The Erotic Highway

Talking about sex
sweetman 93 Reviews 179 reads

First of all avoid the ones that say platonic only, I guess that's obvious. But I make sure sex is mentioned early on in the message exchange. I like to say I seek an arrangement that includes a real connection both emotionalky, intellectually and sexually as well.  If they are down with that we keep going. If they put on the brakes or ghost, I move on.

and I've had a good many responses, but some (many?) of these girls are either playing games or just don't get the concept of a SB.  How soon do you guys let them know that this is about physical intimacy and how do you go about mentioning it. I don't think they let you put that in your profile.  I feel I am spending a lot of unnecessary time beating around the bush. I ask them what sort of arrangement they are looking for and get answers like "mentor" and other nondescript answers.
Also, I tend to avoid those that seem "desperate" for money, or that don't have transportation.  Just get a bad vibe.  Any thoughts?

GaGambler191 reads

I just really don't feel like helping you.

How about you quit trying to be the moral compass for the guys cheating on their wives, and I will stop calling you a miserable fucking douche bag for doing so, deal?

I'll even give you a few helpful answers to your questions if you promise not to bring your Droopy Dog act onto this board like you have done on GD.  

and for the record, I NEVER cheated on my wife when I was married, so this is hardly a guilty conscience that's speaking here, just someone who doesn't like people who try to make moral judgments for others on a fuck board.

just pointing out the possible consequences of cheating on one's SO.  I don't feel that many guys think that through.  Anyway, I appreciate many of the responses you've given.  Like most people's, some are helpful, some not so much.  Droopy Dog....that's pretty good.  Maybe I'll change my handle to that!  
Anyway, all responses are welcomed....

GaGambler155 reads

Most of these guys think of nothing else but how not to get caught and what to do in the event they do ever get caught. Haven't you read any of the several thousand posts on the topic?

but as long as you don't get all preachy over here I guess that's all that matters.

I honestly don't mind a girl who has no transportation as long as she either lives close to me, so I can pick her up and bring her to my place, or if she lives in another city and we are meeting in her city any how. One thing you will find with the younger college coeds with no job and no car, they often have very low expectations and are very easy to please financially. They really aren't the right kind of SB for a married SD, but you don't have that issue any more, right?

As for the ones who seem desperate for cash, many/most of them are quasi hookers, but at a fraction of the price of a TER girls. The downside of course is you are seeing an unreviewed hooker, and the same risks apply except your risk of LE on SA is VERY VERY low.

1. You can put it in your profile but LLlike anything else you can't be super-explicit about it. I say in my profile that I am looking for intimacy as part of any arrangement. You could also even put that you are not looking for a monogamous arrangement... that should also get your point across I think... may or may not be necessary.  

2. When messaging, again subtlety is key... I say something like "My ideal date would be lunch and a bottle of wine and then I would get us a room for some adult fun time... How does that sound to you?" If they respond favorably then next is to meet for coffee to determine compatibility and t make sure her pics check out. Next date after that should be BCD. The girls you are wanting to attract will be down with this plan. You would be happy to "mentor" them BCD lol. If they agree to this, then move to text or email where you can tactfully ask/negotiate about menu and price without getting in trouble with SA.  

3. I definitely do avoid the ones without transportation, but not necessarily the ones who need $$. Money can be a great motivator and just bc someone is in a bad spot financially doesn't mean they are a bad person or that they wouldn't be a great SB. This is where the coffee meet and greet to determine compatibility comes into play. Use your gut and feel this one out in case by case basis.  

Now, I will say that the girl who scammed me and ran out of my hotel room with the cash butt-naked set off none of my red flag alerts until we were in the room and she asked for the money first. I say and had a nice meal with her beforehand and she seemed totally normal and not a con artist. The reason I mention this is bc you can do all the right things and have a bad experience or do all the WRONG things and have a great experience.... it's just the nature of the game that there is some risk and you just have to feel things out situationally.  

It all gets easier the more you do it so just keep at it. It was like my 3rd-4th renew of monthly SA before I started to get the hang of it and become comfortable.

But usually within the first 5 to 10 texts I will ask about BCD fun. Some ghost then. Some ask what bcd is. Many say of course. At that point I ask yhem about their expectations.

PandorasBoxers217 reads

There were some crazy article about some college girl making big money with guys that did not want to have sex that she met them through seeking arrangement.

It seems over the past few months some are even born in their profile saying they want just a friendship and do not want anything physical.  I've had several waste a bunch of my time with messages didn't text messages and phone calls and then you me and they say they want you to understand they don't want anything sexual.

Just not sure what they are expecting us to give up our hard earned money to get? The chance to go spend more money on them? I don't know are the guys out here that just are willing to spend a bunch of money to spend time with a girl?

When is the next flight to Costa Rica?

GaGambler190 reads

Although it's a lot less work to grab a puta out of the Blue Marlin or Co Cal than it is to go through all the messages you have to send out to find an SB off of SA. jaja

First of all avoid the ones that say platonic only, I guess that's obvious. But I make sure sex is mentioned early on in the message exchange. I like to say I seek an arrangement that includes a real connection both emotionalky, intellectually and sexually as well.  If they are down with that we keep going. If they put on the brakes or ghost, I move on.

8pointbuck169 reads

Just don't pay too much in advance before you get to know them.   They will rob you.    Mine brags to her girlfriend she has someone to pay her bills and it makes them jealous.    When they are a little needy they need you more.   This week she ran out of money at her sisters so I'm wiring her 50 for gas and she is going to stay 3 nights with me.   And she can grind the Viagra out of you.    Never seen one that can have so many O's        She will get even some when I pay her bills.   Nails , haircut, makeup.    The first date I had to buy her a pail of tennis shoes.      Been dating her since Feb. .  Don't have to waste time chasing .    You just don't have to be after a lot of variety.

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