The Erotic Highway

Sorry. Another follow up
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 224 reads

So SB I saw before didn't want money. I confirmed that Im not going to be a SB for her. She shows up. Totally chill. Get an awesome massage. I take her to lunch. End up back in bed.  Great time. I hide money in her purse. She leaves and I find said money back on the counter. Plus a medinal cig. Wtf?

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
Just as you go from being strangers  to fucking much quicker than in normal life. It works the other way around as well.  
 Had some great fun with a uber hot lady for the past month. Today I got the fealing the fun is over. Not done yet but I  see the writing on the wall. Next!

Just as you go from being strangers  to fucking much quicker than in normal life. It works the other way around as well.

Had some great fun with a uber hot lady for the past month. Today I got the fealing the fun is over. Not done yet but I  see the writing on the wall. Next!

CuriousSort352 reads

Do you just show up and have sex or do you take her out to places and treat her like a lady?  If you haven't been pampering her and treating her like a lady and a person, then try it.  It doesn't sound like it's too late.  But my guess is she needs to feel good about herself.

Actually the issue I think is she has lots of family and friends and she is concerned about being seen. We will see.

Posted By: CuriousSort
Do you just show up and have sex or do you take her out to places and treat her like a lady?  If you haven't been pampering her and treating her like a lady and a person, then try it.  It doesn't sound like it's too late.  But my guess is she needs to feel good about herself.

GaGambler215 reads

Of course when you are like me and have the attention of a gnat, this seems to happen with ALL women, not just SB's and hookers. lol

I do find it ironic that of my current "rotation" of SBs the one I have been seeing the longest is a "sex only" relationship. I don't take her out and "treat her like a lady" all we do is fuck, but we do that several times a week. I have ZERO delusions of her ever becoming a GF, and neither does she. The sex is good, she seems to enjoy it as well AND I know as a single mom she needs the money

 We are friendly, but except during sex not terribly romantic. I think we are both getting what we want and I have noticed she pulled her profile off of SA a month or so ago. I have no idea if she is seeing anyone else, nor do I care. It's simply a conversation that never comes up.  

I think the age difference probably has something to do with it, she just turned 19 last week and quite frankly I have no desire to "take her out"

Now ironically the longest "relationship" of this kind I have ever had, well before I had even heard of SA lasted over 8 years and we constantly did things together, so much so that despite our age difference (30 years) people often mistook us for a married couple. We were so familiar with each other that we seemed to just give off that "married vibe" lol

It happens, they move on.  Sometimes I do too,  to be honest, if the chemistry fizzles out. That's why I always keep the pipeline flowing if I can.

NSA means a friction-less relationship. You slide in easily and slide out just as easily. I actually tell the ladies if it comes up that IMO the only taboo is to continue seeing each other when you do not want to. I suspect that is a little too honest for some, but then I am not sure I want to see those who do not agree, either.

This is the reason to have more than one SB, as much as I would prefer to focus - the ladies will come, and go (pun intended). It is possible to gauge how likely it is that a lady will stick around based on her history. If you are her first SD (assuming she is telling the truth, but that is another discussion), then the odds of her being around for a year of more are probably slim; if you are her 10th and she has been doing this for years, it is likely she will be here for years to come.

I totally disagree with those who imply that the reason she is leaving may be because you did not treat her right. If she wanted to stay your SB, she most likely would tell you if she wants to do something different, rather than retire or throw you out. Yes, of course it is possible there are some very submissive, passive/aggressive SBs who will see you, accept whatever you do while being angry and then when it all gets to be too much, run away, but those must be rare. The whole nature of the game requires a pretty assertive person. She got into this for her own reasons, and when she gets out it is for her own reasons, too. Yes, the relationship is something the two of your created together, and I am sure you developed some intimacy, had some fun, but at the end of the day, very little of it is about you. Much like the hobby in that sense.

Also as with the hobby, it is possible she never liked you and you finally got on her nerves so much that she can't stand to be around you any more. Another possible, but unlikely scenario for all sorts of reasons, and even more unlikely here than in the hobby. When she goes, it is pretty much always for her own reasons, as the OP says. I suppose you could try to change her mind with more money, more gifts, trips or whatever, but aside from the cost, I doubt that would last long. If she is uncomfortable and wants to stop, she will stay that way even if she delays it to enjoy the rewards a little longer. Let her go, wish her well, tell her you would love to see her again if she is interested, and wait for that delightful booty call in a few months when she would like a few $$$s and some naughty fun for old time's sake or that slightly less delightful social visit. And if it never comes, enjoy the memories.


She found someone else. She "next'd" you first :D

Just yanking your chain man. You'll be fine yer old dog!

I  think I'm being moved to the friend zone. As long as I can see that world class ass on a bikini Im good.

Otoh, I have a lady coming over for a booty call. No charge. Report back in 3 hours.

So SB I saw before didn't want money. I confirmed that Im not going to be a SB for her. She shows up. Totally chill. Get an awesome massage. I take her to lunch. End up back in bed.  Great time. I hide money in her purse. She leaves and I find said money back on the counter. Plus a medinal cig. Wtf?

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
Just as you go from being strangers  to fucking much quicker than in normal life. It works the other way around as well.  
 Had some great fun with a uber hot lady for the past month. Today I got the fealing the fun is over. Not done yet but I  see the writing on the wall. Next!

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