The Erotic Highway

Strange search results
sweetman 93 Reviews 782 reads

So I ran into a weird search engine glitch on SA today I wonder if anyone can explain to me.  I was browsing through some old message exchanges and came across one with a SB I have not seen in a long time.  Just for fun I clicked on her thumbnail and it brought up her profile where I learned she had been on the site today! She even updated her pictures with some new ones.  So then I ran a search as I often do which included her age, body type, location, etc, etc, but the search results did not include her profile. I tried a few times to be sure I had her parameters correct,  but her profile never showed up. Yet when I go back to my message Sent box and click on her thumbnail, there's her profile in glorious color.  If she blocked me or deactivated her account I wouldn't expect it to show up at all.  Any idea what could cause this?

wondering1328 reads

Girls have the option of not listing themselves on a search. So you can see their profile if you've exchanged messages or if they visit you (on your interests list), but you won't be able to find them on just a regular search. I believe this option may be dependent on the membership level of the SB.

I thought that the reason that you can get thousands of search results back... many of which are from girls who haven't logged in in weeks or months... was because you CANT exclude yourself from search. I thought this was how they are still able to claim they have millions of SBs even when many are not Recently Active.  

Conversely, it should be the same for us, right? If that functionality is available to the ladies, then it should also be available for us to also exclude ourselves from Search if they can... I'm not aware of being able to do that for my own profile.

If her profile is hidden, it doesn't show up in a regular search unless you have messaged her or she has favorited you (or something like that).

Thanks. Follow-up question: I believe you are only able to hide your profile if you have an active paid subscription, correct? In other words, once your subscription expires and you don't renew, then I believe your profile will reappear in Search unless you Deactivate your account, correct?

That may be the case.  At a minimum, I can't change the settings when I am not a paid member.  So if my profile was visible when my membership ran out, it stays visible.  I think in the past, it was hidden when my membership ran out, and it may then have defaulted to visible.  I'm not sure of this, but it's possible.

I've always been a paid member, so don't know if these change when not premium...

Here's the settings dashboard items:  

Online Status/Last Active Date - Visible/Hidden  
When You View Someone - Visible/Hidden
When You Favorite Someone - Visible/Hidden


Join Date - Visible/Hidden
Recent Login Location - Visible/Hidden  

I assume that SB's have the same options.

I didn't realize that was an option, thanks for pointing it out. She and I had favorited each other and exchanged messages (and dated!) which would explain why I can find her profile through my message box but not through search.

As already pointed out, this is a setting SB uses to hide the profile to show up in search results. It is a good option for the girls who have too many guys already exchanging messages or in process of initial meet-ups so they do not have to reply to so many new messages from new people.

I met a girl last year who would pick this option quite often and she had even deactivated her account the day we met just so her SA inbox doesn't get flooded while she is already screening people she already shared her email with.

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