The Erotic Highway

SB just tried to pull this one...
LovesEmNaughty 5 Reviews 1268 reads

I drove up about 40 miles away to meet a girl who has neither her own place or car.  We get a long great at coffee and she says that since I'd be driving both ways and my time, and she really like some of my rope photos which she could see would be a new experience for her she'd won to do $100 per visit and overnight if I want.  I'm like, great didn't even have to negotiate... I tell her that's very reasonable and I'd be able to see her really often at that rate.  I do let her know that on an overnight I like a lot of sex, and she doesn't complain.

We come back and even though I don't drink theres a bottle of vodka leftover... she starts immediately binge drinking shots (She's 20)  and demanding more.. I tell her its time to get ready and while I"m in the shower she should get ready to.  When I come out she insist on spending 30+ minutes posing for selfies.  She gives some pretty great head and we go on round in the bedroom after which we discover that her period has come early.   So we clean that up, and she feels bad.  Offers to go again if I want but it seems really messy so I offer to let her out of the agreement for the night pay her in full and drive her all the way back home 1hr round trip, so she can rest up. I tell her I think its a good fit and that we're going to have lots of fun and she agrees.


So yesterday we're texting about the next meet and she says "I really need to get $200 from you and see you less often.  I'd prefer it that way."  I say well I don't prefer it that way.  She says "Look I don't see anyone for under $200 I made a mistake, and also you want a lot of sex and I only get people off one time"  I say, Look honey this was your offer I didn't even negotiate with you, you can't just come to me and tell me you want more money to do less and think thats fine, its a poor negotiating strategy.  She says "I'm not negotiating, I made a mistake and now I'm fixing it", and I say fine, lol, then neither am I. You're only telling me why this is better for you not why its better for me.  She says "I'm the baby and I get what I want"...I remind her that I was completely decent to her, took her home early with out getting mad at her, even bought her a pack of smokes and paid her in full and she says "you didn't even tip me, wtf"  I say you tip hookers, she says "You are treating me like a hooker so I'm going to treat you like a client, I won't see you again till you agree to $200 per meet, one pop only"... I tell her that I'll think it over and get back to her.

So I have no idea what snapped in her brain... she stood to get $800/month from me at her original offer now she'll be lucky to get $200... She apparently decided that her sexual services are amazing and worth way more... she seems to think that she is "fixing" her mistake by offering me less action for more money... Which could only mean she thinks she has me on the hook... which also means she's not very smart.... Its a shame because she would have been the go to girl, and now she's a bench warmer.  The only thing is I like to be appreciative of people and outwardly let them know I like them, but she apparently saw this as something to try and exploit.  Just makes her seem unpleasant to me.


GaGambler421 reads

Personally, I have never had the rate go UP after the first time with an SB, usually the rate goes down with familiarity and trust.  

If someone else was asking this question, I'd simply assume the girl was BSC and you'd be smart to move on. BUT you seem to have a habit of treating SB's rather badly (or at least claiming to) and I have a sneaking suspicion that she might have been ok with the deal she offered you if you weren't a dick towards women, but that you simply reverted to form and did something to make her reconsider.

BTW $200 a meet is hardly gouging you, but personally if an SB wanted to not only charge me more money, but see me less often to boot, I would get the hint that she probably wasn't too wild about me and move on. I don't expect SB's to fall wildly in love with me, but nothing says "I don't like you" more than doubling the rate for half the time, and I don't even fuck hookers that I have even the slightest inclination that they might secretly not like me, much less SB's

Whoa.... I have claimed to treat SB's badly in texts and PM's if I think they are dicking me around... I have never claimed to treat a woman badly in person, and in this case I was extra considerate of her.  I won't dispute that in initial contact I'm intolerant of crap, but with a live person I hold my tongue a lot.  You have me wrong.

GaGambler392 reads

In that case forget about the first part of my reply and skip right to the last paragraph. That's how I would feel about it if it were to happen to me.

but you do seem to have a habit of treating SB's like hookers from what I can gather from your posts at least. If you do it via texts and PM's, I can't help but wonder if perhaps that attitude bleeds into your "in person" way you act as well.

I have no idea how you act in person, or anything else about you except from gleaning an idea from your board posts. Lot's of guys come on these boards "claiming" to be looking for answers, but never even "considering" that the problem might be coming from within. Speaking strictly for myself, I have NEVER had anything like this happen, not with hookers and certainly not with an SB. I have had SB's try to manipulate me into giving them more money by creating crisis after crisis that they need "help" with, but I have never had one simply tell me they need to double the price of our meetings simply "because". If it ever does happen to me I would stop seeing the girl immediately, and if it happened more than once, I would start wondering if I needed a change in the mouthwash I was using, because then obviously "something" is wrong. lol

What is sort of fascinating to me is that despite the pugnacious persona which we have gathered to be encapsulating LEN, when it comes to dealing with the sort of women whom he thinks to be manipulative, moochers, entitled, etc (add a few more superlatives of your own), he has never displayed the same sort of combative behavior toward the boardies on here, even when we have piled on a bit! This is actually very revealing about his personality that he does understand respect and rationale but his attention to logic and authority may be geared more toward the elders of his own gender! I am calling this as I observe it but I am no damn psych or any sort or shape, not by education and not by training!

It is also blatantly evident to me, again from his own stories and anecdotes that when it comes to women, specially the ones whom he wishes to become coital with, his reptilian brain just overcomes and overpowers him, i.e, his carnal desires tend to quickly outmatch his chivalry and decorum. The killer instincts are not necessarily a bad thing to possess and I would even call those a gift, but it is a gift which we (those who possess it) must hone and revise as we get older. IMHO, this kind of guy easily gets laid when younger but problems and issues ensue if he does not retool as he gets older.

I am not surprised at all that as LEN purports, there are hookers who will give him plenty of OTC companionship and also extended BCD activities for a mere pittance above and beyond that initial hourly rate, which they may even discount further for him. I neither know GaGa nor LEN outside of this realm and their monikers but to me, GaGa comes across as a likeable a**hole whereas LEN comes across as the sort of guy who can very quickly turn on you without that kinship element. Not all a**holes are created equally!

My final work of advice to LEN (not that anyone asked me for my sh*tty advice) would be to stick to the hookers because that SD/SB world for someone to find a quasi GF/Fcuk Buddy on the cheap can really turn into something undesirable for him when playing with these powder keg type of young and unstable SBs. We all come across those sorts but some of us (perhaps older, more experiences and less driven by pride laced with testosterone) can pull back well before we reach the edge of the cliff.

Not sure if you were paraphrasing, but if she came straight out and said "I need to see you less often" rather than "I don't think I can do this for less than 200 per meet", I might consider that a sign that she doesn't like you or that you did something she did not like. Just sayin...

In poor LEN's case, familiarity seems to breed contempt!

I have an extreme case of aversion to upselling and rate bumps as anyone else on here, but it seems to me that as soon as LEN does BCD with them, then the sh*t really hits the fan and using Occam's Razor theory, the simplest answer is the correct answer, i.e, LEN has the tendency to transfer into Mr. Edward Hyde as soon as his clothes hit the ground at 9.8 meters per second to be precise :D

Personally speaking if an SB's fist salvo bore a $100 per visit, I would run away from there ASAP because to me, that signals that she will do guys for $20 if she had to! LEN I don't feel sorry at all for telling you this straight out, but you do evidently attract some of the worst kind of SBs on there!

Meh... I was only on there for a month... and my budget is limited for those shenanigans. I may renew in January.

OTOH  Women who like me REALLY like me... a local Pro I really like fucking has agreed to OTC dinner dates... I've got multihour free visits from another... and some really great head for buying another a meal.  And 9 out of 10 have stayed well beyond their paid time because they were having fun. So hookers, don't at all object to being treated like hookers. LOL.

But for a SB to want $200 for me to get off once... I'd rather go see a K-girl and get amazing service.  Its not that the money is outrageous but If I'm only gonna get off once... I don't really need some 20 year old hanging around drinking my liquor, eating my food and taking selfies.  And I sure as fuck don't need to make multiple round trips to North County.

 I am actually meeting another POT tonight who says she normally asks $200 but I've been "so sweet" she'll do $100 if she's not busy.... we'll see how that goes. lol

GaGambler288 reads

I just took a pass on a POT SB who asked for $250, mid twenties, not bad looking, but not a show stopper. I asked how long she planned on staying for the $250 and she replied "30-60 minutes" I took a pass. As you said, I can get a K-girl with "skills" for the same money.

You are also right about hookers, I also have gotten a LOT of OTC time with hookers, including several actual GF's in the process, but what works with hookers, rarely works with SB's, they are just cut from different cloth is all.

But LEN you are quite entertaining in that trainwreck metaphor kind of way ;)

I'm not going to be too hard on you since you weren't the one who changed the terms of the deal, but again, arguing with these chicks or trying to be right is just not worth your time and it is actually counter-productive. I think herbtcat said it best... make your point and then SHUT UP. If she says she wants to change the arrangement, say something like "I'd like to stick with the agreement we made" and then radio silence. It's like that sales tactic where people don't like uncomfortable silences and then they will usually eventually give in to you. Engaging further or trying to prove you're right is pointless when dealing with some of these girls. Your lack of engagement will work speak volumes and either she will cave or she won't and it wasn't going to work with her anyways. Stop burning bridges and treating these SBs like pros. Realize that you are dealing with immature 20 year olds and you will be better served in the long run by being the mature one and taking the high road. Don't be your own worst enemy and don't stoop to their level. It will never work out in your favor.  

BTW, 200 per meet for SD I gotta believe is INSANELY CHEAP so if she's halfway decent looking you oughta cut her some slack. I'm in DC and I can't get an SB to see me for below 350 so consider yourself lucky and dont fuck it up.

Which is exactly why, my only response in the end was "I'll think it over and get back to you."  And now I will proceed to not get back to her at all and busy myself fucking other people.  Either she wants my money or she doesn't.  Its not like I talked her down.  

And fwiw while $200 is on the cheap end its not too unusual here, if a woman lives in a more remote area and doesn't have transportation she's going to negotiate.  Especial if she's young, broke and living with her parents.  But I mean... I've even got things lined up with a 29yo hottie who was in porn for like 6 years and retired in 2011 to take care of her sick dad in an area about an hour from here where there isn't shit to do... and she's EXPLICITLY down to fuck all day for $300.  She doesn't give one shit about spoiling she just wants her brains fucked out.  And at the same time there's an active porn girl in my area on SA who wants 2k per date even though she lists herself as negotiable. lol

So it takes all kinds

Appreciate the props, junglegym25.  

And I agree. In these "adjustment" negotiations, less is more.  You need to ensure she understands, by your lack of dialog and explanation, that you are ready to bail MUCH sooner than she is. Perhaps a minimalist response would be "You set the terms at $100 for overnight fun and I agreed. I see no need to change that."  Then STFU and let her chew on it. I mean literally ignore the next 3 to 6 (trust me there will be at least that many) attempts to "justify" her new terms.    

Just keep radio silence - event if it stretches over 24-36 hours.   Let her stew - and start looking at new SD profiles. After a while, tell her  "Need your decision to honor the original terms or I need to move on."  Let me know by (12 hours from now), please."   Note that "please" and such are still included. Always use a polite and respectful tone, just stay assertive of what you expect and what you will/will not do.  

Lastly: 200 per meet is a ridiculously low rate for the Los Angeles market, or the San Jose/San Francisco area in California for that matter.

A 300 allowance per meet amplified to about 500 for an extended duration of stay, possibly an overnighter, will pretty much get the deal sealed here a bit farther south of you in LA. begrudgingly I may further increase that range by $100 if she's truly a 9 or more (not your typical frigging TER 9!) but with the same sort of "zest" that I may get suckered into a 200 SB who I know will turn into a major PITA.  

I am not belittling the SDs who are in LTA and allow 200 per quicker meets to SBs who are regulars or to borrow an acronym from the Hobby, an ATF; but fark me if I ever get tangled with those girls from here in So Cal whose baseline starts at 200 who are also willing to negotiate down. I have found these types to be the ones who spurn a major hidden cost on you all of a sudden once you have had intercourse with them. Surprises range from rent delinquencies to car payment delinquencies to major auto repairs, yada, yada. I loath hidden costs!

Newto1000273 reads

If I could find someone for less than $600 I would feel lucky.

Where do you find these girls? I'm seriously curious. I hear a lot of that attitude of so&so's trying to work me, can't find anyone less for x amount of dollars- and on the other end, my girls have the attitude of "it's the mans job to buy them a new phone if they want them to call," which kinda seems to apply to most of their life. Doesn't seem to work out well.

   Just a suggestion, and I hope I'm not being offensive, just from my female perspective- find someone with a little bit of a self esteem problem so they don't feel they are owed. Tell them their beautiful and mean it so you don't fuck their head up.

    Someone a little new to the game so they recognize long term money goals so they won't get so desperate for big wads of cash(cuz the jadedness sets in, with the "I want it now" mindset), and also, if they are newish no ones gone up in their head about being a gold digger yet and how they should all be famous models.  

   But not so new that they don't know whats what, because they will get too emotionally attached (which sucks when either side gets bored.) and daddy issues. A little bit of daddy issues, in my experience, is a good thing. More sex. I don't know what it is, but it works out well.

   Never been a man, but I have had bitches,(and I mean that with utmost respect) and this is whats worked for me.

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