The Erotic Highway

Re: Love SB just put a new one on payroll today.
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 159 reads

I always get nervous when they have kids. WAY too many things xan xause drama.

Posted By: noname75
Had to buy kids a go-cart on lay away and deliver it for the lady.   She is going to pay me back in pussy and do some travel too.     Said she will do house calls too.    Ain't life great and dating more fun than it used to be in the old days.    Real old days.

My SB experience is very limited, mostly because I've found it A) more work than I care to invest;  B) too much drama (sorta like the real relationship crap that I've had my fill of);  and C) too much the shakedown.  But I like perusing this board to see how this burgeoning facet of P4P is going for you bargain hunters.  Makes for grand entertainment.  To those of you who've been successful in the sugar world, kudos.  To those of you who haven't, well, better luck next try.

I know it involves a lot more work, but in my opinion well worth the effort.  I have found some really hot women, and for the most part they are a lot kinkier and open minded than most hookers I've been with.  Just my opinion, and maybe I've been lucky. Also, you get much more bang for your buck, and in the Sugar world you have the ability to negotiate.
 Personally, I like the aspects of the hunt. And the anticipation.  
Never say never, but I'm pretty sure my days of hiring escorts are done.

Posted By: liqq63
My SB experience is very limited, mostly because I've found it A) more work than I care to invest;  B) too much drama (sorta like the real relationship crap that I've had my fill of);  and C) too much the shakedown.  But I like perusing this board to see how this burgeoning facet of P4P is going for you bargain hunters.  Makes for grand entertainment.  To those of you who've been successful in the sugar world, kudos.  To those of you who haven't, well, better luck next try.
-- Modified on 12/22/2016 1:33:50 PM

That said, sometimes I just need that professional treatment. Amateurs can only do so well

GaGambler281 reads

I started on SA because I moved to a city with ZERO reviewed hookers.

I had a choice between driving over four hours round trip to get laid by a legit hooker, try my luck on BP, get a "real" GF or, try SA.  

SA has filled the bill quite nicely. I still see a hooker about once a week or two, as I do travel to Dallas on other business every week or two, but most of my action now comes from SA and at a fraction of the price. Call me a fan.

The majority of hookers and mongers! To those, I would say to GFY!

I pay 500 per meet and I hardly get or expect anything over 2 intercourse, be it in one hour or overnight. The rest of the time is dedicated to what normal human beings do who engage in some form of courtship, be it real, quasi real or let's say pretend!

In what fcuking Universe someone came up with 2K per hour to say 8K overnight for p*ssy?!!! I don't wish to denigrate those who get or those who grant those rates' with certain flowery superlatives, even though some of these folks definitely merit my bestowment of such choice words!  

If going to Dubai and getting sh*tted in the mouth by A-Rabs is your fetish, the above argument will be withdrawn under those special circumstances ;)

SB confirmed siberia for monday in siberia. Tuesday in vegas. In 1 hour I have a BP gal. BP gal showed up. Short and fat. Bye. Total well under $1k. So much for behaving lol.

-- Modified on 12/22/2016 5:48:57 PM

Posted By: principium
8K overnight for p*ssy

 If going to Dubai and getting sh*tted in the mouth by A-Rabs is your fetish, the above argument will be withdrawn under those special circumstances ;)

Just for the sake of curiosity, and certainly NOT because the idea of going to Dubai for 8k intrigues me,  do we know what the A-Rab ate before he starts shitting? :

You may wanna add shawarma to the diet for good measure. Doesn't sound too bad if you asked me as long as I'm doing the eating of the food but I would still rather go potty in a proper bathroom which can be very challenging unless you stay in a proper and westernized hotel. Otherwise get used to sh*tting into a hole in the ground while in a deep squat posture!

Haters gonna hate. And potatoes gonna potate. Lmao

My intent was not to denigrate anyone.   But perhaps if a shoe fits, and all that.  Sorry if I've touched a nerve with the PC crowd.  Seems to me that the theme of who got what for how much is pretty common in the sugar threads on this board.

Posted By: GaGambler
but most of my action now comes from SA and at a fraction of the price. Call me a fan.
How about calling you a miserly "cheapskate" Goomba.  

Keep spinning those Sinatra LPs--you tinhorn. Get that ring a ding ding flowing through your fossilized veins.

Had a morning session today (first thing AM) with one of my ATF providers.  Unfortunately, had a little performance issue with round 2, but hey I'm getting old and the unicorn really drained me last week (LOL).  

Then hooked up with my local SB for lunch and some BCD.  No performance issues this time, but dam I'm tired.

The goal is to get laid so whether its a SB or a provider, who cares.  SBs aren't for everyone and I consider myself lucky to have found the ones I have.  The results have been worth every hour, penny, and POT SB that didn't work out.  That may change when the relationship with the unicorn ends (no indication yet that will happen anytime soon).

although I admit sometimes a lot of effort goes into it with little or no pussy resulting. Right now, for instance, I've been striking out more often than hitting home runs. But that's ok, I still love it! So I just made an appointment with my favorite local provider. Then a super cute SB I had given up on reappears and wants me to visit her Saturday. It ebbs and flows, all part of the game.

...for many of the reasons stated in some of the other posts. My only frustrations with it are: (1) finding the one SB I really want to spend time with as I peruse the options and(2) the challenge sometimes faced when it is time to cut things off (although I will admit I have not done it that much but even after a first intro meeting it seems like there is expectation to continue).  I do like the hobby too but I find myself investing in one or the other and not necessarily both simultaneously (only because I do have a day job and a life to live).  

Posted By: liqq63
My SB experience is very limited, mostly because I've found it A) more work than I care to invest;  B) too much drama (sorta like the real relationship crap that I've had my fill of);  and C) too much the shakedown.  But I like perusing this board to see how this burgeoning facet of P4P is going for you bargain hunters.  Makes for grand entertainment.  To those of you who've been successful in the sugar world, kudos.  To those of you who haven't, well, better luck next try.

Had to buy kids a go-cart on lay away and deliver it for the lady.   She is going to pay me back in pussy and do some travel too.     Said she will do house calls too.    Ain't life great and dating more fun than it used to be in the old days.    Real old days.

Best of luck with this.  Let us know if she does follow through with that pussy she promised.

-- Modified on 12/24/2016 12:21:40 AM

I always get nervous when they have kids. WAY too many things xan xause drama.

Posted By: noname75
Had to buy kids a go-cart on lay away and deliver it for the lady.   She is going to pay me back in pussy and do some travel too.     Said she will do house calls too.    Ain't life great and dating more fun than it used to be in the old days.    Real old days.

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