The Erotic Highway

Re: I'll take you up on that
neked123 1 Reviews 791 reads

I didn't have any specific knowledge of the article or Kenneth Tynan before I posted it.  I had just googled ' old masters and pornography' because I knew that some art lovers were not afraid to admit the correlation.  I do have a few years on you so I have been to quite a few art museums and galleries.  I live very close to New York city.  been to Europe many times as well.  Amsterdam was one of my favorites.  it has the Van Gogh museum and I went there a few times.   One time I got a really nice oversized tshirt with a van gogh design on it and gave it to a girl to use as a teddy.  it was great, make love with a masterpiece.

Posted By: Southern Belle
Wow that art gallery is so beautiful love the gold and painting. How did up find out about Kenneth? His words and idea is the key to great art. Being in an art gallery is very relaxing. I went to an art gallery two weeks ago all by myself it was so peaceful. What other galleries have you seen?

You know how people try to make there workout better every time that's how I think sex should be. Ladies we should be the MICHELANGELO of sex..

Posted By: Southern Belle
You know how people try to make there workout better every time that's how I think sex should be. Ladies we should be the MICHELANGELO of sex...      
I always wanted to take a really sexy woman to art museum for the day then come home and have some really hot kinky sex.,11.255932&spn=0.000499,0.001448&cbll=43.768336,11.255932&layer=c&panoid=MkpK000fm7YHPhYmkpairg&cbp=11,85.14,,0,2.58&cid=0&t=h&z=20&output=classic&dg=opt

here's the tiny url for the google streetview link:

Its the birth of Venus by Botticell

Wow that art gallery is so beautiful love the gold and painting. How did up find out about Kenneth? His words and idea is the key to great art. Being in an art gallery is very relaxing. I went to an art gallery two weeks ago all by myself it was so peaceful. What other galleries have you seen?

I didn't have any specific knowledge of the article or Kenneth Tynan before I posted it.  I had just googled ' old masters and pornography' because I knew that some art lovers were not afraid to admit the correlation.  I do have a few years on you so I have been to quite a few art museums and galleries.  I live very close to New York city.  been to Europe many times as well.  Amsterdam was one of my favorites.  it has the Van Gogh museum and I went there a few times.   One time I got a really nice oversized tshirt with a van gogh design on it and gave it to a girl to use as a teddy.  it was great, make love with a masterpiece.

Posted By: Southern Belle
Wow that art gallery is so beautiful love the gold and painting. How did up find out about Kenneth? His words and idea is the key to great art. Being in an art gallery is very relaxing. I went to an art gallery two weeks ago all by myself it was so peaceful. What other galleries have you seen?

what gallery did you go to?

here's a link to something I've wanted to see that's near you:
Seurat, Sunday  Afternoon,  Art Institute of Chicago

check out the woman on the far left.  she is fishing, but not for fish, but for men.  the park was a famous place for picking up working women.  the monkey on the lease represents the monkey business that goes on.   there is a few youtube videos about the painting.  

Posted By: Southern Belle
Wow that art gallery is so beautiful love the gold and painting. How did up find out about Kenneth? His words and idea is the key to great art. Being in an art gallery is very relaxing. I went to an art gallery two weeks ago all by myself it was so peaceful. What other galleries have you seen?

Only a few back home Cincinnati Art Museum and Betty Rymer Gallery Chicago, Il this one was the best. Wow this is beautiful I love it thank you now off to stare at this painting.....

FYI there are plenty of fun sex books sold at Spencers

...except sex itself. I have heard a lot of analogies in talking about art that reference sex--the climax of the play, a teasing subplot--but sex is sex and maybe it cannot be classified as anything else.

 There is no activity like it. The closest bodily function to orgasm is the sneeze, and that's not as much fun at all.

I get Southern Belle's point, game betterment and all, but the best sex, IMO, happens with abandonment. Especially when we abandon self consciousness.

Art and science are both very important to me, but to imagine sex as an art form along with dance, theater, music, etc. seems to demean it, and turning sex into a scientific discipline would do the same.

The best way to make sex better is just to enjoy it more. At least that's how I look at it.

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