The Erotic Highway

Re: sa and ter and the Same thing all the girls do it as a way to improve $$$
Chanel72014 See my TER Reviews 552 reads

Thank you! I couldn't read any more of the idiotic comments but this was so on point I need to post this again. *snap fingers*

Posted By: Premiummsbritney
Thats not to say we are money hungry heartless whores but sweetie no girl who finds herself selling herself is innocent, (YES, we are real people who experience the session along with you in a positive n sensual way) ...but EVERYONE has a job on the planet, don't come to our jobs and complain about prices. That's like saying "swim coach I want to learn to swim and use your floaties but you charge too much for what I think your reviews state" Well then jump in the ocean and learn yourself.... aka get better game (Game meaning learn to talk to women) and go find drunkies or whatever civvie women and flirt with them to get into bed for free... but this post is redic and with a stupid alias to boot! SA girls are in the same line of work as TER girls and strippers and webcam girls, why do you think so many men and women can be found on BOTH sites??? Whether a girl ADVERTISES on BP or TER or [insert the competition sites I'm not allowed to mention here] makes no difference as to her level of class. I for one have personally seen very wealthy men and me and multiple friends have even seen famous people off bp ad. Reporters mention that site in the news and it has the most widely recognized audience across the nation... from a marketing standpoint it's silly not to post on BP. And I post on all the well known sites!!!. I screen my sexy ass off to make sure if I do see a new friend he is SAFE so what site they come from makes no difference in how safe I feel.  
  If you owned your own business would you not advertise in every market? And if that business was chained out would you not adjust your products price brackets to some degree  dependent on the income in that area of the particular chain?!? Common business practice.  
 Have a great day everyone, rant over.  :)  
 -- Modified on 7/8/2016 8:35:45 AM

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 8:38:44 AM

HOsBuzters1961 reads

... so anyway, here I was enjoying the long holiday weekend and checking out the SB profiles just for fun. I don't have a paid membership, but have enough access to use the filters to get some "feel" for the talent before taking the plunge and getting a real feel of some talent.  But I digress...

After a while, I got bored and logged off.  Then just for fun I surfed over to the local BP Escort ads to take a gander at the most recent offerings there which are always better than fright night on any episode of COPS, if that sort of entertainment amuses you.. *** NOTE: Not ever planning to set up any dates from BP! ***

Now to the point.  There depicted in the exact same photos as the sugar "arrangements" site was one of the babes I briefly looked at and then passed by. Then went back to and blocked just for good measure!  

Pretty proud (oh, not really) for my hooker "Spidey Sense" to pick up the BP vibe from her SB profile before running across her on the actuall BP... but I went one step further and cross referenced her public info over to the good ol' TER reviews. And guess what? She's a solid 5 or 6 with some consistency!  And she is looking for upwards of $3k a month to SB!!!

So I'm left to wonder about what the heck some poor, unsuspecting SD will go through;  membership, screening, setting up a meeting to lay out the plan, then she's flipping parking lot tricks the rest of the time!  

NOW  I'm sure there are some great, drama free SB's out there, so HOLD your fire brothers!  But I'm thinking that the real motivation for playing in the Sugar Bowl is the "thrill of the hunt" and the excitement of finding that rare diamond in the rough that can be enjoyed for her relative "innocence" before she either goes full time pro or back to the civie world...  for a sure bet, I'm sticking to the pros.

OK, let's here your thoughts and fresh experiences

the more you know, the further you'll go.

It's the lazy who suffer the most

GaGambler512 reads

A couple of them just today.

I think I am going to contact them both (for research purposes only) just to see which way is cheaper (and better) to see them.  

I am still an absolute fan of SA and I have yet to commit to a guaranteed monthly allowance to any of the women I have met there, nor do I intend to.

from a very top level well reviewed provider, all 9s and 10s, who had read one of my board posts about Sugar Dating.  She asked me if I'd like to enter into a regular sugar arrangement with her, so yes, some of the women play it both ways.  I declined for a variety of reasons including that she wanted an allowance and, like Gambler said,  I don't do that. I only do pay-per-visit.

My experience is that most of the "babies" are p4p. Most are pros. My atf actually uses it to find travel dates for her own pleasure.

Maybe it's different in other towns.  But only one SB I've met was clearly a pro and did P4P while traveling thru this area.  2 others were SBs contemplating going pro into the escort scene.  One did, one did not.  All the other SBs I've dated were true amateurs, working Moms, college girls, starving artists,  etc, just out to supplement their income and have some fun. as ever, YMMV

GaGambler628 reads

Over the last 3-4 months I have had three SBs who slept with me for no sugar at all, the last one as recently as last night. I honestly am kind of shocked at my good fortune. This was our second date, the first one was fantastic and this one was even better as she didn't even leave until about 6:30 this morning.  

Now don't get me wrong, in my experience so far I would have to say at least 20% of the babes I have met on SA are very thinly veiled hookers, some not veiled at all, but there are also quite a few who seem to want nothing more than a guy to treat them right and simply take them to nice places without wanting to "go dutch" like their loser ex boyfriends.

-- Modified on 7/5/2016 8:34:12 PM

greetings from thread below...appreciate the feedback to my previous inquiry as to the nature/reality of the sugar world.

i signed up SA, and after 10 days of wading thru, am having little luck in finding the 20-30 year old sugar baby of the slender/athletic/average body-type in RDU area....seeing lots of questionable profiles, trannys, "a few extra lbs", middle age (and older!), a few backpage girls, etc...

among the ones that do seem legit, many are seeking "substantial" income (up to 10k/month) but make it a point to note "NO SEX". and then there are those treating it not as a site for "arrangement", but rather a "" with nothing but wealthy men..."yay"!

of the 3 or 4 that i have messaged requesting a lunch/dinner date to discuss an arrangement, i have gotten zero response.  

do you mind giving some details as to how you word your profile description? also, do you indicate anything on the income/net worth tab? am i being too forward by indicating that i am looking to offer financial assistance in return for a companion for fun activities + intimacy? do you approach it more as you would a regular dating site and omit either (both?) the expectation of physical intimacy or that $ will be offered by you? i note on my profile that i am not interested in being involved with girls that are in committed relationships...unrealistic?


GaGambler578 reads

Or at least not to take it literally. Just because she is asking for "substantial" income doesn't mean that's what she will demand. I saw one SB a couple of times and she too had "substantial" on her profile, but what she asked for, and what I agreed to, was $500 worth of "allowance per date and our dates were overnighters.

I will confess that the girls that state upfront that intimacy is not even on the table for discussion don't even merit a conversation IMHO,

As for my profile, no I do not list my income/net worth, nor do I say anything about looking for intimacy on my profile. So far I have seen maybe 20 women in person over the last six months and except for a couple of times where I was "catfished" only twice did I end up not having sex either on the first or second date. Both of those times there was only one date and no money was ever exchanged. I think somewhere around 66-75% of my "first dates" have ended up with sex. I don't bother asking for "exclusivity" I don't offer it myself, so I don't demand it. Besides, how can you verify your SB isn't fucking other guys?

Gotcha. I earlier saw your comment on intimacy in the other reply and eliminated that pronto from my profile, ha. Stepping back from it all, what you are saying about the mindset of these girls makes complete sense. If they are real, then they have not regularly accepted $ for sex, so the process is going to be different. I have also tweaked a couple things in my search that seem to have yielded more authentic coed/recent grad offerings.

What I still am in doubt of, is sealing the deal with someone so much younger. I lie and claim to be 45 instead of 51, but the reality is over the last 10 years, despite being relatively fit, I have gone from looking a good 10 years younger than my actual age to looking right on point for someone in their early 50's. How much time do you spend "imparting wisdom and mentorship" vs just having a fun dinner date or whatever? How much do you play the role of a Mr Big in Sex In The City vs an older version of Chevy Chase's Caddyshack character?

As to exclusivity, I am not looking for it and do not care who she is fucking - I simply would rather not my SB be in a "real life" committed relationship, and have to potentially deal with a jealous boyfriend/girlfriend that *does* care who she is fucking, and therefore busting up a date. You are correct of course, that I cannot verify it, but I would like to think that they are out there? There is a really attractive mid-20's that mentions she has a reg boyfriend that travels a lot and he knows she is not going to sit at home every night that he is gone, so I am thinking about removing that requirement and giving it a shot with her.

You continue to give me hope that this is doable, thanks. The continuing insights into your approach is greatly appreciated!

tiresias571 reads

You  are overthinking the age thing.  I am over 60 and my current SB is 24.  Not an issue for her and not for me.   As for the looks you will get in restaurants should you choose to take her out for dinner before bedding her, enjoy that too.  Everyone knows what's going on - the guys are jealous and the women anxious in the face of the competition.  Life is short. Enjoy it while you can.

I know the "Look" that one gets from others in a public setting, and yes you are right on with your analogy of what they are thinking.
I used to date a young lady, 21 years my junior, fact is, we resided together for a couple of years.
We used to go out to dinner, the beach, and so on, and the Looks that I got was almost comical.

There were guys, who would give me the "Thumbs Up" when their wife or GF was not looking, and then their were the times when the Wife / GF would give me the Look of contempt.

Hell her own father made a remark to me one time, telling me over a beer, " my daughter is beautiful, and you are one lucky guy to be getting all that great sex " and I am like yea, it is getting a little uncomfortable here bud.

I have to admit, I had a lot of Fun with her, and she was absolutely Great in the sack, and whenever I got that gleam in my eye, she was already wet and ready to play.

The most rewarding part, my ex who had this way of always rejecting me, my desires, and needs, would stop by to pick up the kids, and there on the driveway was my GF, out on a summers day, dressed in daisy duke attire, braless and showing off those perky 36dds,  washing her car, or catching some rays in the front lawn. My ex seen her decked out in daisy duke fashion, halter top, and braless,  right after me and the Gf had a water hose fight washing cars, and her head lights were on high beam,  
My ex got the kids in the car,  drove around the corner, and burst out in tears, when my Son asked her, whats wrong Mom, She said Oh your Dad ! He is a sex addict and cradle robber ! LOL
Umm yea, Jealous much Evil bitch ?  
That moment was a slap in the face to her, as she realized, the marriage was truly over with, and She was the one getting Rejected,  and all her emotional, and mental psyco abuse was at an End.

I gotta admit, I was flying high for a couple of years, having that particular GF, who was so hot, and so sexy, and she was all mine to play with. It did wonders for my self esteem and confidence.

But sadly, her immaturity and my lack of patience finally bought the relationship to an end,  
We did connect, and made a go of it years later, but we were not the same people, and so we just ventured off in our separate directions, and let bygones be bygones, no ill feelings, and no sadness.

Posted By: tiresias
You  are overthinking the age thing.  I am over 60 and my current SB is 24.  Not an issue for her and not for me.   As for the looks you will get in restaurants should you choose to take her out for dinner before bedding her, enjoy that too.  Everyone knows what's going on - the guys are jealous and the women anxious in the face of the competition.  Life is short. Enjoy it while you can.

Gambler's advice and comments are spot on so I won't repeat. But I will add, never lie about your age.  First of all the girls hate that shit,  Secondly it is completely unnecessary. I'm 69 and in good shape for my age.  My current SBs are both 19!! They love having an older lover and I think the 50 year age difference is super hot. One bit of advice, if the SB has no stated age preference in her profile, just ask her if a big age difference is ok with them. As for the Lifestyle Expectations, take it with a grain of salt but don't ignore it.  I've had it go both ways.  One time I dated a pair of lovely young African American SBs who traveled together.  They asked for $2000 ($1000 apiece).  I said I could only offer them $500 in total and they quickly said ok!  But another time I had a wonderful second date with a young SB including drinks and food and hotel and awesome sex.  But she expected more than I was normally comfortable paying and I kicked myself for not getting her expectations spelled out in advance.  I've never had the experience of a SB who expected no Sugar, but would love to have that happen.

It could be my profile in that i say I am looking for intimacy :)

GaGambler584 reads

A lot of SB's and I mean a LOT of them have a very low opinion of hookers and definitely do NOT see themselves trading sex (intimacy) for money. MANY of these women are more than willing to put out, but they would be quite offended if they were thought of as hookers. Don't ask me to explain this kind of logic, but trust me it exists.

A lot of the Sugar Baby "gurus" will claim that only the hookers will sleep with you on the first date, I thoroughly disagree with that premise, I will agree however that only the hookers will "agree" to sleep with you on the first date, sight unseen. If your first date is at a hotel, yes she's a hooker. lol

A lot of these women are just as horny as we are, they just don't want to be treated like a whore. One of the women I have seen the most of, at least 15-20 times over a four month period or so, was one of those who insisted that the first date was only to meet and see where it might lead and that she most definitely was NOT a hooker. She had turned down a lot of guys who came on too strong and had only met one guy from the site before me and was repulsed by him. I guess maybe I was the beneficiary of the bar being set so low, but we met for dinner, "strictly dinner" and she seemed to enjoy my company, but nothing was said about intimacy that night or "ever" for that matter except in the most general of terms. I have to confess, I wasn't expecting more than a peck on the cheek when we said our goodbyes after walking her to her car after dinner, but a very light kiss turned into something much deeper and five minutes later we were checking into the motel that fortunately happened to be right next door to the restaurant.

Long story short, I think you will do a lot better with the non hooker SB's if you really a little bit more on charm and a little bit less on "sugar", not saying that sugar isn't needed, but you can easily say things about being "generous" or other such language and not just coming out and saying you are willing to pay $$$ for XXX.

Thats not to say we are money hungry heartless whores but sweetie no girl who finds herself selling herself is innocent, (YES, we are real people who experience the session along with you in a positive n sensual way) ...but EVERYONE has a job on the planet, don't come to our jobs and complain about prices. That's like saying "swim coach I want to learn to swim and use your floaties but you charge too much for what I think your reviews state" Well then jump in the ocean and learn yourself.... aka get better game (Game meaning learn to talk to women) and go find drunkies or whatever civvie women and flirt with them to get into bed for free... but this post is redic and with a stupid alias to boot! SA girls are in the same line of work as TER girls and strippers and webcam girls, why do you think so many men and women can be found on BOTH sites??? Whether a girl ADVERTISES on BP or TER or [insert the competition sites I'm not allowed to mention here] makes no difference as to her level of class. I for one have personally seen very wealthy men and me and multiple friends have even seen famous people off bp ad. Reporters mention that site in the news and it has the most widely recognized audience across the nation... from a marketing standpoint it's silly not to post on BP. And I post on all the well known sites!!!. I screen my sexy ass off to make sure if I do see a new friend he is SAFE so what site they come from makes no difference in how safe I feel.

 If you owned your own business would you not advertise in every market? And if that business was chained out would you not adjust your products price brackets to some degree  dependent on the income in that area of the particular chain?!? Common business practice.  

Have a great day everyone, rant over.  :)

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 8:35:45 AM

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 8:38:44 AM

Thank you! I couldn't read any more of the idiotic comments but this was so on point I need to post this again. *snap fingers*

Posted By: Premiummsbritney
Thats not to say we are money hungry heartless whores but sweetie no girl who finds herself selling herself is innocent, (YES, we are real people who experience the session along with you in a positive n sensual way) ...but EVERYONE has a job on the planet, don't come to our jobs and complain about prices. That's like saying "swim coach I want to learn to swim and use your floaties but you charge too much for what I think your reviews state" Well then jump in the ocean and learn yourself.... aka get better game (Game meaning learn to talk to women) and go find drunkies or whatever civvie women and flirt with them to get into bed for free... but this post is redic and with a stupid alias to boot! SA girls are in the same line of work as TER girls and strippers and webcam girls, why do you think so many men and women can be found on BOTH sites??? Whether a girl ADVERTISES on BP or TER or [insert the competition sites I'm not allowed to mention here] makes no difference as to her level of class. I for one have personally seen very wealthy men and me and multiple friends have even seen famous people off bp ad. Reporters mention that site in the news and it has the most widely recognized audience across the nation... from a marketing standpoint it's silly not to post on BP. And I post on all the well known sites!!!. I screen my sexy ass off to make sure if I do see a new friend he is SAFE so what site they come from makes no difference in how safe I feel.  
  If you owned your own business would you not advertise in every market? And if that business was chained out would you not adjust your products price brackets to some degree  dependent on the income in that area of the particular chain?!? Common business practice.  
 Have a great day everyone, rant over.  :)  
 -- Modified on 7/8/2016 8:35:45 AM

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 8:38:44 AM

Zangari337 reads

Posted By: Premiummsbritney
sa and ter and the Same thing all the girls do it as a way to improve $$$  
  You just can't imagine a girl who doesn't fuck every John who crosses her path.  Since that's what you do, you  assume EVERYONE does P4P the same way.  That's just pure ego & ignorance on your part.  There are some SBs who just have one SD.  Some have two.  And there are SBs who are just plain hookers.  There are also UTR providers who see just a few clients.  Not everyone practices P4P exactly like you.  What a tiresome post.  --z

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