The Erotic Highway

Re: "the quality of woman has gone down tremendously,"
herbtcat 6 Reviews 412 reads

I agree with Sweetie (sorry, couldn't resist. :p ).

I think each of us has a pretty clear idea of what an ideal SB is for them, and so we tend to "lean in" on SB's that are close to that ideal and "lean away" from those that don't. It means over a period of time, we are constantly adjusting our SB mix (even if we only have on SB at a time) up towards that ideal.  

So the net effect is that we surround ourselves with SB's that consistently deliver good experiences for fair value.  SB's that underperform and/or over value their sugar needs tend to get less sugar time or are outright kicked out of the pool.  

Yes, we do love to complain about the worst - it's part of the game. But I also think we under-report the best.  

With all this talk about the SB/SD relationship I decided to input my 2 cent into this discussion. Now I am not disagreeing with any of the SD’s on this thread, it has come to my attention as I navigate the sugar bowl that the quality of woman has gone down tremendously, and expectations from the SB’s have risen dramatically. I have been in and out the sugar bowl awhile, and I have noticed somethings, both on the SD’s end and also the SB’s end.

Sugaring and escorting walk a very fine line, so fine that people sometimes get the two mixed up. In the sugar bowl arrangements are negotiated between the SD and the SB. Key word is “negotiation”. Although a SB might have a “set number” in her mind for how much she feels the SD needs to give her, it is never set in stone. A lot of women enter the sugar bowl without doing the proper research, and they ultimately forget that the SD has the upper hand in this type of arrangement. Most women forget that the role of the SB is to “add value” to the life of the SD, and usually arrangements and payment are based on what the SB has to offer, how much time she is willing to give, and what she is willing to give. Lastly, a lot of current and potential SB’s have delusions of grandeur. They fall into the hype of meeting “Mr. Grey” or some other extremely rich gentleman. They spend a lot of time on tumblr reading the stories of those 1 out of 100 SB’s who have daddy's that are extremely rich and generous. Now I'm not saying that those type of SD’s don't exist, I'm pretty sure they do exist, but it creates a false impression on the SB and she starts to believe that every SD should be giving her 10,000 or so every month.Do you see a trend?... I personally look to sugaring for other reasons than monetary gain. A lot of SD’s have other resources to offer like networking, and experience and I like to utilize them for that.…..but that's just me.

Although there bad SB’s there are equally bad SD’s in the bowl as well. The worst ones prey on the inexperienced and naive of the very young. Then there's the extremely cheap. The ones that want all of an SB’s time for 100 bucks, when in reality they could've just paid for 30 minute session with a pro. So far I have had decent SD/SB relationships, but one thing that bothers me the most is the p4p paying method. Traditional “allowance gifting” should be monthly after the first initial meeting. I understand that some SD’s are being cautious but after the 2-3rd meet/date then the allowance should be given to the SB monthly. If you are one that has a hard time being frivolous without our hard earn money then maybe the sugar bowl might not be for you...

Some of them I agree with; some I don't. Either way though... I always enjoy a provider/sb's perspective, so thanks for the input.  

Also, thanks for the reminder about the SB tumblr page... If you ever feel bad about taking advantage of an SB, go read that tumblr page for a bit and you'll get over feeling bad for them really quick lmao.

GaGambler533 reads

as long as it's at the END of the month, not the beginning. lol

I pay basically for "services performed" not "services to be performed" I don't pay my employees a month in advance, nor do I pay my doctor, my lawyer, any of my hookers, so just WHY should I pay my SB a month in advance?

I welcome your participation on this board, but if you think you are going to come on here and dictate how things are "supposed" to be done in the Sugar Bowl, you most definitely have another thing coming.

As for your other points, I know there are some delusional, BSC SB's out there, but in my experience at least, the ones with GPS are a distinct minority and most of my interactions have not involved girls wanting ridiculous amounts of allowance. I have noticed that a certain subset of POT SB does tend to be delusional where it comes to expectations and it's not hookers, it's strippers. Most strippers except a LOT, and I usually pass right on by them whenever I run into a POT SB who turns out to be stripper, way too high maintenance for me.

BlueeyeJack506 reads

I wonder if those who come on here posting day in and day out are really who they think they are - a business magnet who has "employees"?

Speaking of business magnets, do you guys also "ignore" the posters on TER that you don't care for?

GaGambler426 reads

Just what the fuck is a business "magnet" a business owner that attracts other business owner with the right polarity and repels others with the wrong polarity?  

Please at least graduate third grade before trying to engage me in a battle of wits. I get no joy out of putting the witless in their place, it's simply TOO easy to be any fun.

business magnet, ok that is kind of funny, in a stupid kind of way of course.

Posted By: GaGambler
Just what the fuck is a business "magnet" a business owner that attracts other business owner with the right polarity and repels others with the wrong polarity?  Please at least graduate third grade before trying to engage me in a battle of wits. I get no joy out of putting the witless in their place, it's simply TOO easy to be any fun.
You are about two grades ahead of this poster Goomba, which would put you at a mentally 5th grade level. I understand you live in Texas? You know what's wrong with Texas Goomba? Texans.

GaGambler519 reads

Still in the same foul mood I see. Why don't you try getting laid every once in a while? It will put you in a much better mood. You'll still be dumb as a stump, but at least you'll be dumb and happy.

BlueeyeJack375 reads

Which is worse - being from a state know for its "Steers and Queers or being the second highest poster who happens to boast about paying his "employees" after they work?

GaGambler403 reads

So should I take it you think I should pay them in advance?

Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber.

Though there may be traditional allowance gifting at the start of the month, it is not the norm from what I see.  Almost every experience I have heard of did not work well.  The women got paid and skipped town, or their time and performance deteriorated.  In some cases, it may not have been intentional, but just the normal human reaction of taking something a little for granted.  

As noted, monthly payment doesn't have to be at the beginning of the month.  It could be at the end.  In the middle of the month would balance the risk for both parties, as would half at the beginning and half at the end.  To get a sense of how guys feel about paying 100% at the beginning of the month, consider how you would feel about getting 100% at the end of the month.  

GaGambler418 reads

another thing to keep in mind is very few people can manage their money for an entire month, most employees get paid every week or every other week, not many get paid once a month.

I actually have no problem paying an SB I see on a very regular basis on a weekly basis and not PPM, but paying by the month would be very problematic as the SB is ALWAYS going to run out of money well before she runs out of month. lol Either the SD is going to half to "help her out" towards the end of every month or she is going to start resenting still having to see him when she's too broke to even fill up her car with gas. It's just a VERY VERY bad idea to pay an SB a full month in advance and expect her to still be living up to her end of the deal long after she's blown through the money. It's simply a very unrealistic expectation.

easternpacific505 reads

I don't quite get how Sb's expect any reasonable minded person to pay up front a month in advance. I can think of very few situations where you pay ahead of time. The one that comes to mind is insurance, but the concept of insurance is unusual to begin with. You pay all this money to cover you in the event of a disaster that in reality you hope never ever happens. Others that come to mind are airline and hotel reservations, but there is recourse in refunds etc.

-- Modified on 3/18/2017 9:00:00 AM

The allowance.  

I can't have a regular SB during much of the year. So, p4p discreetly handled installments work just fine for me and the chicas.

Posted By: KL69069
Though there may be traditional allowance gifting at the start of the month, it is not the norm from what I see.  Almost every experience I have heard of did not work well.  The women got paid and skipped town, or their time and performance deteriorated.  In some cases, it may not have been intentional, but just the normal human reaction of taking something a little for granted.    
 As noted, monthly payment doesn't have to be at the beginning of the month.  It could be at the end.  In the middle of the month would balance the risk for both parties, as would half at the beginning and half at the end.  To get a sense of how guys feel about paying 100% at the beginning of the month, consider how you would feel about getting 100% at the end of the month.  

I disagree with this totally.  It's just that we guys like to bitch about our worst experiences and tend to get into a little normal male competition about whose experience was the worst.  So we over-report the bad ones.  In fact, I think if you polled the experienced SDs here on this forum you'd find that the majority have enjoyed truly delightful arrangements with sweet Sugar Babies who are not too demanding, and who are very generous with their time and affection.

I agree with Sweetie (sorry, couldn't resist. :p ).

I think each of us has a pretty clear idea of what an ideal SB is for them, and so we tend to "lean in" on SB's that are close to that ideal and "lean away" from those that don't. It means over a period of time, we are constantly adjusting our SB mix (even if we only have on SB at a time) up towards that ideal.  

So the net effect is that we surround ourselves with SB's that consistently deliver good experiences for fair value.  SB's that underperform and/or over value their sugar needs tend to get less sugar time or are outright kicked out of the pool.  

Yes, we do love to complain about the worst - it's part of the game. But I also think we under-report the best.  

Agree with sweetman. With decreasing job market for quality jobs and increasing tuition fees, the talent pool will only get bigger. Just simple supply and demand economics.

I don't agree that most SBs have gps. I've chatted online with one. 55 years old with a great body who wanted 10,000 pm. I was laughing all the way away from the bank. But all others I've met are sane. In fact when I am short and tell them upfront some are willing to meet at a lower rate.  
I finally broke down and stated pp month after a few months with an sb. It has changed nothing and she still works around my schedule despite being married, a mom and having a full time job. Hope the arrangement lasts a long time.  
She's wild sexually and willing to experiment.

GaGambler446 reads

$10,000 Per meet??? You aren't talking about Melania Trump by chance are you? lol

I think the OP is being a bit self serving here and talking about how things should be from the hooker/SB perspective and certainly not from how us guys view things. Claiming the "other girls" want $10,000 month in advance each month makes a thousand bucks a meet look downright reasonable in comparison. Of course when you start off with a foundation that is a lie, any conclusions based on that lie are going to be untrue as well. But you can't blame a girl for trying, even if it turned out to be an EPIC FAIL.

Better luck next time B

I had a once-I-was-in-Playboy type message me and say she was interested - at $6K/month. BTW, the Playboy shoot was 1992, so not recent at all, and while she still had a banging bod, and looked great, I wasn't touching that with a 15-foot pole. IMHO, that's ridiculous - $72K per year? Um, for that I could hire an accountant to run my life, and still have money left over for a good provider several times per year. But she's in Beverly Hills, so she probably assumes she can get that no problem. She's in for a rude awakening, I'm afraid.

GaGambler480 reads

as long as I don't have to pay for any "unused days" I am fine with that. lol

Living in BH, depending on how much time she is willing to devote to her SD, and how hot she still is, she might not be in for that rude awakening after al

I did give an 18 year old SB about four grand a month back about ten years ago, but she not only doubled as an office assistant, we also had sex about ten times a week as well.  and no that was not a typo, we had sex virtually every day and twice a day almost every week day.

I've often been confused by the POT SB's who (supposedly) live in Beverly Hills that contact a POT SD that lives in a place like Van Nuys or Fresno.  

Do they really think that asking for $1k per meet, let alone $10k per month is going to be a successful strategy with a guy who makes maybe $100k a year?   Is that the definition of a SD Unicorn?  A guy who makes 8 figures, has an 8 inch "personality" and doesn't mind banging a chubby MILF 3 times a month?  

90210 is the not only the north half of BH, it also lies in LA as well (the further up Benedict Canyon/Beverly Glen/Coldwater Canyon you go, the further into Los Angeles you get). So people in that ZIP code could potentially cross over, but...why? To me, if you lived, say, at Benedict and Mulholland, why would you cross down into Van Nuys? seems like a step down.

I get that. And frankly if you live up by Mulholland, you're probably in a pretty good situation. I have run across a few SBs who are in BH, but if they claim 90211, it's probably legit - 90210 probably is made up and she's in Reseda or something.

8pointbuck316 reads

I have found that 500 a week is usually what one cost to keep a SB up.    I dole money out to pay bills or she would blow it.  The young black gal 25 yrs. only wants to give sex no other travel or date type.    Good in bed and thin tight body good looking.    Gave her up for a 44 yr old that does anything I want and as much sex as I want.     Travel , cruise anything.    She isn't as tight of body and good looking as the young one but can have an O just as easy as 123.    She always has 2 and sometimes 3.     Has had 4.      Can she grind a weenie.    She can't afford to run me off.   You pay them good and cover their bills they will fight over you to keep from losing you.   Really a girlfriend.
Take her out to eat once a week and she spends the night and cooks for me one night.

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