The Erotic Highway

Re: Waste of Time
MDraft 1860 reads
1 / 19

In the past week I've had a huge increase from local college girls favoriting me and eventually turning out to be a waste of time. I have a feeling the rumor on campus must be "Sign up to this web site for free and all these old farts will give you money just to hang around with them"

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 451 reads
2 / 19

That's why I stayed away from the very young "college" was a waste of time.

Crisatl 115 Reviews 394 reads
3 / 19

I have had the same experience. Live and learn. Wasted sooooo much time and effort on the young ones because it seemed so promising. No more. My age limit is now 25.

GaGambler 368 reads
4 / 19

but I don't see it happening that often from the really young girls.  

I see two, actually three major groups of women that go around favoriting the guys. Hookers, which many of you guys don't like, but who I am still rather fond of. Fuglies, who are hoping someone, anyone will respond to them, and lastly and the most annoying, the women contacting you from thousands of miles away who are looking for an "online" arrangement, like any of "us" are going to send some woman in the Philippines a single red cent to "skype" with her

kaoxt 21 Reviews 377 reads
5 / 19
MDraft 397 reads
6 / 19

Then there's the super hot one from some out of state location in her profile, but when you look below at Recent Location it says Nigeria

GaGambler 339 reads
7 / 19

At least the ones from the Philippines, Asia and Eastern Europe come complete with some nice eye candy, but still they are a giant PITA.

What really pissed me off not long ago was having a lengthy text exchange with a young lady who purportedly lived about 40 miles up the road from me. We texted back and forth for a few hours, were getting to the point of hopefully meeting that very night and she asked me "what is the closest airport to you?" I mean WTF???!!! She fessed up to living several hundred miles away and was "only $240 short" of having the airfare to come see me. Yeah, right. SMH

sweetman 93 Reviews 255 reads
8 / 19

are the webcam scammers.  The favorite you and also send you a key to their private photos.  Then they ask to email you at which point they say all they really want is for you to give them good reviews on their "free" webcam shows.  Of course you first have to join some bogus "verification service" to view their free cam shows.  The only good news about them is that when I've reported them to SA Admin they have been removed pronto.

principium 338 reads
9 / 19

Yup, I've seen this but I don't tend to report. Usually the ones who have quite risqué nude photos in their private photo settings fall into this bait and switch category.

Shockingly, the hookers or the quasi hookers do not post such revealing nude photos although they are mostly unable to compel the hooker instincts and will invariably post suggestive photos and keep address you as "Hun" :D

sweetman 93 Reviews 355 reads
10 / 19

through my list of SA girls I've had sex with and I discovered that fully 50% of them either favorited me first or made first contact via a message. Of course their have been many who favorited me or contacted me who were scammers, lived in the Philippines, whatever.  But my successes have been 50/50 with girls who took the first step.

principium 322 reads
11 / 19

With the exception of the scammers (anyone in the aforementioned categories of LD, webcum dumpsters, Pros...) those who have approached me have ALL been those who have an immediate and impending financial need. If you are OK with this type and don't mind the pressure and are also willing to set things the record straight that an advance of $1K to $2K is just not on the cards with this pay-as-you-go daddy, your odds of bedding the SB are indeed very, very good.

GaGambler 334 reads
12 / 19

but remember I LIKE hookers and I don't mind at all having them on SA.

Besides there are a huge number of "quasi hookers" who have no idea how much they could get in the P 411/TER world. I know Z claims these women don't exist, or at the very least they are low class or ugly, but I suppose that means "more for me" lol

I do have to admit however that a couple of the women that sent me "naughty" pictures where the least "hookerish" of any of the women I have met so far. One NEVER charged me a cent over several sex charged dates. and the other after we had sex the first time commented out loud "I guess I am a hooker now that I just had sex for money" The good news was when I asked her "ok, do you want to do it again?" her response was "oh yes I do" we saw each other for several months before we kind of got tired of each other and drifted apart.

GaGambler 301 reads
13 / 19

I've been with about twenty different SB that have led to sex over the last several months since joining SA, of those 20 women only two reached out to me first, and yes, both of them were hookers.  

The problem I have had with women who have contacted me first was either distance, many of them are from other states or countries, or looks. I have had a lot of rather homely women volunteering to be my "soul mate" lol Even though this is not TER land, I still reserve my right to be a shallow pig where it comes to looks. I am NOT interested in homely women at any price. lol

principium 268 reads
14 / 19

I disregard and discard them if they're under 21 even if I'm deemed a perv by looking at them! This is now a no-go if a POT SB is younger than my youngest child. Perhaps it's a mental block, skewed principles or whatever the fooque!.

However as a youthful 53 POT SD, I have no problems with 21-25 although I treat each mere one year differential with an steeply linear gradient of a age v experience graph!  

Unless you are approaching your 70's and only if you feel uncomfortable being with a young 20's person, I would not totally and summarily discount the 21-25 age range SBs.
Posted By: Crisatl
I have had the same experience. Live and learn. Wasted sooooo much time and effort on the young ones because it seemed so promising. No more. My age limit is now 25.

MDraft 305 reads
15 / 19

"Hun" is indeed the dead giveaway. It seems to be a code word !!

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 336 reads
16 / 19

I don't have the patience to go shopping, dining,pitching myself for a couple of dates and then hanging out before our intimate moment. The over 30 ladies understand what this is all about, they get it and it's not their first rodeo. You have a meet for coffee, you lay it on the line as gentlemanly as you can. If the conversation steers toward an allowance for the arraignment then you discuss it. By the next date or sometimes after your coffee, you're lockup in some hotel room. I'm 61 but I look 45 and I have the social makeup of a guy 35. But I have the sensuality of a 60 yo, so I know what I want. But by reading the threads below, it seems that I might be in a minority. Plus most young girls don't know how to to be sensual. Fucking is one thing, but to put your heart and soul into is rare for the young ladies.

GaGambler 313 reads
17 / 19

I don't really feel comfortable anymore taking a "teeny bopper" out on the town.  

I just found out though that the girl I have been seeing a few times a week just turned 19 today. I gave her an extra hundred and she was thrilled. I did NOT offer to take her out on the town however.  It wasn't that long ago I felt just fine taking a 19 year old out on the town, but I have to confess, when I am in the US at least, under 21 really is too young to be going out with.

GaGambler 229 reads
18 / 19

The SB lays down the gauntlet that $1-2K is the "price of admission" it's your/our job to turn that around into the reversed gauntlet. As in, "ok, we have established you are in dire need of money, how are you going to "prove" to me that you are worth it, AND how are we going to spread this out as one single upfront payment is just NOT going to happen"

Like you, I ONLY believe in "pay as you go"

To me, if a girl is hot enough, I think a grand is fair for an entire weekend. Two grand? Well I really don't want her moving in with me, so a couple of grand would have to be SEVERAL overnight dates spread out over a couple of weeks. It's funny, I will bet two grand on a single hand of black jack, but I won't give it upfront to ANY woman whether she be hooker, SB or Civvy. Funny how our minds work.

hongdavis91731 34 Reviews 225 reads
19 / 19

Posted By: hpygolky
I don't have the patience to go shopping, dining,pitching myself for a couple of dates and then hanging out before our intimate moment. The over 30 ladies understand what this is all about, they get it and it's not their first rodeo. You have a meet for coffee, you lay it on the line as gentlemanly as you can. If the conversation steers toward an allowance for the arraignment then you discuss it. By the next date or sometimes after your coffee, you're lockup in some hotel room. I'm 61 but I look 45 and I have the social makeup of a guy 35. But I have the sensuality of a 60 yo, so I know what I want. But by reading the threads below, it seems that I might be in a minority. Plus most young girls don't know how to to be sensual. Fucking is one thing, but to put your heart and soul into is rare for the young ladies.

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