The Erotic Highway

Re: The arrangement
hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 373 reads

Thanks and I will be watching and evaluating.    The thing I have is not like a contract.   If I stop paying her rent, I stop seeing her.    That is the end.

Looking to navigate this SA profile.  I understand that SB/SD is different from P4P so I'm asking, when making a profile do you use real photos/your photos/no photos? Any additional info would be helpful as well.

If you are single why not use real pics. The biggest thing that mm afe my sugar world fun was when I basically made it clear that I wanted to fuck.

GaGambler502 reads

but I found I got a LOT less responses, especially since I don't lie about my age. (57)  

I seemed to get a lot of hookers contacting me, but not too much else until i started posting my pics. It does help that I can easily pass as 45, but without any pics to go by, a lot of women assumed the worst about my looks.

So to answer your question, yes I use my "real" pics. I try to use charm as much as financial incentive to get the SB's into bed, it doesn't help when they think they have been lied to.

I see that, I've had my profile up for a little less than 24 hours.  I had my real pic up and tons of views and messages. A few have been hookers masquerading as non-pros, but all have been straight and to the point of setting up arrangements.  I'm not single and so it's tough to toe that line and not risk some blowback.  I know areas differ as far as SB arrangement prices, just trying to get some solid advice.  Thanks

GaGambler473 reads

But unlike a lot of potential SD's I LIKE hookers and unlike what many have said about hookers on the SA site, I have found they seem to charge less as an SB than they do as a hooker.

So far I have only paid regular hooker rates once to a lady I met on SA and even then I got at least twice as much time with her for the same rate.

The one thing I do find a bit irritating is getting "favorite" several times a day by women not even in this country.

It's beginning to sound like most of the SB arrangements discussed here are not very different from having a favorite whom you see monthly or so.

There is a continuum that at one end starts with the trophy wife (with a pre-nup, natch) and then the gal who shacks up with a guy minus the paperwork (Whom used to be called euphemistically a "kept woman".) , then the gal who is (supposedly) your exclusive gal for a fixed fee per month but maintains her own place, to SBs with multiple regulars, and finally to the hookers we all know and love.  There could be other variations as well.


GaGambler446 reads

A hooker will dispense with even the appearance of any other than sex for money.

A good rule of thumb, if a "Sugar Baby" agrees to meet you anyone of these places; her place, your place, or a hotel, she is a hooker and you don't really need to bother with any warm up except agreeing to a price.  

If she insists on meeting you for a non sexual date first, she still may or may not be a hooker, but the chances are she wants an "arrangement" and not simply "so much per hour"

It's also been my experience that many of these SB's who insist on a non sexual date first quite often are willing to hop into bed with you on that very same "first date" if they like you. Some of them will even do so for free, actually a surprisingly large percentage of these girls will hop into bed with you for free and you don't "treat" them like a hooker.

I NEVER lead off with any mention of money on my first date with a potential SB. I treat each date just like a civvie date, eventually she will bring up the subject of an "arrangement" if that is what she is looking for. The last thing I want to do is treat a girl who just wants "good company" and to be "treated well" like a hooker and turn her completely off in the process.

A hooker is never going to be "offended" by being treated like a civvy date, a non hooker doing this for the first time can most definitely be turned off by some guy offering her money for sex in the first five minutes of having met him.

A lot of good tip for someone like me who wants to expand into world of SB from TER. It seems there are no alternatives to paying the big subscription fee on SA to actually communicate with the sugar babes.

Many of the SA women state categorically in their profiles, "no pictures, no reply" and those who don't say it probably feel the same way.  Post current pictures that show how charming you are.  Age is absolutely no barrier.  I'm 69 and just got home an hour ago from a splendid date with a slim beautiful 19yo SB!

You nailed it pal.   The girls need to see pictures for their comfort, you are right age no barrier.   I have two SBs going on, one a regular for whom I pay her monthly  rent.   Met her at a designer lingerie shop in Tampa.    We meet every weekend.    This was with no pictures but I shop at her store regularly for buying gifts to the ladies I see.    Another recent one, is I got thru SA, a barely 19 year old blonde who works at a major sporting goods store.     She is a college student, part time work but dreams big and want to buy a BMW!    She is a tiger in bed and I have seen her 3 times.

Zangari479 reads

Posted By: davincib1
when making a profile do you use real photos/your photos/no photos? Any additional info would be helpful as well.
 It depends on your current relationship status.   If you're married or have a long-term SO, then you obviously don't want your pix out there on a sugar site for everyone to see.  If you're single or in an open relationship--then sure, why not post your pix in your profile.  Since I have an SO, I don't post my pix on the site. But I offer to send pix to whoever I contact.  --z

It is 'arrangementfinders'.    Very interesting but not as classy as SA, girls and screening.

Posted By: davincib1
Looking to navigate this SA profile.  I understand that SB/SD is different from P4P so I'm asking, when making a profile do you use real photos/your photos/no photos? Any additional info would be helpful as well.
How's this for a newbie/wannabe SA question?  Once an agreement is reached regarding amount and frequency, and assuming a monthly arrangement is made, when does the allowance get the start of the month (before the dates) or at the end of the month, once the dates have concluded?   In the escort world, paying upfront is the accepted practice...after all, we have TER to know these ladies are legit and are not going to rip us off.  How does this work in the SD/SB world?  

-- Modified on 7/19/2016 1:12:16 PM

For my SB, I pay her monthly rent direct to her landlord.    We meet every weekend for fun at her apartment usually all night.

Zangari507 reads

Posted By: Coach1437
assuming a monthly arrangement is made, when does the allowance get the start of the month (before the dates) or at the end of the month, once the dates have concluded?
 I'd advise against both financial options you mention.  By forwarding her a month's allowance at the beginning of the month, you're really asking for trouble.  An SB can flake out at any time.   And making her wait an entire month for her allowance  while you're banging her is quite unfair to her.  

   I keep it really simple--once a week at 400, which is $1600 per month.   I give her $400 when our date is over.  I'll admit that's a carry-over from my P411 days.  But both parties get something at every meeting.  It's much cleaner that way.  And both parties have an incentive to meet each time.  If you decide to drop her next week, or vice-versa, then you're both square.  No one 'owes' anything to the other party.  --

zangari is correct about this. I know an allowance is considered the standard Sugar setup, but I never do it either. a gift per visit arrangement is much better. My SBs have all been quite happy with this.

I appreciate your comment and concern.     It all happened so quick and I was like head over heels to get in to bed with this girl.    So far, it is working and she is not seeing any other guy.

Zangari428 reads

Posted By: hwy2heaven
I was like head over heels to get in to bed with this girl.    So far, it is working and she is not seeing any other guy.
 A word of caution here.  Since you're an experienced guy with many reviews,  I'm surprised that you're making such a claim about an SB.  My brother, I promise you that she has a bf.  And this isn't a flame.  I'm not knocking her or you--I'm sure she likes you within the framework of an arrangement.  
 But do you really think that she's going to ignore guys her own age, just to be with you.  It goes against human nature.  Our basic survival as a species depends upon 20-somethings being attracted to each other.  Sorry. --z

Thanks and I will be watching and evaluating.    The thing I have is not like a contract.   If I stop paying her rent, I stop seeing her.    That is the end.

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