The Erotic Highway

Re: LG: What's the physical reason this happens?
maradonut 17 Reviews 8234 reads

I'm not sure this will be a completely satisfying answer but here goes.  since the volume of semen in a given ejaculate is primarily secreted by the seminal vesicles, i think this notion of "priming the pump" is valid and represents secretion of more fluid by the sem ves. and although a greater time without spilling seed may increase this volume i think stimulating yourself but not allowing orgasm  contributes more.  
the intensity of the orgasm is greater, possibly, as a result of this increased amount of fluid being expressed by the seminal vesicles and passing thru all the plumbing on its way out. (this answer is based on personal experience and a small contribution from an virtually obsolete medical degree.)

OK - I've done my scientific research on this - I'm sure you'll be able to put this on the National Medical Whatever :-)

1)  I spent 10 days with no sex.  No masturbating.  Nothing.   I saw one of my two favorite ladies and had a great orgasm.  The amount of cum, for me, was "average."   (Yes, we placed the, uh, deposit upon her breast)

2)  I just spent 9 days with some masturbating but not to orgasm.  I would get erect and going but not to where I couldn't stop.  I did this 4 times in the 9 days.  So, yesterday I saw the same lady, and in the interest of science, we repeated the same - let's call it "experience for TER."   My orgasm was spectacular and the amount of happy juice was at least double the other experience.

OK, so all my body parts responsible for semen can (theoretically) hold only so much.  
The time spent was 10 days the first time and  9 days the second.  Damn close
The lady was the same and we mostly did the same sexual dance.
Why the dramatically different orgasm and volume the second time?

Obviously I've done this before so I knew the 2nd time would be better.  With the "almost cumming" of the second test - how does the body produce more and where is it stored.

In other words, "whysat"?

Oh ye who is so perspicacious, astute and sagascious.

You don't have to torture yourself like that for nine days. I abstain from orgasm for two days before an appointment and "prime the pump" a couple of times on the day of the appointment. What results is a load that is easily two or three times what is normal for me. WooHoo!!!

mytake7964 reads

I agree with him but for me the best results are a combination of the two of you.  I abstain for maybe a week at most and the night before get in the mood by watching some porn and "priming the pump."  Results are nice and to some of the ladies, impressive.

How long to abstain for maximum "load" is different from man to man. Just because you reach the "max" after 2 days, doesn't mean others will. For example, I need about a week.

I arrived at the two day threshold after years of exhaustive testing.

There are several factors contributing to how much semen is stored and also how much is expelled during an orgasm. For example, maybe you drank more fluids over the one time period versus the other. Also, your psychological factors of arousal aren't going to be exactly the same when you have an orgasm.

Love Goddess8168 reads

Quite frankly, channelguy,

I have no idea why this happened to you in particular. But I will say this: everyone is different from one another and each experience is different each time. That's what makes sex such a wonderful experience.

If you really want to make sure that this experiment has some statistical validity, you'll need to repeat the experiment at least 50 times for a pattern to be established.

I would consider it shoddy science for anyone to make some final statements based on two incidents. But if you practiced the "stop-start" technique with yourself for 9 days straight, yes, chances are that you would have a very strong orgasm once you finally let loose. As to the amount of ejaculate, your guess is as good as mine.

My concern though, is this: why does it matter? As a female, I find the male's endless preoccupation with ejaculate volume, strength of orgasms and the entire quantification process of sex amusing and yet slightly disconcerting. No wonder there is so much sexual anxiety in this world, experienced by all involved.

I can assure you that women do not sit around and think about lubrication volume, quality of orgasms and various devices to alter their natural sexual pattern. Maybe it is because we can't see what's going on down there and instead we are "doomed" to just enjoy and take things as they come. If we have orgasms, fine, if not, there's always a next time.

My "prescription" to you, if you will, is to abandon this experiment altogether and instead let the sexual energy ebb and flow completely naturally, only because I believe that you will not be nearer any giant scientific truth at the end of the 50 investigative sessions. So my therapeutic modality says that if you feel like jacking off, do it. If you feel like having sex, do it [unless you encounter financial difficulties, LOL, then ease off temporarily.] Drop the quantification, because knowing this or that will ultimately NOT enhance your sex life. But accepting that you CAN'T always know what to do and when to do it will keep the mystery and the enchantment of sex alive, instead of reducing it to something quantifiable.

More and more, as time goes on, I think ALL men would benefit from some tantric lovemaking and some sensual bodywork where the focus is NOT on ejaculation, or orgasm in conjunction with ejaculation. The exercises you describe in your posting are great - if you have some sexual dysfunction like premature ejaculation, a damaged pecker of some kind, or some other health concerns that would be addressed by these types of interventions. But otherwise, I believe you would derive much more from your sexual experiences if they turned more metaphysical, and you went searching for the "sweet mystery of life" much like Madeline Kahn sings after getting boned by the monster in Mel Brooks' "Fronkonstein."

the not so sagacious,
Love Goddess

Well, it probably doesn't matter all that much and trust me, I feel better knowing that women don't sit around discussing the volume of semen that we men contribute to a session. One thing to keep in mind though is that we are paying for the experience and human nature, or guy nature at least, is to try and maximize the experience. I arrived at my 2 day "holding period" simply because I was having trouble  at some sessions having an orgasm. Interestingly I think that the fact that I climax after about 30 to 40 minutes of oral sex at most of my appointments has something to do with the size of my load also. On top of that, in all honesty, my two favs both get quite a kick out if old faithful erupting in the manner and volume in which it does. They may not sit around thinking about it when they are not in a room with me but it doesn't mean that it's not part of the fun during our sessions.

Neurosexy46325 reads

Dear Love Goddess:
I was also wondering how critical would the pc muscles be in the process as well? Would one with good pc muscles be able to withstand the session better with you than one who wouldn't?

Love Goddess4798 reads

Dear Neurosexy 4

For clarity's sake, I am not describing my own sex life here. Just wanted to make that very obvious, since you are asking "Would one with good pc muscles be able to withstand the session better with you than one who wouldn't?"

As to the PC muscles, yes, strong PC muscles can make for stronger sensations during arousal and orgasm. Strengthening the PC muscle can help you develop greater ejaculation control.

Here is how you do it: Squeeze your muscles as if you were trying to prevent yourself from passing gas -- this is the posterior part of the PC loop. The challenge is to learn to relax these muscles at will. Now do the posterior squeezes rapidly five times in a row. Try to be conscious of relaxing your anus after every squeeze. Try not to squeeze your thighs, butt or abs - just the PC. You can do basic PC muscle Kegels pretty much anywhere - even while driving, sitting down in an airplane or at your desk at work.

the Love Goddess

zn_garden6153 reads

I too, quite frankly find the preoccupation with semen volume odd. In fact I still giggle at the term "load", when in actuality the volume wouldn't fill anything I can't carry.

I can't stand the smell so less is better.

almost embarassed to type a reply.  However I'll attempt to make a couple of points - and thank you for your answer.

I did this because it's always puzzled me and I thought it would be a good posting.

I travel so much that often I'm very tired at the end of the day and masturbating is, unfortunately often fruitless (or orgasmless!)

Other times I do it "because I can!"

From the other postings it looks like other guys experience similar results.

Whatever, I shall "let it fly" more and think about it less.

Thanks as always

Yes, like LG said, women do not spend time brewing cups or looking for formulas, searching for the orgasm holly grail.

But, I find this natural male quest fascinating, and I can understand why men worries about it.

I do have "cock envy"...I wish I had one for a week just to have the ability to masturbate and find out how good stroking feels...or how intense a male orgasm is because they need to pump their juices must be an unbelievable feeling to  ejaculate like men do.

We do not spend time thinking about our orgasms because our clit is so small and there is not much we can do to with it.

We do not store cum...we don't have that primal need to ejaculate and spread our seeds.

I've seen many many men in my life for my oral sessions and one of the things I tell them is to hold back few days before they come to see me.

Why? Because the intensity of the orgasm will be different and I can give them a finish that will literally make them crawl out of my bed.

When they follow my instructions and hold for few days, I take a personal pleasure in make them last for the whole extent of their appointments, so they will almost pass out from cumming.

I always had a fascination with watching a man masturbate, specially when he does for a long time ENJOYING the build up without cumming too fast.

So, I use what I've learned from observing men with my oral techniques when I want my client to have a strong orgasm...I make him get to the very edge and I force him to back off...edge & back off...edge & back long he can endure.

I've done with guys for a long time, from one hour to up (my record) of five hours...the longer he can hold back, stronger his orgasm will be.

Is all about control :)

-- Modified on 12/5/2007 5:36:47 AM

Neurosexy46554 reads

Dear Betty_SNJ:

I was recently reading your comments and I had a question with respect to the resolution phase of the fellatio. What would be the dynamics of the pc muscles and how important is the concentration and the promulgation of the frenulum in this process? Do you also look for the testicles to be taut at this time?  Would you also look for the the precum to be thick so you would get an idea of how close that your client was prior to the hot lava erupting? Please elaborate more with respect to the stimulation phase as you take the man to this point.

and what I have found works best is to make sure I ejaculated (one way or the other) about three to four days prior to a date.

If I go a week, I find my equipment gets a bit rusty from non use.  It's a bit like starting up an engine on a cold morning.  You know you'll get it going, but you have to crank it quite a bit.

A three to four day break seems to keep me at peak performance.  The amount of ejalculate is just as much as ever and I'm good for the second cup in about an hour.

Just one man's laboratory.

I'm not sure this will be a completely satisfying answer but here goes.  since the volume of semen in a given ejaculate is primarily secreted by the seminal vesicles, i think this notion of "priming the pump" is valid and represents secretion of more fluid by the sem ves. and although a greater time without spilling seed may increase this volume i think stimulating yourself but not allowing orgasm  contributes more.  
the intensity of the orgasm is greater, possibly, as a result of this increased amount of fluid being expressed by the seminal vesicles and passing thru all the plumbing on its way out. (this answer is based on personal experience and a small contribution from an virtually obsolete medical degree.)

Love Goddess7455 reads

The issue of loads of sperm... for more reliable research results, I'd repeat the process with someone who doesn't get paid to say nice things. In the beginning of a relationship,paid or unpaid, everything about the other person's body is amazing - the spoo, the goo and everything in between. But eventually, things like this lose their novelty. After a few years, a big load just becomes a bigger mess to clean up.

Of course we [women, collectively speaking] want you to have a good time. And holding out for a few days definitely does what maradonut says. But in the final analysis...what do women say:

Hold me, just hold me ;-) ;-);-)
the Love Goddess

reading the thread I'm surprised that nobody mentioned if holding back makes them pop faster. The longer I go without, the less time I can hold back  Can't believe it's just me.

I think this may be age related. I know when I was younger I would pop very quickly after abstinence but I was also ready for a second pop in fairly short order.  I am 50 now, pretty much good for only one pop unless I book a three hour session, and take Viagra. The effect of the V on me is that it makes it harder for me to cum. This is actually not a problem as it prolongs the experience thus leading to a huge pop.

I have determined that long term abstinence has less to do with load volume than short term "priming of the pump" does the day before or the day of an appointment. I cut my "going without" time by half before my appointment last night but maintained my regimen of two or three "almost but not quite" sessions. No discernible difference in load volume was detected by my ATF....She should know since she's the one who has to clean me up...

I intend to do further research on this topic...

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