The Erotic Highway

Blood Wings? Yes, I am going there...
herbtcat 6 Reviews 932 reads

Ok, perhaps a sensitive topic:  Blood Wings  

One of my Asian SB's came over on Monday for BCD fun.  She's generally a BCD-only date, preferring to get in and out (so to speak) and be on her way. We chatted for a few minutes to catch up:  Holidays, recent life stuff, etc., and then clothes started to drop.

She always wears upscale outfits and looks great in lingerie as she slowly strips and teases me. After a few minutes of kissing and groping and a bit of time on her knees we moved into the bedroom.  I asked her to remove her panties - I was ready to go - and that's when I noticed the pad as she mentioned she had just started... well... you know.  

So, I had to make a decision: stop the play immediately, allow the play to continue through the 1st act only, or just embrace my inner Shakespear - "The Plays the Thing!" - and other show business tropes: "On with the show!"

Ok, I know my handle is "Cat," but I'm still a dog in many ways. I grabbed a large bath towel and went for it, hopping the "collateral damage " would be minimal.  It was.  

As you might expect, clean up took a bit longer than usual, and we each grabbed a shower after using an excessive number of wet wipes.  A few minutes later she was on her way with a request from me to let me know in advance next time as I'd prefer to reschedule.  

And that brings us to my question for discussion:  

Anyone else earn their "Blood Wings" with an SB (or anyone else)? Would you make the same decision I did? Would you consider ending an arrangement if you SB did not let you know in advance?   I don't believe there are any wrong answers here... this is a very subjective decision.  

Life is good

The Cat

So my current SB, I met earlier this year during the summer.  Our first date went from meeting to my place for BCD fun.  She told me she had just ended and there might be residual blood.  We started in the shower (her request) and then moved to the bedroom (the shower just wasn't doing for me).  She ended up ghosting me on the next date. Fast forward to a month ago when I got back on after a 2 month respite. I saw her new profile (I had either hidden/blocked her old one) and recognized the photo.  I decide to send her a message.  She wanted to get back together.  We knew each other already so we went to TopGolf for fun and then retreated to my place for the real fun.  She went into the bathroom and I heard some commotion going on in the bathroom.  She came out with a depressed look on her face.  She literally just started her cycle.  So like yourself, I got a towel and an old blanket out and said let's go.  It was not that messy and we still have our fun.  We've had a couple of dates since with no ghosting issues, and no cycle issues. lol

If they lay on their back you can even do oral, since you are working on the clit which is up from the vajayjay.  Then go for the bang, which is just going to be extra lubricated.  Better make it two towels, as we've soaked through one in the past.  

The Liberator throws are the best investment you can make. Not only can you throw this down to earn your blood wings, but I have found that psychologically the girls really open up when it's underneath them. They aren't worried about making a mess, soaking sheets or the mattress. Their mind lets go of this roadblock and the... Ahem.. Floodgates openšŸ¤£ I have the large version for local play and a travel size for when I am flying around for work and dating. Sometimes the girls are like "what is that thing?" but by they end they are like "can I have one!?!"

Google to the rescue! I had never heard of the liberator throw before.  Looks like a worthwhile investment. Thanks for the info.

New to me. Are you talking about the item linked below?  

This looks like a must have regardless of the "fluid" in question.  Thanks for sharing.  

I'm adding to my cart right now.  

Life is good

The Cat

Yes Herbcat
That's the one. There are a couple different sizes. My wife and I have 2 large and one travel size. We have been using them for about 6 years and they are a total game changer.
I also have ones that travel with me and have occasionally sent them as gifts to SBs.
They work - sheet saver and also travel size are great for olay in the car. They are beautiful (never underestimate what having something luxurious and novel will bring out of a girl!)

Seriously. I usually start at sexy time without and and after I have been letting my lips wander on a girl and she is warming up and I feel her getting super turned on... I pull out the throw. And here's what happens. If she's new, She asks whats that and I explain. If she's seen it before with me ot at that point her eyes get big and I watch her body physically melt with anticipation knowing she can reallllllllllly let loose without any wet messy goodness left behind. Plus the throw is soft and against her skin it is a novel feeling. It relaxes her. And we all know how much more she can express and feel when she's relaxed.  
When it is wiggled under her body, and she knows she can let everything and anything out of her... Well as you say, life is good! Have fun! With all that you have shared I am happy to have given back to you even just a little.  Always feel free to pm if you have any questions about the throw.

My current SBs are all pretty good about letting me know in advance if they are getting their periods.  We always reschedule, they prefer it that way as do I.  But miscalculations and unexpected visits from Aunt Flo do happen. It's just part of what you have to expect if you date earth girls. A big old beach towel is a standard part of my dating paraphernalia in the trusty RV. I've put down a towel and gone for it a few times, never sent a SB home. If she was on a heavy day I probably would cancel the bcd fun and just go out to lunch. Also, if you have a SB who enjoys anal, that's a great way to avoid the whole issue!

Ali262 reads

I had a first time date with an SB and, while she was sitting on my lap, making out with me, with my hand inside her shirt, she mentions that it is that time of the month for her.   Not sure what to do, I just kept at it. We spent a lot of time with her on her knees but I really wanted to finish the job with FS and I did, but it was quite a mess.  I hope the hotel did not mind!

Happened just once with a provider.  She didn't mention anything about her time of the month until she was in my place.  She said her cycle had passed but she was concerned that she could still have some residuals.  She suggested that I put down a towel on the bed.  I had a great time and I don't recall any mess at all.  I didn't mention it much in my review that I just re-read.  But, on my last pop I saw the condom was quite bloody.  I insisted that she remove the condom for me.   Later on, I saw her again.  

Not sure how to rank these in order of merit, but I have had all of these experiences.

1. Pro chick let me go down on her only to tell me afterward that she was on her period. WTF? Did she hide a tampon and I didn't notice????? Why would any of this even happen? Very disconcerting. I called her agency to let them know this was not cool. (Consolation prize: No visible blood or evidence was noticed.)

2. SA chick puts up last minute resistance by saying she's on her period. I say, "No problem," spread a towel, and lift her sweet petiteness onto it. The towel was snowy white when we finished.

3. SA chick says she can't meet because she's on her period. I say I'm sure she can be creative. She swallows every drop.

4. SA regular chick waits until we're getting ready for bed to tell me she's on her period. She also swallows every drop.

5. New SA chick announces in the heat of the moment that she's on her period. I put her on a towel. She isn't bluffing. Bloody mess.

6. New SA chick fucks with total abandon, only to complain immediately afterward of not feeling well. Says her period might be starting and consults some bullshit app. Yes, there is some blood which embarrasses her. She asks for Advil and nearly falls in love with me because I keep some handy. I rub her back. Months later she still tells me no one ever cared for her so tenderly.

7. In bed with two new SA chicks. The less attractive one announces she's on her period. I notice the more attractive one has "wings" (some kind of period pad or something) poking out of her panties. I press on with the prettier one, never mentioning anything related to period, while her bff plays a supporting role (all the while complaining how horny she is). Eventually the prettier one cries out, "It's your pussy, Daddy!" In the end, no blood was seen.

8. This last one is not about period blood, it's about virgin blood. New SA chick, a virgin. Much of the evening seemed awkward. That turned out to be because it was her first time. She was very hard to get into. Plenty of blood. Messy sheets. Big, big tip for the housekeepers.

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