The Erotic Highway

Fresh start thread, anyone?!regular_smile
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Eff'ing Z shows up, throws a tantrum and derails so how about a thread to inject some bio if you feel comfortable and some actual past/present experiences? Game on!

I can only speak from experience and try to make this concise enough in case someone fits in or similar to my mold:

Bio: slightly darker shade of white and mixed (not mixed races and not brown), 53 YO, 5'9", athletically built 180 (+- 5 lb. depending on my period ;) ) greying S&P dark hair and green eyes. Haven't been kicked out of bed by anyone and can hold my own in a bar scene. Single, detached, no parole officer and no warden. Kids are grown up and am empty nester per se. Comfortable but not wealthy. Can afford to Eff around with 1K-2K per month max. The top end if I make personal sacrifices. Not a horn dog who needs it everyday. Would be great, but used to looong periods of draught. A survivalist if you will, both in the urban jungle and the real ones! I fib on my profile my height by 1" and my age by -2 (I still want to state that I'm over 50 because I think that some women are actually attracted to those who have paid their dues, child/spousal support, yada, yada and are free of the shackles of one's 30's and 40's. Anyway, that's my theory!

I compose well written profiles and I have very recent photos (less than 2 weeks old). Main photo has been cropped to show an athletic physique (clothed) and 5 private photos showing full face (smiling, sorta), hiking with my dogs, full length in a dress shirt and pants, plus two scantly clad from belly button up showing toned and muscle physique (those who request privates, as they almost all do, I state in a message that a couple of privates are immodest and if prides, please just pass on me. I like to show off, a bit!).

Messages are also well crafted and I almost have an 80% response rate but I don't just keep throwing darts haphazardly on the SB board. I message about 3-5 a day within only a 50 miles radius as I don't travel too far for them and don't want out of towers who need trip expenses, etc. Fooque that! I use a standard message template which I almost change on a daily basis and then copy/paste plus incorporate something from their profile description to make them understand that I read their shyte! I don't write to very young ones, those who only muster (barely) 2 sentences and those who write loooong essays (I know, I can be one myself!). I they respond with a wink after my well honed message, I won't write back. If they don't reciprocate photo sharing, I will also unsure after 24 hours.

In Z's World, I may be a Unicorn! OK, I will write some more in another response depending on how the day goes along!

SD/SB liaisons (call it what you'd like ranging from P4P hookups to quasi Civvie dating) take both time and patience. Definitely not as quick and as guaranteed of a sure thing as it is in the "hobby" world but it definitely incorporates those exciting (for some) elements of the chase. What tilts the scales in our favor is the ALLOWANCE and that is the hook. The SBs have learned whether by experience or by hearsay that some form of financial assistance is the crucial part of the dynamic. Some who are more inexperienced than others (or perhaps are vastly experiences, cutthroats with sinister ulterior motives) find it too difficult to exactly articulate their financial desires but once they've had an actual arrangement or two, they would have no problem to inform you of their desired price of "permission for entry". They usually go high and add something like 25% up to 100%+ atop their last arrangement. Therefore if you are a good/great negotiator, do not be daunted by what number she throws at you, however get a sense of what she is looking for before you meet so that you don't waste your time with someone who's purported prior arrangement was $5000 per month. I am not saying that they do not exist and firmly believe that they do, but mongers transitioning from TER to wet their beaks do not strike me as the sort...

Maybe I will write some more about this with specificity but I am in the $500 (max) per meet range if she turns out to be better than the best of what TER has to offer me here locally (our top hookers are 500-600 PH) but I will get something like a real date plus a few hours of fun BCD. I loathe that I have Eff'd some situations up in the past by going too low from the outset (300 is low here for a hot SB) but unlike the real world, you can always come down when you have already had her and she trusts you and is comfortable with you. lastly while gifts are appreciated and always welcome (what woman refuses those? very very rare occasions indeed) just like the hooker world, cash (and the allure of more cash) is always KING!...

I have bought textbooks, rental cars, car repairs and bikinis. All appreciated.  What I have found is that a lot if these ladies are living with parents or sharing a place with roomates and may just want a haven where they can chill. Actually on a few occasions it's husbands  lol.

So it's not all about money. Every situation is different and you have to roll with the flow. The chase and conquest DOES make it more fun. Just know there are emotions involved and that its not straight P4P and things are good.

Yes, all that is true and I have experienced those more than a few times but from my experience and perspective, when there was no agreement in principle for an actual allowance sum, it really fizzled out faster that my LT ones which went 3+ months.

Now, if the objective is to bed as many as possible and play the SA hopscotch game, there's nothing wrong with that method. However, if you play the game long enough, you will note that there are more whackadoos on the site and only very few really good ones. Should you be lucky enough to charm and land a good one who has the least amount of baggage, offer something worth both your while to make her be your Bae (on that site anyway, BFs or other SOs notwithstanding). This type exists too but they are extremely rare who will walk on you without a defined monetary commensurate.

As to updates:

Currently have 4 POT SBs on the "dial up" roster, meaning the I have numbers and/or email. This is my 11th day on the site and have had one P4P score so far. I can always go back to her if in a pinch for closer to 3 bills although the last one was for 4 bills (multiples both hours and shots but still feel that I overpaid). I am going to weed out about 2 of the current 5 POT SBs because 2 have kids and one the convo didn't go great with, a single working Mom who is always online who seems to be the type who just wants to have her ego stroked (actually deleted her number so I don't contact her but if she wants, she can contact me).

# 3 wanted to meet on Tuesday but she's out of my proximity (an hour) and with the short and compressed week, I don't have time for a nooner M&G. Needed to arrange for a sitter and for me to "fill up her tank" (Zangari's usual $100 play here which is not a problem) but I have had this type before and they're normally a one-shot deal. I have not bounced her off the roster but she's now back of the current line.

# 2 also wants to meet ASAP, she's quite pretty but seems a bit voluptuous. The latter in not really my "thang" but a very pretty face (if pics are recent) will probably sucker me in. I do get a P4P vibe from her too but if close enough, I'll give her a trial to at least meet and see.

# 1 is a legit college student and a transplant from another state. Based on the photos, totally my type and our communications by text (so far) have been easy and she's prompt with her responses, not drop everything immediately type, but quick enough and not playing that 2 hours wait game BS. I think we will try for this weekend as her best avail time is the weekend when not at college (if true means she's an SB Unicorn!) which is perfect for me who am also single and my weekends are my own's.

There were two others, whom I may have already mentioned. One turned out to be a complete whack job and glad I didn't meet. Was calling and texting randomly and I think she was mistaking me for other guys! In a relationship, kids, melodramatic on the phone = BAD NEWS!

The other, a very sweet girl but with (very) high expectations. Excellent communications skills and the most educated one out of all in her missives. But whence she was not sharing face pictures and was trying to mind-fuck me first with her intelligence, I knew then that she was not going to be much to look at and when I finally received the visuals, my fears were confirmed! Too bad!

In closing, As of yesterday I have been trying to send out 3-4 emails a day but still avoiding the ones who contact me first (locals only as I don't even bother to view the out of area "scams"). From past experience those who copy/paste and contact everyone and anyone are usually in some dire and impending peril that I will now just "swipe left"!!

I'm only targeting 25 to 30 YO but willing to fudge by 2 years on the lower end and 5+ on the high end if the younger ones write (respond) in a more mature manner and if the older ones looks youthful and far away from hitting that proverbial wall! 40+ YO, I'll leave those for my homeboy SftD! :D

All the current ones I'm (was) communicating with are (stated age) 26-29 and they look it too. I feel that this is the sweet spot for me as I've had 21-23 YOs in the past who've been too wild and too dramatic for this "ol' man". I get messaged once or twice a day (the key is to be online as most do searches by recently online which I believe is the default search method) and will contact you if they like what they see and what they read. I ignore the 18-21 and know that I will be missing on some young and fresh poon but that's just fine with me.

I agree with most of what you said. However, I began by pursuing younger women, even ones listed in their teens. I am pretty much stopping that waste of time. If you want to be scammed or stood up, such women are great choices, because that has been my experience with most contacts. Yes, there are real 19 year olds out there who will do this with me, no question, and based on what I have done so far, I expect I will eventually bed one. But the cost/benefit is completely out of whack, unless I am figuring it wrong. It will have taken a month or more to finally see her, and I doubt that I will see her more than one or two times because she will either quit the Sugar World entirely, or be tempted by something better. Then there is the question of how engaged and active she will be with me in bed or in public (she has sensibly indicated that she is not so comfortable doing things with me in public anyway, and she is right about that). If she mostly lays there and lets me play, if we have little in common and we do not go out, what exactly am I getting? Just whatever pleasure playing with that tight, young, body gives me. And to get there I will be supporting her habits and mothering her. Give me a slightly older, more mature and feminine, but still young and tight, woman who gets into it any day.

I have found women listed as being 20-25 to be a very different story, though 25 is a sensible cutoff - below that age most are kids who have no clue; once they hit 25 they seem to become aware and responsible. So you have a sex partner and a potential friend, as opposed to a sex object and a confused kid. That is my rule of thumb, but I have had decent luck on SA with some 20-25 year olds. Still early days for me, but I think the key is to find one who has already been doing this for a while. Look at her start date on the site. Such women will be mature beyond their years, know what they are doing, etc.

Yes, I am an old pervert who deserves whatever scam a girl listed as 19 on SA wishes to pull on me. The irony of that did sink in, as I was being stood up for the fifth time, while flirting with another 18 yo who wanted me to buy her very sexy pictures. Been doing  this long enough that I do not even get mad. I chose to do it, I own it, and I know better. Just getting what I deserve.


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