The Erotic Highway

Re:female sexual response and "maturity"regular_smile
Love Goddess 10343 reads

Uh oh, Duchess_4_u,

What media and science at large hath wrought and brought upon us ever-questioning females! Take it from an ancient one: you are nowhere near these "symptoms" if you are 10-15 years away from peri-menopause. When they come, you'll know it. It's not so much about localized decreased sensitivity, in fact, one of the symptoms will be increased sensitivity to the point of being painful, because your vaginal tissues will feel "dried out" from a decrease in estrogen.

But what you are doing, and which is entirely normal from a female adult developmental view, is that you are expanding your sexual repertoire. You are getting to know your body; in fact, you are becoming a connoisseuse of what turns you on..and what doesn't. An example from a clinical case: I had a woman in her 20s who absolutely hated anyone going down on her. In the rare event it did happen, she told me she started "counting numbers in the head." Fast-forward 10 years, and the same woman is now enjoying getting oral. Several things happened: she was able to relax into it when she felt safe and stop counting numbers in her head; also, she spent time with more mature men who didn't treat her clitoris like a piece of hard candy - and, she got to know her body and felt more comfortable with it as she matured.

Now as to the whole "coming" issue: who is to say that an orgasm has to be one way or another? Yes, it's important for men to feel validated in bed, but remember that men can mostly proceed from their own biological standpoint, which is an orgasm emanating largely from one focal point. For females, orgasm can range from an intense G-spot experience, complete with gushing, to an all over warm feeling that doesn't necessarily involve the clitoris at all. As to your answer when someone asks - leave it up to the moment to respond.

In some way, I believe older, more mature men can relate to this issue as well. It seems that they are also capable of reaching all-over orgasms, some of them even "dry." They report that same "warm all-over" sensation and release, without ejaculating. Yes, the body does change. As we get older, the focus moves away from the destination and becomes more about the journey. As it should be.

Happy travels,
the Love Goddess

God, I can't believe I have the nerve to ask this, but since the guys are being so forthright, I will put mine out there.  I am nowhere near menopause, but my dr. says I might start experiencing symptoms anywhere from 10-15 years before onset.  One of these symptoms I understand can be decreased sensitivity, making it harder to climax.   I know a LOT of things can affect sexual response in women, but I think I notice that it's a shade harder to climax now than before.  I don't really have a decrease in my drive, but I wonder if I am as sensitive down there as before... I just seem to need more foreplay and sometimes I just don't know what's going to work (which is why I asked about toys earlier).  This is actually a plus as I am discovering a lot about sex I didn't know before, and I am getting somewhat better about knowing my body and asking for what I need, but this is a work in progress ;)  My dilemma is that it seems pretty important to the guy that I come.  Is that a male thing? :)  I have to say that the pressure "to come" does not really help things.  I don't understand why sometimes I can come a lot and sometimes not at all (but it still feels good)  I'm not sure how to explain that it can feel very wonderful to make love for an hour and feel very close (but I don't have a full orgasm) and that can be more satisfying for me--emotionally and physically--than say, 3 min. alone w/a "vibrator" that gets me to climax very quickly (although it is not an either/or).  I wonder if some of the OTC topical ointments really work, although, like I said, sex for me feels wonderful, and I do climax but just not like clockwork everytime.  What do you say when asked "did you come?" and I have to say sometimes, no, but it felt great...then you see that letdown expression?  

from much of what is said on these boards (a lot of it from yours truly too.)

However, the female orgasm is much like the cherry on the sundae.  Lots of fun to look at and it tastes sweet, but it's just a small part of the whole experience.

To continue my food/sex metaphor for a bit (and why not, there are a lot of parallels):

You want the finest mounds of cream, the thick luscious rich dark chocolate and it doesn't hurt to be nuts. (OK switching off metaphor)

But most of all, the enjoyment of a sexual encounter is most dependent on the attitude that each brings to the bed.  Openess to new experience, deep interest in the other, attention paid to the little things, these are what make up a great session.

In short:  Don't give it a second thought.

She'll be comming around the mountain when she comes...

Thanks for that great response.  You know how we women are, we obsess about EVERYTHING.  I'll try not to fret about it. :)

utrdude11717 reads

The LG is right on target.  On every occaison that I am with a lady, I advise her that at 65, I may not be able to reach a physical orgasm, but that doesn't stop me from having a great sexual experience.  It is true that the male species feels greater if he can get his companion to cum...but as age increases, it's my famous saying that is more important.  "The prelude is far more important that the finale' ">

LG's and the other responses are full of insight and reassuring to some extent, but most mature people know what they like and why they like it.  Maybe they are wise and mature enough to accept alternative pleasures if the principal one isn't quite up to it, or whatever, but there's no mistaking an earthquake for a prolonged tremor and I think everyone realizes that.
So, it's a dilemma without a real solution, except for people to do their best, as much as they can, as long as they can.  
As for LG's comment that the journey is more important than the destination, that's certainly true; for further insight read Cavafy's immortal poem "Ithaka" for the definitive word on that.  
That context is quite different from gmr's observation that "the prelude is more important than the finale" which is not quite as famous as gmr says it is.  It is were, more people would agree with it.  Just my opinion.

Love Goddess10344 reads

Uh oh, Duchess_4_u,

What media and science at large hath wrought and brought upon us ever-questioning females! Take it from an ancient one: you are nowhere near these "symptoms" if you are 10-15 years away from peri-menopause. When they come, you'll know it. It's not so much about localized decreased sensitivity, in fact, one of the symptoms will be increased sensitivity to the point of being painful, because your vaginal tissues will feel "dried out" from a decrease in estrogen.

But what you are doing, and which is entirely normal from a female adult developmental view, is that you are expanding your sexual repertoire. You are getting to know your body; in fact, you are becoming a connoisseuse of what turns you on..and what doesn't. An example from a clinical case: I had a woman in her 20s who absolutely hated anyone going down on her. In the rare event it did happen, she told me she started "counting numbers in the head." Fast-forward 10 years, and the same woman is now enjoying getting oral. Several things happened: she was able to relax into it when she felt safe and stop counting numbers in her head; also, she spent time with more mature men who didn't treat her clitoris like a piece of hard candy - and, she got to know her body and felt more comfortable with it as she matured.

Now as to the whole "coming" issue: who is to say that an orgasm has to be one way or another? Yes, it's important for men to feel validated in bed, but remember that men can mostly proceed from their own biological standpoint, which is an orgasm emanating largely from one focal point. For females, orgasm can range from an intense G-spot experience, complete with gushing, to an all over warm feeling that doesn't necessarily involve the clitoris at all. As to your answer when someone asks - leave it up to the moment to respond.

In some way, I believe older, more mature men can relate to this issue as well. It seems that they are also capable of reaching all-over orgasms, some of them even "dry." They report that same "warm all-over" sensation and release, without ejaculating. Yes, the body does change. As we get older, the focus moves away from the destination and becomes more about the journey. As it should be.

Happy travels,
the Love Goddess

"For the Journey is the destination"
ancient Chinese proverb -
(also used a few years back by Singapore Airlines whose flight attendants...)

Heya Duchess

A couple years back, I met probably one of the nicest providers a guy could hope to meet.  The session was light and affectionate and fun - and I didn't finish.  I figured at the time that I had desensitized myself with too many videos and too much pleasuring myself; she mentioned that sometimes it happens with providers, too - too much over time and things just start getting desensitized.  As LG has mentioned quite often, it could also be the brain, looking for some variety.

As for a woman's orgasm, maybe I'm not the typical guy but that's not something I look for in an experience.  I go into it hoping that we both have a good time.  It doesn't matter if the time spent is wild and passionate or sedate and affectionate, if we both have a smile at the end (and hopefully throughout), I'm happy.

Aside from the need for some store bought lubricant -- at the ripe age of 65 as are my partners -- the ladies are super responsive.  Age does not mean ANYTHING aside form mutual respect being more important and in place.

As for men, I had a radical prostatectomy.  Dry as a bone but the orgasms are way way stronger, than ever.

Stereotypes are really dumb!!!!

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