and giving it to her but that might come off as cheap.

Anyone got any ideas?

Its cliser to 600. I took the 25 panty and bikini shopping. Drpped $50 at Victoria secret. $30 for 2 bikinis and drive through fast food for lunch. This chick loves a bargain lol.

Posted By: CuriousSort
When you say it cost you about $500 does that mean you're giving them money or is that what it cost you for dinner, drinks, etc?  How did the finances break down?  
 So....I have a 27 year old that initially I'm only able to meet around lunch time.  I've seen her once.  No talk at all about money.  Just had coffee with her.  But she likes me. I honestly suspect she isn't looking for money as much as she wants a decent guy and a good fuck.  
  She lives in the same town as my daughter works so I'm thinking of trying to set it up where I pick her up (so that we end up back at her place) and take her out to another nearby town.  There aren't any really good places to eat in the area.  There are some places to shop.  I can't be gone for 3 hours though for lunch.  There are parks/lakes in the area...thought maybe about buying her some nice jewelry and taking her to a park and giving it to her but that might come off as cheap.  
 Anyone got any ideas?

Mine runs arrangements are 300 and I think they are both going to be regular.      The 25 year old has nothing but a child.     Took her down and bought her perfume, makeup, an outfit, and shoes.    Macy's made her up to look like a Movie Star.     The sales ladies kept asking what relationship we were.    I told them she was my niece and trying to find a husband to pay her bills.     You have to beat them off with a broom so many of them out there.    3 young girls lined up in addition for next week going to have to turn them down I guess it's all I can handle.     Tell them your kin to Benjamin Franklin and they fall in love, even when your 70 yrs..

CuriousSort330 reads

I'm seeing her in the morning.  She collects records.   I told her I had some gifts to bring to her so I am going to her house.  I have 3 albums to give her.  I may stop and pick up some perfume or something, too.  I'm not expecting anything in return and may actually tell her no strings attached just to ease her mind.  But I am hoping to get a kiss out of the deal.  If she will let me kiss her, she will be mine.  I'm a great kisser! (Actually have had women cum from my kissing them with no other sexual contact)    If I get that kiss, she may want me right then and there.  :)  Never know.  Wish me luck.

GaGambler353 reads

If you can get that first kiss, and by kiss I don't mean a "peck on the cheek" you aren't halfway there, you are 90% of the way there.

Yes, I can concur with you, I am a great kisser as well, and usually when they are open to kissing, it just progresses to sex. :)

Hoping you get her revved up  

Posted By: CuriousSort
I'm seeing her in the morning.  She collects records.   I told her I had some gifts to bring to her so I am going to her house.  I have 3 albums to give her.  I may stop and pick up some perfume or something, too.  I'm not expecting anything in return and may actually tell her no strings attached just to ease her mind.  But I am hoping to get a kiss out of the deal.  If she will let me kiss her, she will be mine.  I'm a great kisser! (Actually have had women cum from my kissing them with no other sexual contact)    If I get that kiss, she may want me right then and there.  :)  Never know.  Wish me luck.

When I get a real kiss going, I know we're going to wind up in bed.

Zangari409 reads

et's start with this:  Even top-tier College SBs can easily google an escort site & find the going rate for P4P.  SBs *know* about escorts and their rates (or can easily find out).   We all together on this? Good, let's move on.  

 The OP is telling us:  4 girls @ 500.   Like many others, this is a big claim with little detail. That averages out to $125 a throw.   All of you know that's Crack Whore/Streetwalker rate.  Your SB knows that as well.  A young woman can make close to that cash waitressing one shift (with tips).   She doesn't need to fuck a guy older than her dad.    

 Since the Op provided little detail (except for a brief description of himself),  let's try to make this scenario as believable as possible:  The two girls in their 20s: Maybe you can get them for $200 each.   In my town, that's at the low end of the P411 scale.  Girls I wouldn't fuck for free.  That's $400 spent.   You have $100 left for the 34 year old and 50 year old.  Maybe you buy each dinner and they fuck you for free.  But I'm not wasting my time & money chasing a cougar and a grandma.  

 My brothers: don't be gullible, for chrissakes.  You can fuck the old & the ugly on the cheap.  But not beautiful young SBs.  It doesn't work that way.    Don't believe every claim made on this board.  Good luck out there.   --

GaGambler284 reads

Just who the fuck are you anyhow?

Most guys here have reviews, or at least a handful of people, either hookers or johns,  that they call friends. I can't think of anybody who has ever met you, or that knows the fist thing about you. I think it's YOU that has the credibility issue here

I do have one serious question for you though, just why do you feel the need to piss on everyone else's parade, both here and on the other board? Ok, I guess that makes two questions for you as my first question has has never been answered "Just who the fuck are you anyhow?"

Why don't you do things you way and let the rest of us do things our own way? It appears that the majority of us are doing just fine TYV

Zangari304 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Just who the fuck are you anyhow…I can't think of anybody who has ever met you…Just who the fuck are you...
 I must admit, I laughed at this.  You had to ask twice.  You remind me of some dude in a horror film who's scared shitless & screaming…WHO ARE YOU????  WHOOOO ARRRRE YOOOUU....   lol.  

 Here's the answer--as I've mentioned in several posts before:  I live in a midwestern state, not a major market.  There's not even a TER regional board for my metro area.  And I've been almost exclusively in the sugar bowl for the last four years.  That's not so scary, is it?  I hope you're feeling better now.  

Posted By: GaGambler
I do have one serious question for you though, just why do you feel the need to piss on everyone else's parade, both here and on the other board?
 That's your "serious question".  It's rather amazing--coming from someone like you, who loves to flame people (don't deny it).  But I'll answer your question as if you were an innocent newbie: Anything you post on the board is open to interpretation and criticism.  If you can't handle that, then get off the board.  --

First of all whether the top tier college SBs can check the going hourly rate for an escort is not relevant. In my experience they don't do that. When I have told my SBs about the p4p world such as ter they are fascinated but totally ignorant of these websites, let alone how to use them to look up rates.  I'm playing with 2 beautiful, fresh college 19yo SBs right now who I would mos def describe as top tier. These are the girls I would have died to play with when I was a young guy with absolutely nothing to offer. These girls are very happy to accept a gift of $200 per visit, no allowance. I have many, many reviews and white list references so I hope I have some cred here. These girls do enjoy fucking a mature kind man who treats them with kindness and worldliness

Zangari346 reads

Posted By: sweetman
First of all whether the top tier college SBs can check the going hourly rate for an escort is not relevant. In my experience they don't do that.  
 You don't think P4P rates are relevant to an SB who's involved in P4P.  And they're too innocent to know about escort sites where rates are posted, or sugar forums where allowances are discussed.  That's the argument you're making here.  
Posted By: sweetman
I'm playing with 2 beautiful, fresh college 19yo SBs right now who I would mos def describe as top tier…these girls are very happy to accept a gift of $200 per visit, no allowance.  
 Per your account, along with your previous posts:  two "top tier College SBs" (not hookers) drop by your RV in a Wal-Mart parking lot.  Where they happily fuck a 69 year old man for $200 a throw.   Everyone got that?   They had to pick up some back-to-school supplies anyway.  --z

GaGambler318 reads

Oh whatever would we do with the all knowing and omnipotent Z to protect us from these bald faced liars?

and just who are these "top tier College SB's" to which you constantly refer?  You seem to be the only person who uses that particular term, so I take it your use of quotes is not a literal one, and that Sweetman never said those exact words, did he? So which one of you has the most credibility? Right now, I'd have to say you are the one with the credibility problem, which I suppose accounts for you lashing out at everyone who disagrees with you, which just happens to be EVERYBODY of late.

Are you sure you really like hanging around a place so full of liars? The rest of us all seem to be getting along just fine, only you seem to be constantly getting your panties in a wad. Besides, you have been here for what 7-8 years now? Don't you find it telling that after all this time you haven't made a single "board bud"??? Add that to the fact you hold hookers in total disdain and it really begs the question "why are you here?"

Zangari242 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
 Ok GaGambler is a liar, SFTD is a liar and now Sweetman joins the ranks of liars
 No, you're in a class all by yourself, sorry.  In regard to SFTD, I actually took his bare bones post & provided a possible scenario that made his account plausible.  You didn't bother to read it.   As to Sweetman, he's way ahead of you--at  least he provides some detail to his posts.  
Posted By: GaGambler
 just who are these "top tier College SB's" to which you constantly refer?   that Sweetman never said those exact words, did he?
 Actually, Sweetman did use those words, see below.  That's another post you didn't bother to read.  How could you read or think about anything--you're blinded by idiotic rage now.  
Posted By: sweetman
I'm playing with 2 beautiful, fresh college 19yo SBs…who I would mos def describe as top tier
Note here:  I actually believe most of Sweetman's account.  I just think he's overstating the quality of the girls he's seeing--more than likely young hookers on a sugar site.  

 There are guys on this board like "Hwy2Heaven" who are posting detailed, credible accounts.  And he's paying a lower allowance than me--$300 to $350 per week.  But as he's detailed in his posts, he lives in an area with three major universities, so there's a surplus of college SBs.  Totally believable & credible account.   --

 Note here:  I actually believe most of Sweetman's account.  I just think he's overstating the quality of the girls he's seeing--more than likely young hookers on a sugar site.  
As somebody who has been in the sugar game for quite a while and has seen others talk about it, I think this is probably the most accurate. It's definitely believable that you can get young naive SBs to do nasty stuff for a much lower price. But they are most likely not 9s, mostly 6s. I've seen guys on other boards brag about how they landed a 10 SB and then when they share the pictures, the girls are very clearly 6s.

GaGambler193 reads

I just went down your list of reviews and I see a couple of overlaps we have, and you scores are much higher for appearance than I would personally have given. Does that mean you have no taste? Of course not, but it proves in my mind at least that your idea of a 10 is a lot more generous than mine.

In one of the cases where we overlap, I would never rate her a ten personally for looks, but the sex with her is so mind blowing, I suppose I can't fault you for getting carried away. I won't name her, but she's tiny if that gives you a clue.

and as far as overstating, just how the fuck are we supposed to know what kind of standards Z has? He has zero reviews, (not that that is a crime) and not a single soul on any TER board has ever met him. Talk about a lack of credibility. He just gets on his high fucking horse and tells everyone else how to do things.

Zangari232 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
just how the fuck are we supposed to know what kind of standards Z has?
   Now you know.

It's clear that my methods don't appeal to you, nor do yours appeal to me.  But that's ok, right?  I have no reason to disbelieve your accounts.  And I assure you everything I've said is perfectly accurate.  I wonder if my cred with you would be improved if the next time I have an RV date with one of these honeys I post a blow by blow account?  Or would you just say I made it all up?

info, guys, info, not infighting.

And, FWIW, while I have yet to venture into the SB, I've corresponded by PM with sweetman, (not about sugar bowl things) and he's credible.

And that doesn't make other views less credible either. As someone with zero SB experience at this point, even I can appreciate that the variety of woman and their degree of sophistication (or lack thereof) can be MUCH wider than in the p4p world, which has much more set rules.

BTW, the reasons I've yet to venture into the bowl are: (1) small town and I'm leary of putting up photos, (2) no matter how you slice it, SB takes more time than simple p4p, and it's hard for me to justify very many long absences from home. If married guys want to explain how they manage that, I'm all attention. Just don't say "get permission", as that is not an option...

GaGambler208 reads

The first of course is having your picture recognized by some friend of your wife who is "stepping out" herself, but will damn sure make sure your wife knows about your infidelity, second of course is setting up something in a small town without being recognized or even worse, meeting up with an SB who knows you or a family member.

I don't know if the sugar world really is for you as you face many challenges that the rest of us do not. I now live in a rather small town a couple of hours out of Dallas and my latest SB actually knew my business partner as she went to school with his younger brother. That could have been VERY awkward if either of us were trying to hide anything. So I can kind of relate although it doesn't actually apply to me.

My only real suggestion is to search in towns a good 25-50 miles away, work out a cover story and do NOT do things my way. Z's way is MUCH MUCH better for a man in your situation and quite frankly it's the only way you might have any chance of making this work for you.

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