The Erotic Highway

altus62 12163 reads
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Dear L.G.
Is there any over the counter stuff you can buy to raise testosterone levels ? I am taking 50mg of viagra,but it's not doing so well.

Love Goddess 10609 reads
2 / 13

My dear altus62,
There are loads of Internet sites promising all sorts of results with various scientific-sounding potions. It would be impossible to make a truthful assessment of their efficacy, because no one has conducted bona fide scientific studies to validate said products.

If you suspect a testosterone deficiency, let the doc who px'd the Viagra for you make the call. S/he can decide if supplemental testosterone is the way to go. In most cases it's usually not, but without proper bloodtests we're all shooting in the dark here.

Get it checked, it could be something else as well,
the Love Goddess

Galahad2 11180 reads
3 / 13

Ask your doctor about Androgel.  Testosterone levels decline as one ages.  Androgel put my levels back in the normal range and made a world of difference for me.  Not OC but it will increase your energy levels and bring that belly thumper back.

altus62 7799 reads
4 / 13

Thank You,
The reason I asked was because before Viagra came out I had asked my Dr. about my E.D. problem and he gave me some Testosterone shots,but to no avail.

hal2003 4 Reviews 11352 reads
5 / 13

Although you're asking about testosterone I think you're just looking to improve the quality of your erection.  If so, read below.

I tried viagra once and it didn't do anything for me.  Made me feel a little queezy.  Recently, I started taking a popular bodybuilding supplement and noticed a nice side effect - a good stiffy.  I'm not suggesting this, because taking meds and even supplements should be consulted with your physician first. The supplement I started taking was something called NO2 made by MRI.  It's expensive.  I started taking it because it's a vasodilator - which theoretically enhances blood flow to the muscles, adding strength.  It definitely helps for this, if only slightly.  But the side effect is I've been getting a pretty hard erection.  Guess it's dilating me over time.  Just food for thought.  Other companies make something similar - look for nitric oxide stuff on the bodybuilding supplements web pages for more info and see your doc before thinking about taking anything.

BBrain 55 Reviews 8159 reads
6 / 13

It does not get you hard?
It does not still erect?
Erect but fails to ejaculate?

altus62 10372 reads
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I have an RX for 100mg,but the Dr. said to cut them in half.Just doesn't get hard enough for intercourse.Worked fairly well the first few times,but now seems almost like I'm immune to it.I haven't tried the whole 100 mg dose yet but am getting awful close.Can ejaculate just fine from mine/her masturbation.  Thanks

DaddyLike 13 Reviews 12125 reads
8 / 13

You should have a doctor test your testosterone levels.  If your levels are low, they can give you either a cream you have to apply daily, or you can get injections every two weeks.  

For what its worth, I get the injections, and its worth it, not just for sex, but for general energy levels.

In addition, dump the Viagra and give Levitra a shot.

altus62 9582 reads
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Thanks to all for the useful advice.My Dr. who prescribed the viagra was family type and has since retired.I will schedule with a Urologist this time.

Horizononfire 3 Reviews 9775 reads
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Horizononfire 3 Reviews 11139 reads
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supplementing with proviron daily in combination with weekly testosterone shots.

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