The Erotic Highway

which pre-paid visa card on
sugardadaist 599 reads

A few weeks ago I started a profile without pictures. I did nothing except browse the profiles of a few SBs, but I've been getting a constant flow of notifications, some potentially interesting which I would like to communicate with.

I got myself a pre-paid CC with greenDot. Turns out that it cannot be used on GreenDot says that they don't honor non-US (international) merchants, and is configured as a non-US entity. I contacted both supports but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place, apparently.

One thing is for sure: I am not going to release my real credit card with my real name to a third-party company (non-US company, to make things worse). The risk that my real name will come up in google in connection with this hobby (can't think of a better term off the top of my head) is waaay too big.

Question for you guys: what solution did you find to pay for and protect your privacy?

Not my expertise. I'm not married, no SO and have multiple SB's.  My friends know I date young (18-35) and many suspect I sugar as well.  

But generally SA has gone to extraordinary lengths to prevent anonymous users. Is that to prevent guys from cheating? Hello no! That's arguably 65% of their business.  It's to keep government regulators off their backs for enabling money laundering in furtherance of terrorism, illegal drugs and organized crime.  

So there are gents here (and in the General Discussion Board for paying TER) who have methods using mobile apps and certain quasi-cash funds-in methods.    

Again, not my expertise...  

Life is good

The Cat

I think posters should spell out the names of these sites, as I've seen a lot get either the initials wrong or are referring to sites I don't know about.

SA = Seeking
SB = Secret Benefits.
Those are the two I've used.  But there are others.

sugardadaist60 reads is the website

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