The Erotic Highway

Re: Seasonal?
am2014 42 Reviews 46 reads

Maybe so - I have never tried fishing in the bowl this time of year you may have a point there.  

Maybe I will just let the month run out and re engage later

So my part time SB got another job, pretty much impossible to meet during any convenient hours or for enough time to justify the ppm, so I logged back into seeking w 1 month sub

Just a rant, take it FWIW

1. The selection of “recently actives” in OC is just atrocious - I mean I was on last back in Jan-Feb but if you want slim or athletic and under 30, there isn’t really much  

2. LA is better but expectations are sky high for anyone decent looking. Doesn’t matter even if it is the time when rent is due, the economy must really be doing well it seems  

3. I usually cast a wide net as I know it’s a numbers game, but just the hit rate and conversions to m&g seems like a lot worse than earlier in the year - maybe a function of 1) above  

4. Some younger types that are initially enthusiastic after exchanging pics etc, balk when I say I cannot host (for discretion). They find hotels icky (?) Usually they have roommates so their place is out. Seems only the older ones live by themselves nowadays but not the demographic I am interested in for now

5. It’s only been a little over a week, maybe I will have a different judgement after the full month is over but the bowl seems to be degrading a lot faster than even the low expectations I had going in

Rant over. Thanks if you read this far

I'm not having issues.  Currently have a grad student in OC.  She's always down to meet.  I invested time in getting to know her.  Flake factor is always high.  Especially with younger girls.  Finding one that is consistent long term is very hard.

Follow up ques - was the ppm within your expectations and is she  really your type (so no compromises) - thanks

I'm not certain but I have a feeling it all tends to be seasonal. A hot time is just after the school year starts in the fall. Chicks have started classes and have new opportunities. But now we're getting into the holiday season. Their future schedules are more constrained. I think you'll see more activity after New Year's.  
The obesity epidemic does seem to be marching on though. So their availability is year round.

Maybe so - I have never tried fishing in the bowl this time of year you may have a point there.  

Maybe I will just let the month run out and re engage later

Not to diminish your frustration, but I suggest you think of this as a long game.    

Lester suggests that the market is "seasonal."  Members of this board have been observing this fluctuation for years and while we all agree the market goes from high yields to low, none of us has ever really found a reliable predictor of when or why the market will change.  

With apologies to Lester, I say no, not seasonal. I'll suggest that "cyclical" is a better term.  And that cycle is anything but regular or predictable.  

There will always be an influx of 18+ women in any metro area. Always.  And the factors that motivate a woman to dip a toe into the Sugar Bowl are only increasing, or at least the taboos against it are decreasing.    

Back to my "Long Game" comment: You've got one-ish week of data this time. That just isn't a big enough sample size to make a definitive analysis about what your local area is like.  What if there were 50+ hot, 20-ish babes on the site the week before you came back and they all found arrangements in a few days?  Would you still think you are in, as Papa Sweet likes to call it, "Pussy Siberia?"  Or would you just wait another week or two for the available inventory to get refilled?  

My advice; ride out the cycles. Be ready to reap the highs by staying on the site all year. Think about how to mitigate the headwinds you get about hosting sites now so that you can confidently address a POT's concerns without balking.  In any dating scenario, confident guys do better.  So, spend time during the down cycles upping your POT SD offerings around arrangement logistics.  An SD with answers to her concerns is an SD that will get laid.  

Life is good

The Cat

I agree fully that the long game pays off. This is especially true if you build a rotation. I know some guys struggle with the ethics or logistics of having more that one chick in rotation. But it certainly improves you chances against having dry spells. Right now there are four chicks I can call up and they'll jump at the chance to let me tie them up and literally do almost anything I want to them. I can easily weather long down cycles in new recruits.  As Confucios said, a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Figured keep you good folks in the loop

So after two weeks had a BCD - she is out far away in inland empire so it’s a pain to get to. But checked all of my boxes - not old (mid 20s) and tall and thin and tight and not flabby

Not sure how much i will be able to keep this up, but she didn’t ask for a crazy ppm. Someone like that in LA or coastal OC proper would probably ask for at-least 2x what we agreed to

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