The Erotic Highway

Re: What a difference!
sweetman 93 Reviews 42 reads

My wife and I talked about the big difference in their attitude and she thinks their former mean spirited and unhelpful attitude backfired on them.  She agrees my account can't have been the only one affected, and they probably lost a bunch of good, paying members like me by banning us from the site.  Maybe they actually learned where their bread is buttered.

Barkingfrog and others have wondered how to get back on Seeking after being deleted, suspended, banned, whatever.  When it happened to me last March I received quite nasty emails from seeking support basically saying there was no way they would let me back on the site, even though my account had been hacked and the bad behavior was not caused by me.  Major work around were needed to return to the site.  

So I'm happy to report that this time it was way easier.  When I saw that my account had been hacked about 2 weeks ago I immediately emailed Seeking Support and alerted them to the issue.  The reply I received was way kinder and gentler than what I'd gotten last time around.   Basically they are encouraging me to simply create a new account with a new email address and a new password, which I have done.  Fairly painless. Here's their response:

Hello there,

Thank you for reaching out. It appears that your account on our platform has been compromised. As a result, we have taken immediate action to permanently remove your account to ensure your safety and protect your personal information. Please keep in mind that if you made a recent payment, it’s been refunded at this time. We kindly ask that you allow 5-10 business days to reach your statement. You’ll need to make a new payment upon the creation of your new account.

We understand that this news may be distressing, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. However, the security of our users is our utmost priority, and we must take decisive measures to safeguard your account and data.

To mitigate any potential risks and regain access to our platform, we strongly advise you to create a new account using a different email address and password combination. By doing so, you will establish a fresh start with enhanced security measures in place.

In addition, we recommend visiting public security forums such as These platforms provide valuable insights into data breaches and can help you determine if your login information has been part of any known lists. It is essential to remain vigilant and take proactive steps to protect your online presence.

Here are some recommended steps to ensure the security of your new account:

1. Create a strong and unique password: Select a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information such as birthdates or common phrases.

2. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Take advantage of our platform's additional security features, such as 2FA, which provides an extra layer of protection by requiring a verification code during login.

3. Be cautious of phishing attempts: Remain vigilant against phishing emails, suspicious links, or unsolicited requests for personal information. Always verify the legitimacy of any communication you receive before taking action.

4. Regularly monitor your account activity: Routinely review your account for any unfamiliar activity or unauthorized access. If you notice anything suspicious, report it immediately to our support team.

We understand that this situation may be unsettling, and we want to assure you that we are actively investigating the security breach and implementing measures to prevent future incidents. Our goal is to restore your confidence in our platform and provide you with a secure and enjoyable user experience.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our team is ready to assist you throughout this process and address any issues you may encounter.

Once again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding in this matter. We look forward to serving you again in a safe and secure environment.


Best Regards,

Seeking Support

Reading that makes me wonder if they might have had a much larger breach than your single account.  

It reads much more like the kind of message received from your bank when their systems were hacked.  The only thing missing from the letter is the (useless) offer of one-year free credit monitoring - or for SA I suppose that would be BCD monitoring? LOL  

Thanks, for sharing, Papa Sweet!  

Life is good

The Cat

My wife and I talked about the big difference in their attitude and she thinks their former mean spirited and unhelpful attitude backfired on them.  She agrees my account can't have been the only one affected, and they probably lost a bunch of good, paying members like me by banning us from the site.  Maybe they actually learned where their bread is buttered.

I’ve been receiving 25 percent off offers from S and 60 percent off offers from WYP. More than usual.

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