The Erotic Highway

the "real" reasons?
lilli 2766 reads

the real reasons that so many providers do not see younger men have been stated on the GB and other boards many, many times. and as LG accurately states, there are as many reasons as there are providers with such a preference. did you believe that LG would reveal some deep dark secret that we providers are hiding from you? the truth is there is no dark secret or complexity here, it's simply a matter of personal preference, or practicality, or most often, some combination of the two.

i do not see men under 40...and i have many reasons for this which have all been expressed before, but in the end it comes down to the simple fact that i am simply not attracted to men close to my own age or younger, and never have been. all of my romantic and sexual relationships from the early teenage years on, have been with men many years my senior. my Husband is nearly 20 yrs my senior. emotionally, mentally, even spiritually...i have a much more natural connection with older men. and as far as sexuality...i am attracted to a man of sexual experience, confidence, maturity, and self-awareness...a man who is far beyond the "exploring" and fumbling stage of sexual growth and knows who he is (and is comfortable with that), what he needs and desires, and how to go about getting it, with class and wisdom.

so yes, both in and out of the hobby, i do not engage in relationships with men under 40. it is what is most comfortable and natural for me, it is what i like, and that is all that matters. other providers will have their own reasons, all which i'm sure you've heard before. but you should also remember that for every woman like me who adores older men, there are women (of which LG is one i believe) who find men in your age range to be the most desirable. now whether or not their personal preference will translate to the hobby however, is a different story of course.

This topic has been brought up on the general and newbie boards several times before, but would like your input.

When I look at a providers website, sometimes they have an age preference of 30 or older or even 35 or older.  Me being 22, I have been turned down a few times for being too young, but I've also had some ladies make exceptions for me and have been pleasantly surprised.

I know it's a providers choice who she chooses to spend her time with, but what do you think the real reasons are why they would not wanna see a younger guy?

Too many problems, games, rob & so on.

Personally, I adore the younger guys. I've never had a problem seeing them but I do know one of the reasons a lot of providers don't want to see them.  .

They don't show up for appointments and often give the provider a hard time.

Some, in their youthful know it all-ness haven't learned the etiquette of this business. They think they can make the rules.  I see it as my obligation to inform them that there IS an etiquette. The respectful ones comply, the jerks don't. But there are jerks at any age. Youth doesn't have an exclusivity on jerkiness.  ( I know, I made that word up.)

One of my friends in the biz in Chicago kept track, by age, of client reliability.  She found that those under 38 were less likely to keep the appointment so she stopped seeing them. I've heard this from several other providers.

Myself, I love them and will take their call.  If they have no respect in the contact process, there's no appointment offered. If there is respect and an eagerness to meet I find a way to screen them.  Some ARE sexually inexperienced, some are cocky, (no pun intended),  many have had an early encounter with an older woman and never get over it and want it again and again and many want to spend time with a woman of experience who can teach them how to be a  better lover. If I can teach, I will. But surprisingly enough, many of these young 'uns have a sexually maturity that surprises me. Would I want this all the time? Oh no. But it's a lovely adventure and I love variety in my life.

I also adore my older, experienced, mature, world class lovers. I have had some of the best sexual encounters of my life with my mature gents. But I've also had some fabulous ones with my younger guys.

It doesn't bother me that I don't have flawless skin and no wrinkles, next to their youthful perfection. That's not what they are looking for in the encounter with a mature woman. It's a delight and I'll always raise my hand here or in my civilian life when a younger gent wants to meet.

And that's what makes life interesting, we're all different.

Life is good.


TheLoveGoddess2416 reads

Dear BoyToy4U,

I think there are as many reasons as there are providers. But if you just apply general logic, it would stand to reason that young guys may not be as
a) concerned with the provider's general well-being
b) safe in terms of sexual activity requested
c) observant of provider rules and regulations
d) generally immature
compared to middle-aged men.

In addition, it may be more difficult to screen younger people, as their work history may be brief and not easily verified. Some providers don't want to see students, much for that reason. But in general, it is expected that a mature gentleman represents a safer and perhaps less "impulsive" bet than someone younger than 30.

Now, these are not opinions etched in stone - these are some hypotheses. As you have experienced, there are always exceptions to the rule. And the flip side is also there - some providers (although a minority, I'm sure) don't like to see "older men," for various reasons.

It all comes down to personal preference,
The Love Goddess

This kind of falls under (d), I guess. I found it difficult to talk with someone so much younger than me, it was uncomfortable. I used to say that if you don't know who Mick Jagger is, then you are too young to see me. Seriously, I ran into twenty-something who did not know who the beatles were, that blew me away.

But then...of course I ran into a few who were great, sounded good, and I went ahead and saw them. I was glad I didn't pass them up, because where they were at in their maturity was well beyond their years. But how can I say 'well beyond their years' when I have met some much older that act with the maturity of a spoiled brat. This maturity thing can be true for both men and women.

Ah well, I tend to go on a case by case basis now...never know when you will find a diamond in the rough :)

lilli2767 reads

the real reasons that so many providers do not see younger men have been stated on the GB and other boards many, many times. and as LG accurately states, there are as many reasons as there are providers with such a preference. did you believe that LG would reveal some deep dark secret that we providers are hiding from you? the truth is there is no dark secret or complexity here, it's simply a matter of personal preference, or practicality, or most often, some combination of the two.

i do not see men under 40...and i have many reasons for this which have all been expressed before, but in the end it comes down to the simple fact that i am simply not attracted to men close to my own age or younger, and never have been. all of my romantic and sexual relationships from the early teenage years on, have been with men many years my senior. my Husband is nearly 20 yrs my senior. emotionally, mentally, even spiritually...i have a much more natural connection with older men. and as far as sexuality...i am attracted to a man of sexual experience, confidence, maturity, and self-awareness...a man who is far beyond the "exploring" and fumbling stage of sexual growth and knows who he is (and is comfortable with that), what he needs and desires, and how to go about getting it, with class and wisdom.

so yes, both in and out of the hobby, i do not engage in relationships with men under 40. it is what is most comfortable and natural for me, it is what i like, and that is all that matters. other providers will have their own reasons, all which i'm sure you've heard before. but you should also remember that for every woman like me who adores older men, there are women (of which LG is one i believe) who find men in your age range to be the most desirable. now whether or not their personal preference will translate to the hobby however, is a different story of course.

trowe1798 reads

It is well known that some ladies not only advertise on escort sites, but also on dating sites.  I have observed some instances where the said ladies will restrict their escort services to mature men, but restrict their non-escort services to younger men.  I have not observed the reverse situation.

Posted By: lilli

you should also remember that for every woman like me who adores older men, there are women (of which LG is one i believe) who find men in your age range to be the most desirable. now whether or not their personal preference will translate to the hobby however, is a different story of course.

Many people have different criteria when it comes to choosing a SO versus a paid-for sexual partner. Many ladies may be very comfortable behind closed doors with a Gen 30+ years her senior, but not so comfortable in similar circumstances if in public. Many people adjust their public preferences and behavior according to what is deemed as being socially acceptable or stigmatic. I am not saying whether this is right or wrong, but it is a fact!

Posted By: trowe
It is well known that some ladies not only advertise on escort sites, but also on dating sites.  I have observed some instances where the said ladies will restrict their escort services to mature men, but restrict their non-escort services to younger men.  I have not observed the reverse situation.
Posted By: lilli

you should also remember that for every woman like me who adores older men, there are women (of which LG is one i believe) who find men in your age range to be the most desirable. now whether or not their personal preference will translate to the hobby however, is a different story of course.

justajohn1231691 reads

i once heard the reason was because, and i quote: "i will feel like a gargoyle next to your youthful skin" now that was what i was told some years back from a 40yr old woman who i had briefly seen at a m&g, and let me just say, this girl put 20yr old girls to shame in regards to looks, body, maturity, and from what i read, skill in the bedroom. she was a DIME all around!  but it is a reason that, while i do not fully understand, but makes sense to the lady, so she chooses to see men over 35.

You seem fond of using the phrase "well known" and then following it with incomprehensible factoids that are apparently known only to you.

My sweetie is 55 years old to my 37 years old. He's actually a bit on the young side for me. When I was in my 20's I tended to date men in their 40's and up.

I do not post an age restriction on my website. However, I rarely see men in their 20's simply because they don't make it through screening most of the time. More often that not, it is the maturity level and attitude of younger men that are a concern to ladies. It has little to do with personal preference. Its a decision made for our safety and our own peace of mind.

trowe2026 reads

If you question the accuracy of my post, go to some of the sugar daddy/arrangement websites.  You will find ads by some ladies who advertise or are discussed on theeroticreview.  There is often a difference between the lady's age preference for a hobbyist and her preference for a long term companion.

1. Your observations would be anecdotal at best, since the number of women you observe on these sites would represent too small a number to be representative of the provider community as a whole.

2. Some women use those venues to seek p4p arrangements (god only knows why, its only asking for trouble in my opinion). So unless you've contacted some of them and determined that they were looking for non-p4p contact, you can't make the assumption that they have one preference for p4p, and another for non-p4p.

trowe2099 reads

1.  Agree that my observations may not be representative of the provider community as a whole.  However, these observations and the observations of other hobbyists in this thread demonstrate that at least some providers have different age criteria when selecting customers than when selecting companions (boyfriends, significant others, etc.)

2.  Agree that some providers use the sugar daddy/arrangement websites for play for pay only purposes.  I answered one ad and that lady candidly admitted that she was an escort and referred me to her escort website.  Other ladies are more coy, but it is obvious that play for pay only is the objective.  On the other hand, some providers use those website, either for play for both pay and fun or play for fun only.  These latter providers allow (and sometimes insist on) a "courtship" (e.g., exhange of emails, texts, and  photos,  online/phone chats, and face-to-face meetings).  For these latter providers, there is sometimes there is a difference in the target ages for customers and for companions.

Posted By: SinsOfTheFlesh
1. Your observations would be anecdotal at best, since the number of women you observe on these sites would represent too small a number to be representative of the provider community as a whole.

2. Some women use those venues to seek p4p arrangements (god only knows why, its only asking for trouble in my opinion). So unless you've contacted some of them and determined that they were looking for non-p4p contact, you can't make the assumption that they have one preference for p4p, and another for non-p4p.

Most of the times it's a security factor, men who are older tend to be more legit and safer. But I live in Hollywood where I see people in the entertainment business, the majority of my guys are actually under 30. I don't have too much of a preference the only thing that I truly can't do is obese guys. But that's a personal thing.

So I am 35 and live in LA.  Using an escort is new to me, but I have friends with a ton of experience with this hobby.

A fit provider usually charges $500 per hour in LA.  If you want to be a regular Jon that would use this service once a week, that's $2000 a month.  I make over $140,000 a year and I don't think I can fork over $2000 month for this hobby.  Save your money for that down payment on the house.  One of my clients is a well known Drug Rehab facility to the stars that has Sexual recovery addiction division.  I didn't realize that this is a big problem here.  Normal guys get into debt and their behavior patterns change where they become rude, inconsiderate, and a-holes.  When I heard this, I definitely don't want to go down this slippery slope.  I can see that a older fella is more established and responsible with his money.  So they can be reliable and make it happen.

I have been fortunate to be raised as a gentleman and my current escort loves me for it.  She is 21 and have been doing this for 6 months now, but she has told me stories of stalkers and some crazy people out there.  Like Blaire's comment on obese guys, my escort told me the same thing.  Guys are heavy and drip nasty sweat all over her.  Sorry I got off topic.

I know that I make more money than the average guy.  So if you are younger with cash, chances are you come from a rich family and you have characteristics of immature person that escorts are usually turned off by.  It's safe to say that the majority of younger men are like this, but there is a small percentage that are not.  An experience escort is not going to take a chance or just had bad experience and are over it.

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