The Erotic Highway

Re: You are correct with the STFU strategy...
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 1509 reads
1 / 24

I've had 2 conversations with SBs that really had me amused. I also really had to bite my tongue.

Can't really recall how the subject of escorts came up but both really thought escorts were gross and disgusting.  And these conversations came after we had discussed their needs. It was hard not to point out that they had acceped sugar for sex......but I  didnt.

principium 421 reads
2 / 24

What we know from having been engaged in this Hobby is a wealth of experience which a typical civilian will have challenges to wrap his/her around with. Also needless to say that the public in general uses the worst cases of prostitution (pimped, underage, trafficked) as examples as their stereotypes.  

I have had this very discussion with a sick-minded friend of mine who basically only sees BP hookers. He reminds me every single time that I and those like me, are only fooling ourselves and paying way too much because we see de facto prostitutes in SB clothing and then way overpay to justify for it!  

It really doesn't matter to me as to what others think any more because all that matters is what the interested consenting adult SB and I think about and agree upon!

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 336 reads
3 / 24

The one lady wanted 800 per meet. She dropped to 600 which she said is way below her value. She has had a bit of an attitude. With her request and attitude I gave her the take care goidbye. She continues to text me and now has said 500 but still has an attitude. SHE us making it hard to stfu.

sweetman 93 Reviews 331 reads
4 / 24

that conversation always goes downhill really fast. If I'm feeling like it would be fun to debate the point I tell them it's not about your value, which is obviously priceless.  It's about the market and the competition! I met a stunning 18yo SB recently who insisted she'd never get intimate for less than $600. I can get the top rated escorts with a full menu in my area for that much! Anyway, stfu is still probably your best option.

KL69069 38 Reviews 395 reads
5 / 24

The SBs look down upon the pros.  At the same time, the pros look down upon the SBs.  Interesting logic.

xray84 28 Reviews 358 reads
6 / 24

True. The SB's sniff "I'm not an ESCORT" and the pros say "The SBs are all hypocrites". Both are sex workers, just slightly different variations (and nothing wrong with either of those!), so I've stopped thinking about it.

KL69069 38 Reviews 313 reads
7 / 24

Don't try to figure it out.  It is what it is, despite the strange logic.

KL69069 38 Reviews 348 reads
8 / 24

Yes, "value" and "worth" will send the conversation downhill fast.

Here's an irony of this situation:  There are SBs like the one you mention who won't get intimate for less than $600 but will meet guys on Tinder or in bars and have sex for free.  Most of the guys are probably younger and more to their liking, but the SB won't touch the paying customers for less than $600.

sweetman 93 Reviews 367 reads
9 / 24

I was just exchanging messages with a 33yo, nice looking but nothing more, who wants me to fuck her while her husbad watches. Ok I could maybe do that. Until she said she wanted 2k. I can spend the night with my 19yo SB beauty for 200 and I told her so!

GaGambler 309 reads
10 / 24

What she does for free is none of my business. If she DEMANDS six hundred bucks to fuck me, it simply tells me she really isn't that interested in fucking me, but will demean herself for $600. That's not what I am looking for, so I simply take a pass.  

I am starting to see a common theme on this board which is why so many hookers are calling us "cheap" it's the same phenomenon that happens on the regional boards where guys constantly bitch about the "price of pussy" because they can't afford it. At least on the regional boards the women can read the posts and possibly rethink their price structure, when done here it just sounds like so much whining in many cases.

Put yourself in the SB's position, How much would you charge when you were 18 to fuck the female version of you today? I've beet to many a M&G and I know what a lot of hobbyists look like. For them to get ANY woman to get naked with them would be a bargain at twice the price. Now the woman asking two grand to have some guy fuck her while her husband watches, now THAT is delusional IMO. lol

principium 244 reads
11 / 24

Back in 2010 I went to a TER sponsored LA M&G which was my first and last. In fact after about 30 minutes of SMH I left the darn place and went to the "pub" next door (even was at a venue in SM). There are two ways of meeting a bunch of fellow "hobbyists":

1- Going to the M&G

2- Getting busted by Uncle LEO

Luckily for me, the first route and option was the start of the end for me because till then I did not understand as to why and where the fooque these 9 10 scores were coming form!

GaGambler 374 reads
12 / 24

Just go to an M&G for a huge shot of self esteem. At my very worst I am "9" on a TER scale of customers. It's no wonder I often get those looks of "relief" when the door opens and the girl gets her first look at me.  

It's also the reason I started posting a picture on my SA profile. I don't lie about my age and early on I figured out that when women read 57 on my profile, with no pic to go by, the default assumption that I was an old man most likely 64 not 57.  

but back to the topic of M&Gs. I hosted a couple of M&G's back in Atlanta several years ago and I still remember the surprise this one young provider expressed upon meeting me and learning I was GaGambler, I asked her what she was expecting and she pointed to some old fat, white guy of about 60 and told me "THAT" was what she expected. She went on to say she was pleasantly surprised. lol

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 294 reads
13 / 24

I went to a picnic from our local departed board. OMFG. These poor ladies! lol

Posted By: principium
Back in 2010 I went to a TER sponsored LA M&G which was my first and last. In fact after about 30 minutes of SMH I left the darn place and went to the "pub" next door (even was at a venue in SM). There are two ways of meeting a bunch of fellow "hobbyists":  
 1- Going to the M&G  
 2- Getting busted by Uncle LEO  
 Luckily for me, the first route and option was the start of the end for me because till then I did not understand as to why and where the fooque these 9 10 scores were coming form!

principium 255 reads
14 / 24

But back when I used to PM with you under my prior monger moniker, I had once mentioned to you that I had heard through the grapevine that the head honchos of that now defunct board were reportedly (by some ladies whom I'd trust with the info) a couple of rough riding roughians, but you didn't believe me!

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 234 reads
15 / 24

what is a rough riding roughians mean?

Posted By: principium
But back when I used to PM with you under my prior monger moniker, I had once mentioned to you that I had heard through the grapevine that the head honchos of that now defunct board were reportedly (by some ladies whom I'd trust with the info) a couple of rough riding roughians, but you didn't believe me!

principium 273 reads
16 / 24

But in essence, I meant that those "gents" making froggie noises et al were rumored to mistreat their ladies ;)

wholewheelofchz 6 Reviews 314 reads
17 / 24

They end up with a reeeallllly inflated sense of market value. Their reasoning is always along the lines of, well so and so gets 500/600 whatever for just one hour, so you having me all night for 500 is a huge discount for you.

Unsurprisingly, my attempts to explain reality to these girls have never gone well. I recently made a comparison to best buy vs the mom & pop video store and boy you shoulda seen the look on her face lololol

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 192 reads
18 / 24

The only thing I  know is that they were oooold and if you think im chubby.....

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 193 reads
19 / 24

Or they have friends that are SBs making 5000 per month. Duuuure.

sxfiendpark96 2 Reviews 376 reads
20 / 24

Say 'I'm an arbitrageur' five times fast. I triple-dog dare you.

NomdeAmour 230 reads
21 / 24

Yep. I'm an honest 62 years old, and there are some things that just happen with age, but I am trying hard to meet GaGambler's metric of "not repulsive", and I was kind of stunned at the appearance of my fellow mongers at my first M&G. I'm pretty sure I'm also in the "9" range as mongers of my age go. And I know the look of "relief".

At one memorable M&G, I had scheduled in advance for the next day with a lady visiting from NYC, and when she first met me and I introduced myself as her 10 AM appointment for the next morning, her eyes widened, she got a big smile, looked around the room and said, "thank god it's you!". Nice ego boost...

So, pros are indeed professional, but a little work on yourself yields dividends with the ladies. "Not repulsive" and "a gentleman by choice" are how I always play it. (Of course, GaGambler  may disagree on the 2nd on point ;) ).

averagejoe38 35 Reviews 305 reads
22 / 24

Well, this new SB I met for lunch said ok to intimacy and an allowance for twice a week. I met her one more time for lunch as she did not confirm for the hotel and her availability was uncertain due to broken cell phone, then she wants me to buy her a phone in cash and also complains that it's almost a week and she has not seen her weekly allowance yet.

I told her that I had mentioned intimacy is part of the arrangement so no intimacy means no allowance, and that I am sorry if it wasn't crystal clear to her. And there is no way that I am going to pay $600 for her new phone when she hasn't returned me a favor yet.  

Again, proved that their logic is weak, and from next time I will have to emphasize that allowance does not start from the first public meet but after the first private meet no matter how many times we met publicly before that private meet.

KL69069 38 Reviews 260 reads
23 / 24

Try to do a "per-date allowance."  Paying up front is a horrible idea.  Even then, she should get the money at the end of the date.  This particular SB sounds like someone to avoid.  She's way too focused on money.

magoo251 28 Reviews 234 reads
24 / 24

Any SB who insists on being paid at start of date has initiated our LAST meeting.

Any SB who insists on being paid before intimacy has initiated our last conversation.

Look. No Ticket. No Shirt.  

Spell it out in advance! I tell them that I work with a bunch of pretty girls who'd love me to take them for drinks and appetizers and other platonic events (which, is true).  

So, I don't pay for platonic time only. PERIOD. End of Story.

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