The Erotic Highway

SA Question, maybe someone here knows...
Hpygolky 206 Reviews 1106 reads

It's been close to a year when I let my membership lapsed. But every now and then I'll sneak a peek to see who's out there, just to see if there's anyone new that could give me a reason to re-sign. But once I look and see nothing, within a hour I'll get a few views,messages and photo request from girls that I didn't view. Does SA notify girls when someone just signs on, to let them know that XX is online and on the prowl??? I know when I view someone, they're notified just as when someone views me, I'll get notified. But I'm getting emails from SA girls that I had no interest in...umm.  
Let me add that after a day or two, then it's quite, no emails. But once I sign on, it's like "they" know...
What's going on here?

-- Modified on 12/12/2016 11:50:30 AM

Then you pop to the top of the list... hence the emails/messages when you logon.  

I've found that Recently Active is a good barometer of how good an SB lead might be... if the girl is frequently active on the site then she's thinking about a new SD. If she hasn't logged in in 4 or 5 days or more, then either her interest is waning, she's not finding anyone she likes, or she's not really that serious about finding an SD to begin with.

GaGambler242 reads

I don't see any sense in contacting a girl who hasn't logged in for several months, I mean what's the point? Many SB's feel the same exact way, and quite a few have told me so.

You can control things like showing your online/offline status and suppress notifications to SB's when you view their profile.  NOTE: These might only be available to premium members (can someone confirm, please?).  

One of the key drivers for getting viewed/favorited/messaged is your recent/current online time frame. So you should expect (and I always see) more views/favoriting/messaging when you are online or have been in the last 1 to 72 hours.  

Still don't get why some random girl in Florida or out of the US would favorite me when I'm on the West Coast of the US.  Not even willing to consider flying (her or me) across state borders, let alone internationally.

easternpacific234 reads

I believe when you use the "hidden" mode, it doesn't necessarily show your online status, but you are kicked to the top of the "recently active" roster, because I have noticed several SB's who are in hidden mode so I don't know their status yet it appears they are actively perusing the listings since they have contacted me

The distant ones are sometimes looking for a ticket.  More likely, they are looking to sell you something, like photos, videos, or webcam access.  Or they give you a sob story and ask for some money.

I don't know what else to call it, but when I log onto SA from my PC the first screen I see is a collection of 12 SB profiles to click on.  I can choose from  
and each choice gives me a screen with 12 pictures.  I don't know how these choices are selected.  But I figure they will get more attention than normal if they appear on one of these Front Pages.  I think it's the same for the SBs when they log on.  If your picture shows up on one of these Front Pages you are going to be noticed a lot for a while.

the girls see 3 different categories like us  
Newest, premium, and background verified.

I only buy VIP a month at a the last week of my VIP I ALWAYS receive LOTS of hits....then I let my VIP lapse for several days and usually receive another flurry of hits during that time....when I sign up for VIP a few days later I receive LOTS more hits for several obviously SA is FEATURING my profile at those times because they know it spurs activity which will induce me to reinstate my VIP status in order to respond to ladies that have expressed interest.
Also...letting my VIP lapse for several days brings my " average " cost of a monthly VIP down to approx the 3 month rate ;-)

Courtesy of Princess the SA sleuth! LOLz:

So the uni and I are in the throes of a breakup (cue in Phil Colin's song: in the air tonight!) which will perhaps be a story reserved for a later day. Suffice to say that like most of these SBs, complacency has set in, I have to pay plus do all the work with diminishing gratification and satisfaction, plus she's been caught red handed (unbeknown to her) communicating with a buddy SD. Enough for now!

In any case, I went ahead and created a fresh ID a couple of days ago during which I miraculously grew an inch taller and also two years younger; plus I moved to another area of the town if you catch my drift chiefs ;) As soon as this profile hit the runway (still in non-paid status) I received a whole host of messages (mind you, no pics whatsoever as I am going to be working on some new ones for this ID) and having been blessed with a fooquing photographic and elephant memory, I recognized a few of them from my last merry-go-round in August under the old ID! DANG you Brandon Wade (the weasel who owns the site).

The talent level looks thin so most likely i will not be going Premium this side of the C-Day just because I feel that I will be getting some truly mercenary moochers, but by the same token, I could be losing a few good chances to catch one or two who are on rebound (well, am I not too?). Well, fooque it! I'll wait till mid Jan to go VIP. I will be using this dead time zone opportunity to weed through the losers from the last stint to put a few on immediate block list before I go live in 17!

Hey Principium,
Any chance that you could summarize your experience with your Unicorn on a separate thread sometime?  I've noticed posts from you regarding your experience and always enjoy your advice and stories, but I never really followed your experience with the Uni from beginning to the apparent end. Could you post how it all transpired and what you would do differently or what/where did things begin to change and how long it lasted with her? Also, could you give an approx breakdown of your cost for the whole experience?  
Just curious cuz Im 3 weeks into my 1st monthly arrangement and while it's great now, I'm sure the wheels will be coming off the tracks in the near future and I'd like to enjoy the ride as long as possible!  

Hi my fellow SD;

I was planning on doing so at a later date in a new thread after the storm blows over. I want my assessment to be as rational and unbiased as possible, plus to protect the identities of the guilty, er, innocent; once some more time has passed by.

Stay tuned!

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