The Erotic Highway

Re: The weird thing is that she even handed you back that 68 cents...
herbtcat 6 Reviews 44 reads

I think she gave me the coins because she just didn't want to carry loose change in her tiny dress-up purse.  You know; the type of purse that can only hold her ID, lipstick and a condom (which fortunately, we never use). LOL  

And yes, when she came out of the bathroom dressed in a very-tight-fitting hooters costume*, well, I wasn't worried about change or cat food...  

*Hooters costume: Hooters-branded small, white sports bra + Hooters-orange small booty shorts.  
Did I take pics? Yes.
Will I share them? No.  

Later we went to an upscale NYE dinner at a new Moroccan restaurant. Delicious!  


Life is good

The Cat  

Another amusing observation about my 20-yeard old Viet spinner.  

Occasionally, she asks me to get her a small household sundry item. Her mom just adopted a 2nd cat for the family, and my SB asked me if I had any spare cat food (I have two cats).  

I told her we could stop at a store and pick some up on the way from her place to mine. I checked online and found a CVS nearby that had 3 lbs. bags for $7-$8. When we parked at the store, I handed her $10 and asked her to run in to get the food.  She asked me if $10 was enough and I told her I had checked in advance (because... SD's are good financial planners, right?).  Then she asked if she could also get a few cat treats as well. "Sure, Babe, here's some more," I said, handing her another $20 - I was too lazy to ask for the original $10 back.  

She goes into the store and returns promptly with the cat stuff. She hands me the change - which I expected would be around $12-$15 ($8 for food and another $5-ish for treats = $13. $30 less $13 = $17, less some tax, so maybe $12-$15... right? It was 68 cents. LOL  

I'm not upset. In fact, I am amused. I've said before that SB money-math defies Newtonian physics.  Once cash is in her hands, she ceases to be aware that it exists, or ever existed, and sweetly awaits Daddy to give her more.  

I'll bet if I peeked into that CVS bag I would have spotted more than cat food and treats.  But no matter; she was happy with Daddy, so Daddy was happy with Baby.   About 30 minutes later, as we spent significant amounts of energy demonstrating our happiness in a moist, well-lubed, and frenetic manner ("Fuck my face, Daddy! I want to see how much I can take..." and such...) I cared not one bit about cat food, because....  


Life is good

The Cat

Happy New Year!

It's almost as if she is putting an exclamation mark on the fact that she expects to keep change like that as some kind of unwritten law of boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.

In any case, you did get your change back later with interest, and that's the important thing.

I think she gave me the coins because she just didn't want to carry loose change in her tiny dress-up purse.  You know; the type of purse that can only hold her ID, lipstick and a condom (which fortunately, we never use). LOL  

And yes, when she came out of the bathroom dressed in a very-tight-fitting hooters costume*, well, I wasn't worried about change or cat food...  

*Hooters costume: Hooters-branded small, white sports bra + Hooters-orange small booty shorts.  
Did I take pics? Yes.
Will I share them? No.  

Later we went to an upscale NYE dinner at a new Moroccan restaurant. Delicious!  


Life is good

The Cat  

Love you stories!  And I'm quite jelly, wish their were some asian spinners here in  Pussy Siberia!

Met a gal for the first time a couple weeks ago at her place, 24yo brunette, slim, white. Completely disorganized, her place was a mess, but she was cuter than I expected and eager to please. She did a good job and clearly wanted to make a good first impression in bed.

I gave her $$$, as we agreed via text, in hundreds. She then asked me if I had any fifties. Stupid me thought she preferred smaller bills and wanted me to make change for her. So I told her I had some fifties in my vehicle and I'd go get them. So she asked if I could make it 350. Before I could object to the price hike, she just blurted out, "It's ok. I've got fifties laying around here somewhere, but who the hell knows where? Hahaha!"  

So she needs or wants the money, probably didn't even remember what we agreed to, but when I said I'd need to go out to my vehicle, she just laughs it off and admits she's so bad with cash that random 50s might be mixed in with any number of the piles of paper, laundry, dishes, stuffed animals, etc. that lay everywhere. I bet my 300 was gone by morning, either spent or lost among the piles.

Not as amusing as HTC's "68 cents" story, but yet another example of piss poor money management skills.

Posted By: Rockfordfile

 So she needs or wants the money, probably didn't even remember what we agreed to, but when I said I'd need to go out to my vehicle, she just laughs it off and admits she's so bad with cash that random 50s might be mixed in with any number of the piles of paper, laundry, dishes, stuffed animals, etc. that lay everywhere. I bet my 300 was gone by morning, either spent or lost among the piles.  
If the US Education system ever ads a "Personal Finance and Budgeting" class as a prerequisite to graduating High School, we're all going to have to go back to pro's.  LOL  

Life is good

The Cat

JDU (Jack Dunphy University) shut down before Covid but maybe it's time to come back? Other schools are trying to compete by offering relevant coursework, too.

Posted By: herbtcat
Re: money management skills
Posted By: Rockfordfile
  So she needs or wants the money, probably didn't even remember what we agreed to, but when I said I'd need to go out to my vehicle, she just laughs it off and admits she's so bad with cash that random 50s might be mixed in with any number of the piles of paper, laundry, dishes, stuffed animals, etc. that lay everywhere. I bet my 300 was gone by morning, either spent or lost among the piles.  
If the US Education system ever ads a "Personal Finance and Budgeting" class as a prerequisite to graduating High School, we're all going to have to go back to pro's.  LOL  

Holiday Greetings from mrfisher??

My holiday greetings has a dreidel on it.

Simple math can be useful.. I can't tell you have many times I've seen odd rates for some pros: $350/hr and $600/90 minutes, for example.  
But the nice part of Herb's story is that you can get a lot of gratitude for a small gesture.

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