The Erotic Highway

Thanks for remembering--now go away
averagejoe38 35 Reviews 1531 reads
1 / 18

There are some girls from Maryland running a scam for Sugar Daddies in DMV area, so be careful out there. These 19-20 year old will meet up for public meeting and try to record your audio/video on the cellphone about the arrangement. I had one meet me at the restaurant who had told me to get a room if we click, of course I did not get a room. But when i made an excuse after the lunch to meet at a later time, she started screaming loudly that she wasted her time and spent too much money on Uber and that she will call people if I don't give her some cash. I had to give her $100 to make her shut up cause we were in a public area. She had deactivated her profile or got reported when I checked her profile after this. Another friend of mine who is in the sugar bowl also had a MD girl meet her with similar setup, in his case she met him in hotel and then started recording him on her phone while asking for money in advance and when he told her that he won't pay in advance then started screaming that she is a minor and he will be in trouble.  
So just beware of the young teenagers who have their hands constantly on phone.
While exchanging notes, my friend and I noted some similar conversations that we had with girls as if they were following a rule book to talk with us. They both asked "which month you were born, whats your sign, do you believe in astrology", "Do you have your house, do you own it fully, in which area", "Which countries have you recently visited, do you travel a lot, what kind of car you drive". And yes these are common questions but the girls used almost the same exact verbiage.  
Be safe, we could be overreacting, there is always bad fish.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 87 reads
2 / 18

Let's all be careful out there!

GaGambler 91 reads
3 / 18

I am the kind of asshole who would reply at the top of my lungs "You want HOW MUCH for sex? I had no idea you were a hooker, you should be ashamed of yourself!!!"

BTW those are NOT common questions, and I don't allow myself to be interrogated or in any other way be put in a position where I feel like I am "applying for a date" and that goes for both hookers and SB's.  Some of you guys really need to learn how to stand up for yourselves. These are teenagers that are making you guys look foolish. There isn't a 19 year old on the planet who could embarrass me this way in public. You have to give a fuck what other people think about you to be embarrassed, and quite frankly I really don't care what "polite society" thinks about m.

Come on guys, you already let hookers run roughshod over you, don't let a bunch of teeny boppers do the very same thing to you, just grow a fucking pair already and remember that you have decades more life experience than any of these POT SBs

OK, I've got to ask you one more question, if a POT SB asks you if you "own your house outright" do you REALLY give her a straight answer, or any other kind of answer for that matter? If you do, you deserve all the abuse you get. Man the fuck up already!!!

svenodyo76719 29 Reviews 98 reads
4 / 18

No gambler..these guys balls haven't dropped yet, so how can they man up..?

GaGambler 107 reads
5 / 18

It's like they have completely forgotten what it's like to be a man, or like you suggested, they never were men in the first place.

Women say "no" all the time. Why is it so hard for the jelly fish around here to just say "no" in return when a woman asks (or demands) they do something stupid?

sweetman 93 Reviews 94 reads
6 / 18

The OP described these women trying to record their conversations. That's what gives me the creeps! When I think back to the conversations I've had with women I was not yet being intimate  with,  and thus had no real knowledge of their intentions, I'm sure I've said things that could come back to haunt me if taken out of context and used against me by someone with evil intent. And I'm not even talking about blackmail. I'd love to see one of these bitches try to embarrass me! I don't give a shit who knows that I enjoy having sex with young women and my wife would support me 100%! I'm only concerned about the potential for legal problems. If someone tried to misconstrue my activities as evidence of solicitation, that could be a big pita. I may actually think harder about what I say in coffee meet situations after thinking about the OP's remarks. I will certainly ask them to show me id sooner rather than later in the interview. And I might just ask them to turn off their phones!

GaGambler 95 reads
7 / 18

I almost never "make an offer" not just "sex for money" but unless a POT literally demands some kind of general idea about how much "allowance" I am willing to pay, I won't ever bring it up myself. I have bedded several SB's without EVER having a conversation other than in the most general of terms about how much money I would be giving her. I would love to see some BSC POT SB try to blackmail me with the non committal statements that I make regarding money.

As for embarrassing me, the only way I could ever be embarrassed is if some old fat broad got me on tape offering to pay for her old fat ass. lol If that were ever to happen, I think my thought would be to "get rid of the witnesses" and not to pay them. lol

It's funny, the more we have these little discussions, the more convinced I am that I am doing this the exact "right way" Aren't you happy we ran Zangari off this board before he did irreparable damage to the guys just getting started at this?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 87 reads
8 / 18

I find the best thing is to turn it around and ask them why they want to know.  

That usually shuts them up.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 92 reads
9 / 18

Whenever I find a need to talk about something more specific than "fun at my place" I always phrase it in terms of things I like. Never say anything in the form of "if you do this I will pay you that."

"I'm a big fan of deep, sloppy oral sex, especially with someone who will trade recent test results with me. It's really important to me to stay safe. Don't you agree?"  

What ever she says in reply, I still won't come back with any specific statement offering cash for an act.

GaGambler 89 reads
10 / 18

We all know how to dance around the "sex for money" issue in the hooker world, why is it so fucking hard for some guys to do the same dance in the Sugar World?

herbtcat 6 Reviews 81 reads
11 / 18

Exactly. Anyone who can't manage basic service for value talk should have their man-card revoked.

averagejoe38 35 Reviews 86 reads
12 / 18

A correction is in order, I am just using my perspective here, being a married guy in sugar bowl keeping it discreet. For single guys and those who don't mind to go louder with teen girls in public places can definitely handle in differently.  

I labeled these girls spammers as they were trying to record conversations, and even though we all tell false names, false numbers and fat lies to every question they ask, it still feels like a spam when they go all BSC on you the moment you tell them No. And yes, if I was a single guy not in my home town then I would have handled it differently. The other girl in hotel was clearly like keeping phone in recording mode and then screaming that she is a minor and she does not want to be touched, that she just thought the money was for giving company.

I have met many young girls who act much more civic and are ok with hearing a No. But perhaps I will revise my search to stick with girls 21yo and above just due to my own personal situation.

averagejoe38 35 Reviews 131 reads
13 / 18

Of course, we all know how to dodge personal questions, nobody shares any personal details with hookers or sugar babies on initial meetings. I just shared the questions as the two girls from same age group and same area used exact same questions for their small talk, and not one of these is commonly asked so it seems like they are using a guide to probably spam a certain kind of guys.
If anyone else runs into a 18-19yo girl with same questions then share the experience.

Zangari 88 reads
14 / 18

Posted By: GaGambler
 It's funny, the more we have these little discussions, the more convinced I am that I am doing this the exact "right way" Aren't you happy we ran Zangari off this board --snip--
I dropped off this board a year ago, yet you’re *still* talking about me.  Just make an honest woman out of yourself and admit that you miss me, lol.   Your old complaint with me: intolerance of others who had a “different” approach to the sugar bowl.  Now read your post above and see what an intolerant ego-maniac you are.  
 Unlike you, most of us have a life beyond P4P--we drop off the board from time-to-time.   Like Beetlejuice, I tend to pop up whenever my name is thrown around on the board.  I think you like that.  --z  

GaGambler 100 reads
15 / 18

I miss a certain guy who liked snails and could bench press 400 hundred pounds. I miss the "Dungbeetle. I miss our very first SPOTY winner AnnoyingFungus, yes you are in very good company.  

This board really could use some coming relief, with the exception of a couple of trolls like CuntyBoy, this board is entirely too friendly and helpful, we could use someone around here to slap around and call an idiot and I can't think of anyone better suited for the job than you. Please come back and tell us just how you get these "top tier" College SB's by guaranteeing them money even if they turn out to be fat, ugly or frigid. I could use the yucks. lol

JustSayMyName 56 Reviews 87 reads
16 / 18

I've had a string of bad experiences with 18-21 yo in Vegas recently. One was a total catfish and could have even been a scam like you described. I spotted her in hotel lobby with her ugly friend in tow and also noticed she was 40 lb more than her pics so I ghosted immediately.  The others were normal women or pros who actually wanted to go lower volume, and although not quite catfish, clearly not comfortable enough with themselves or with sleeping with someone twice their age to be unicorn material.

Looking for 21 and up is not a bad idea although it's hard to get over the hotness only the 18-19 yo girls have many times. During the same trip, I had two at the top of my age range (24 and 26) and you could tell they were once TER 11s and DDG before they had their kids.  At least the older women were genuinely fun and super turned on by me. While not as hot as many of the pros in Socal, the sex was genuine and great.

Zangari 113 reads
17 / 18

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Of course I "miss you”…I miss a certain guy who liked snails and could bench press 400 hundred pounds —snip—
This sounds like another one of your man crushes with a bodybuilder.  I’m sure you scream with pleasure whenever he “benchpresses” you.   Funny how some people just can’t let go.  
Over this holiday weekend, I got unsolicited texts from two former SBs:    
SB1: an 18 year old blonde amazon who ran track at her former high school (100M Hurdles! )  
SB2: a 20 year old brunette sorority sis (thank you Alpha Xi Delta! )  
What school spirit these girls have.  They miss me, just like you.  It’s rather sad & sweet.  You get the same blow-off text I sent them:  

** Thanks for thinking about me. Be careful on the site, love  —z **

-- Modified on 9/4/2017 10:20:12 AM

cageyboy 25 Reviews 86 reads
18 / 18

Posted By: GaGambler
This board really could use some coming relief, with the exception of a couple of trolls like CuntyBoy
I'm flattered you still remember me Goomba. Coming from a pathetic, deluded geezer like you, calling me a troll is a compliment. You will never be rid of me, I told you that in our PM conversation last year. You obviously still pay to screw hookers or SBs, so evidently your "game" has reached the upper ceiling and can do nothing more for you. Your wallet still carries the day. But I understand, even the Turd from Texas is still only a man...or in your case--a living fossil? Ring a ding ding on Goomba. Keep playing those Sinatra records and feel those vibes brother...

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