The Erotic Highway

Re: i wanna know why we are all so touchy about rates
Zangari 7145 reads

Oh Dear God...Jon54 is going to start talking about his San Diego trip again.  

Sorry LG & everyone else, I don't mean to hijack this thread.  Jon54 has been posting on the Newbie Board all winter long...about his upcoming first session...that is always... postponed for...a future date...


from the love goddess point of view.  oh yea, the rest of u can chime in too.  

i am trying to be grownup and not take it personally, but i would like to know what the smart head shrinking folks think about why it is so touchy on both sides of the aisle.  'cause nothing sets me off quicker than for someone to negotiate my rates.  why am i so sensitivee ?  i dont really think the fellows mean anything bad by it, but it sure makes me uninterested in seeing them from the drop.  lg, your insite would be so appreciated

-- Modified on 4/15/2009 5:13:45 PM

Well, LG will go much further in depth, and do a much better job at this than myself. But, the argument for negotiating rates, that I hear from the guys is basically; well it's a business, and in most businesses you negotiate prices for supplies and products, and even fee for service. I think that's pretty lame, because it does not take the personal vulnerability aspect in consideration. Also, to me, asking a lady to reduce her rate, even in a strictly business paradigm, would be like telling an employee that you're going to reduce her/his salary, while at the same time expecting her/him to do the same quantity and quality of work. To me if a lady says her rate is $___, and is non-negotiable, then it's an insult to ask her to reduce it.

AmericanPoet6878 reads

It is a given that cash flow varies for both clients and escorts. It is also my opinion that the way you approach the issue is key.  If you beat the party down in a power play, even if they accept it, it is a bad practice. I have had a better response if you are polite and courteous, especially if you are a regular.  For example if you could only meet once a month at X, but could meet twice, or three times a month if it was X-1, and ask politely for the party to consider it, you may meet with success. Politely lay your cards and needs on the table, and allow them to consider your proposition (no pun intended).

Marriage councellors and divorce lawyers alike agree (Or so I've read.) that money problems are what drive couples apart even more than infidelity or snoring.

From the time we are old enough to hold a coin till our last Social Security check, money is what is held up as our ultimate esteem.

Money is the ultimate arbitor of success.  It makes the ugly beautiful, the talentless artistic and the stupid smart.

Why should we in the hobby world be any different?

since i provide professinal consulting services it is less of a headache.

sometimes a client asks for a discount as a way of negotiating a better deal. another way is to press for services that aren't required under the contract.

thing is that there _is_ a contract. so that limits the problem and the headache. in your work there isn't one so it is just much more difficult to deal with. at least i can just refer a problem client to our contracts/legal folks! there is no such intermediary here. making the deal is very personal.

TheLoveGoddess6324 reads

Interesting way of putting it, houstonsmartgal,

With "we," I assume you mean both providers and hobbyists? Let's say that you do, in which case I don't think there's any mystery involved, at least not on the part of the provider. Not to be sarcastic, but....when you sell the right to access your body in a way that is

a) secretive
b) stigmatized
c) emotionally demanding

you'd better be touchy about someone trying to negotiate your rates! I'm sorry, but this is NOT the same as providing the services of a plumber, carpenter or even attorney or physician. You are providing THE PRIVILEGE OF USING YOUR BODY in a way that most people would only consider if they were in a mutually desirous relationship. Hence, this special circumstance means that you, the provider, needs to control the entire procedure, from start to finish, or else you'll end up feeling used and abused - simple as that.

Now, the procedure begins with the price tag - a set fee for a set of contracted events. If your reviews state BBBJ, kissing, anal, AND a qualitative measure of affection, enthusiasm and being exquisitely attuned to the sexual needs of this complete stranger, then bargaining and negotiating the price completely violates the trust that you put in this person not to deviate from the program and possibly harm or hurt you, whether psychologically or physically.

Negotiating is experienced by the provider as a VIOLATION OF THE INITIAL TERMS and thus a potential violation of her body. And no one in this business wants to be violated or taken advantage of in any way. The provider wants to feel calm and in control, knowing that things will proceed according to the sexual scripting that is offered to the client. Paradoxically, that's why street prostitutes have so many more rules about not kissing, not touching here or there - their fee is low, so access is low. When the fee goes up, access goes up. Imagine the difference between going on a 5-day jaunt with a hobbyist who has access almost 24/7 during that time, compared with a street worker who sells services á la carte. All she does is negotiate - touch here, it's going to cost you this much more, etc. Even gals on Craigslist may engage in the same pattern. But a well-reviewed provider who is a professional at providing "bounded authenticity" [Elizabeth Bernstein's term, not mine,] will feel instant distrust at negotiations and hence a reluctance to go further.

I think it's a sign of health that you feel this way. You value your self, your body, your ego and your boundaries far too much to let anything interfere with your professional objectives. Let your "sensitivity" be your best guide - if he starts bargaining and negotiating, close shop. You may make less money that day, but you'll feel better in the long run.

It's a fucking business, like I always say,
The Love Goddess

LG, I always look forward to your responses. They are always thorough and enlightening. If I ever need consultation, I know who to see. Thanks.

any guy asking let alone hectoring someone for a discount.

Dear Love Goddess,

Some day I aspire to be as articulate and on the nose as you...

Blessed be!

Thank you for putting words to the complex set of emotions involved in the 'rate game'.  You have helped me understand myself better.  I think you are exactly on target.  Heretofore, I didnt know why, but I knew it was a huge turn off for me when someone even hints at negotiating.  I felt a little silly because it is a business and folks are used to negotiating for services of all types.  I'm a grown woman accustomed to all types of business transactions.  Why should this feel so personal?  Now I know.  Thanks for validating my feelings that this is unlike any other service in the world.  Its very personal, and it is a personal afront to attempt negotiation.  Maybe some hobbyists who think its okay to negotiate, will read this and realize what they might be communicating to their provider.  u are dead on that trying to negotiate the rate implies a sense of disrespect to me and my expectation is that that the hobbyist will be otherwise disrespectful and I'm not about that for any amount of money.  

i do listen to my gut and my sensitivity.  you rock.  how the hell did u get so smart?

LG, ;;;you are the best and brighterst!
This is a brilliant analysis of the relationship between the provider and the client. It should be posted on the Newbie board.

Trying to negotiate a fee is tantamount to saying to the provider "You're not worth what you are asking."  It's a direct insult.
Lovely ladies deserve respect!

I'm a newbie but have met with some providers and had a great time - partly thanks to TER and the information it disseminates. I want to say that TLG is really an amazingly empathetic individual and I commend her on the quality, kindness and insight of her replies (I am also a sociologist and psychologist/counselor). People would be advised to think seriously on anything she says (which apparently they do, anyway).
But thanks! LG

Since the recession hit, we've become a culture of bargainers.  News stories tell us that major retailers like Best Buy will sell below their listed price if you ask for it; clothing is on sale in high-end stores for 70 percent off; service providers, like doctors and lawyers, will discount rates if asked. Every day on the front page, there's a story about more people getting laid off.  And if you peruse the boards here, you'll see plenty of hobbyists commenting about discounts, and plenty of providers offering discounts.  It's the prevailing culture; it's nothing personal.

On the flip side, you're a professional service provider. You sell a service, just like a lawyer, a doctor or an accountant.  You compete with other service providers.  You have to be prepared to respond to this cultural phenomenon and to deal with the competition.  A simple, "No, I don't negotiate," is enough, if you don't want to bend your rates.  It's money, it's not your soul.

I see these services as having MANY simmilarities- they're all services which greatly improve one's quality of life- but they are all *ELLECTIVE* services...!!!

*I* would never DREAM of asking one of the various charming and talented ladies (that I've paid for these types of services) to give *me* a discount!  If I couldn't afford it- I just didn't go!!!

For a while I was seeing a psychoanalyst for $115/hour ($460-$575/month)... or years ago, a chiropractor for around $400 or $500/mounth... or a masseuse for $60/hour plus tip...

Through all this I always had other options- I could have just talked to family and/or friends on phone and in person... done back-bends over the edge of the bath tub... and begged random people to rub my back ;) etc...

Escort services are a *LUXURY*..!!! Luxury items are FAR less impacted by shifts in the economy.  If guys can't afford a particular lady- then you have a *cornucopia* of other options!

- find a lady whose services are in your price range
- buy a bottle of astro-glide and rent a DVD
- romance your SO and hope for the best
- buy one of those new fangled silcon cooters
- etc etc etc

I strongly suspect that some (or ALL) of those options will be a heck of a lot more fun than doing back bends over the edge of the bath tub because your chiroprator is just too darn expensive! ;)

i think that much of the clamor for discounts comes from folks who are hooked on the hobby in some unwholesome way, addicted perhaps. there is a complete lack of consideration for the effect on the provider of asking for a discount and there is a brittle, harsh quality to the demands. reminds me of folks needing a drug as if their life literally depended on it. it is a compulsion so luxury becomes necessity.

getting off topic a little... i came to this idea noticing a parallel between the discountists and my own compulsive posting recently although i think i've been more polite.

i am still sorting out what my relation to the hobby is. it provides measurable health benefits when the chemistry is good but that has other dangers. so for me it is not just a luxury, it is more significant. but i only do what i can afford that provides the benefit i seek.

i do get damned compulsive when trying to figure something out. i am an understanding/information junkie.

and i totally agree that if you let it and the chemistry is right, hobbying has a wealth of physical and emotional health benefits.  Providing has offered me some of those benefits as well.  

a sword that cuts both ways ... i've felt some of the detriments too.  getting support from my peers on these boards is one of the healthiest things I do.  thanks y'all for being here.

wayyyyyyyyyyyyy different case if I am the one to suggest the discount.  I'm the one still in control.  I seldom offer though, because I feel I've already chosen the lowest price point that I can possibly feel motivated to screen, correspond, prepare, meet, and entertian.  

kind of off topic, i dont see myself in competition with other providers.  My body and compaionship  NOT a commodity.  I'm special (at least to me if not to anybody else).  

but thanks for all the feedback y'all, I'm committed to the idea that folks can think differently from me and not be wrong.  vice versa goes without sayingl

I'm not touchy at all about rates. I pay what the gal's posted rate is. Period.  If a lady charges too much I simply don't see her. I also do not feel the need to TELL her that I feel she charges too much. I think the issue has more to do with the insulting practice that some guys have of publicly posting that a lady is not worth what she is charging. IMHO these guys are idiots and not really worth worrying about.

i was seeking self introspection about why it bothered me .  LG explained it swell, and now a am more at peace with how i feel.  I am what I am.  Pretty comfortable in my own skin.  To hell with anybody who wants to negotiate.  I got a delete button and i'm not afraid to use it.  LOL

I think you are on the right track.  Be true to yourself and what makes you comfortable.  I would much rather spend my time, and money, on a lady who has it together.  

I really believe that what we pay for in the hobby is a woman's time. Sure there are certain activities that are expected and performed but what a woman GIVES is much more important than a punch list of sexual positions or activities.  How willingly she gives it has everything to do with how she is treated by the guy in question. I can't think of a better way to alienate a lady than to try and negotiate her fee from the outset.

I hate to pay retail...A bargain is a turn on
(yes I am Jewish)

In addition...A contractor gets paid as the job goes along.  Maybe 1/3 up front, 1/3 half-way through and the final 1/3 upon completion.

Providers get paid in advance....and keep the money even if they don't deliver the services that are advertised.

Even if we don't bargain over cost, we often bargain or haggle over services...As many providers don't like to talk about acts on the phone, whats wrong with ascertaining upon arrival what is on the menu...It is often not what was implied in ads or desired by the consumer..

If a provider charges extra for a trip to Greece, maybe we should pay less if there is no DFK or DATY.

My biggest complaint is paying for an hour and being shown the door in 30 minutes.  Even if multiple pops are not on the menu, if I pay for an hour I want an hour of something.  It is especially galling when after paying for the hour and being shown the door in 30 minutes, you find a 1/2 hour rate was available.  How many providers have given back the difference?

30 Minutes feels so rushed...Hell just getting dressed and undressed can eat uphalf the time.

...I can't POSSIBLY *imagine* WHY they're pushing you out the door early...?!?! ;)

"I hate to pay retail...A bargain is a turn on"
"A contractor gets paid as the job goes along.  Maybe 1/3 up front, 1/3 half-way through and the final 1/3 upon completion."
"we often bargain or haggle over services"
"maybe we should pay less if there is no DFK or DATY."

You MAY be one of *GOD'S* "chosen people"... but drop the whole "God's gift to women" act, and you might have more fun! ;)

PS. Read the ladies REVIEWS and you will have a better idea of what can be expected!

are violating the 'contract' and u are well within good thinking to feel cheated.  shame on them.  an hour is an hour, and with me its usually more not less than 60 minutes.  hell i dont even own a watch

I like Kramden13's reply.  My "MO" the past year due to economic reasons is to not contact full-time escorts but rather find women who look at pay for play as a means to make some money for a short time then move on.  I don't contact any who advertise rates.  Then, I simply talk with them.  I don't discuss the specifics nor rates, I just talk to them like a human being and show interest and we set up a time to meet.  I've found in these circumstances that the demand for money dwindles and they're happy with about 1/3 of what a typical escort would get, and usually don't even think to ask until we're done.

I also never do incalls, and never meet with anyone who has a "driver".

They spend more time with me, don't look at the clock, and it feels more like a no-strings encounter than a call to an escort.

I believe the established escort base is finding this may be happening a lot, and I'm sure it's upsetting to them because they don't want to adjust their rates to the current market.

I used to use TER years ago, not anymore.  I'm simply engaging in a few conversations, if that's alright with you.

Have you ever considered that you've got sucked into the mentality that everyone needs to think like all the other people in a certain club?  It's like that mentality of "If you have a complaint about the USA, why do you live here? Move to another country!"  Yeah, that's right, because everyone who finds their self within a particular group has to completely abandon all other forms of thinking.

Playing with "non-pros" who accept cash is as old as this game that we are playing.  It's nice that it's working out well for you.  However, many gents want someone who they are assured is going to be professional in all aspects - scheduling, boundaries, discretion, reliability, etc.  They want to know how much to pay up front, they want to know that they will have a good time, many also want to know that the lady cares about her (and their!) safety and will not turn out to be a rob or worse.

What you do works for you, it's absolutely NOT for everyone.

So no, I am not finding this is happening a lot with my clients.  It's not upsetting in the least that it does happen.  The reason I do or do not adjust my rates has not a darned thing to do with what game non-pros are playing, and it ***NEVER*** will.


G27098 reads

I think LG has done a wonderful job of articulating the issue from a female/provider POV, but let me offer what might explain some of the male difference of opinion on this subject.

Over the years I've answered this question so many times I've lost count- and my answers have varied a great deal on the subject too, because I think there are a lot of dimensions to this issue.  But while I wouldn't try to negotiate with a provider myself, maybe I can offer a very short explanation as to why some men do.

Most men spend their entire lives trying to attract, date, fuck, or marry etc. women that are out of their league- it's the male national pastime. Whether it's cultural conditioning or genetic predisposition, every "5" or "6" with a penis thinks he has the right to have sex with a "9" or "10" female.  It's part of our male reproductive programming to find the best home for our genetic material, just as it's part of the female programming to reject unsuitable suitors for the same reason.

The nature of human sexual attraction has us all seeking the attentions of the same top 10% of the female population, even if we're nowhere near attractive enough ourselves to have any hopes of having our interest reciprocated.  But we always aim high, even if we end up settling for something less- our grasp exceeds our reach.

In the context of providers, we still aspire for that top 10%, but now there's an actual price associated with it and it's not just a matter of our skill or luck in bedding a woman, but our financial means.  Old habits die hard, however, so some guys- in this case, those whose dicks exceed their finances, still seek to aim high, even if they can only hope to achieve success by negotiating for a lower price.

You can say they should just move on to a woman whose price they can afford, but it doesn't work this way in our social lives, so it's not surprising that it doesn't work that way in this activity either.  Every male thinks he deserves a "10," even if he has no rational reason to feel that way.  it's as simple as that.

-- Modified on 4/15/2009 9:49:20 PM

damn we sure got a complex set of stuff going on in this biz dont we?  

i was thinking that the fellows just didnt realize how personal the issue of 'rate' is to a provider.  at least to this provider.  

You have helped me understand how come the fellows that really cant afford my rates still bark up my tree.  

I'm still gonna hit the delete button ... LOL

As we all know, this topic is a perennial contender for 'Most Often Posted' on the various Boards.  Additionally, it seems that with the worsening economy, it is even more prevalent.

Even so, every time some alias posts a rant about how prices should be coming down or some guy complains about a particular provider's rates in response to her ad post, I still can't quite figure out what the compulsion is.  I am not a 'bargainer' in the rest of my life, so the idea of negotiating rates is alien to me.

My non-professional opinion on this is centered on a couple possibilities:

1.  Control.  There is a certain measure of control or power being exerted when people try to negotiate price for goods/services.  Some people seem to get a rush out of seeing their level of control increased at the expense of the other party.  It would be interesting to see if there is any correlation between 'Bargainers' and their preferred style of intimacy (ie. Dom/Sub tendencies).

2.  Self-Esteem.  We all seem to forget it, but money in and of itself, is basically worthless - a piece of cloth-like paper with an ugly monotone design.  Its value is in what it represents, a promise for future consideration for goods or services provided now.  In the case of providers, those services are very personal and intimate.  As G2 so eloquently stated in his post, males are hardwired to attempt to reach as high up the procreation/partnering ladder as possible.  If a guy is able to negotiate a better price, he has essentially managed to expend few resources to receive a better position.  Or he may even feel that he achieved a higher position than he would normally be expected to reach.  Thus, there is an increase in his self-esteem/self-worth evaluation.

Also, there is the related phenomenon of people that seem to try to increase their own self-esteem by lowering that of the people around them.  This is magnified in this particular situation since as the client's self-esteem is increased by successfully negotiating a lower price, the provider's self-esteem could be directly lowered by 'selling herself for less.'

I'm not saying that any or all of these elements are present in every negotiation.  But they can be.  Some clients don't care what they pay, as long as it seems worth it to them.  Some providers don't seem to care about a little haggling.  Maybe they don't equate money to self-worth in any way.  Maybe they like the 'give and take' game inherent in negotiating.  It's all very individual.

If it bothers you, don't do it and don't tolerate it.

If it bothers you that it bothers you, then examine your internal reactions and try to understand the root causes.  Good responses here, especially from the LG.

i never even considered such complexity.  

it doesnt bother me that it bothers me ... I just wanted some ideas and verbalization about the 'root causes'.  I think LG hit it dead on the head for me.  Its a very personal service and I gotta feel like I'm gonna be in control of the tryst (even indirectly if I 'bottom') without any questioning.  No means No.  My rate is my rate.  

again, thanks y'all for helping me understand myself and validating my resolve to stick to my guns.  

this is a great forum

the elephant in the room:

Lots of ladies do comply with lowering rates.

It's sad, but true.  Yes, it's their call, but it sets a very bad precedent on others.  Like others on this thread, I've never asked to lower rates, but I hear this happening all the time.  In addition, you combine in the very low-end rates on many on CL - this gives the wrong idea to many guys.

and from what i read in the reviews ... the lower rates on CL sometimes just gets a girl to 'show up'  then u gotta be upsold if you actually want her to 'do' anything.  one review i read said the initial fee was $200 for basically CBJ.  Upsell was $300 for anything esle and even then the provider didnt smile and act like she wanted to be there and split as soon as he popped.  now doing the math, that same $500 would have gotten the fellow 2-3 hours in anna fanna bo banna's luxurious kingsize bed with her king size butt, sugar dripping southern drawl, toy box for tantalizing, jacuzzi tub with complimentary back scrubbing service from little ole me and a cocktail from my fully stocked bar.  YEA, MY RATES ARE MORE THAN FAIR.   !!!!! :)

TheLoveGoddess6486 reads

Actually, dastranger,

There is no elephant in the room at all. My answer was specifically directed to the personal question of why the original poster felt "sensitive" about lowering her rates. The thread was not about hobbyists and their potential desire to bargain, although it is nice that so many hobbyists did voice their feedback from their own perspective.

Of course there are many, many ladies lowering their rates. The reasons for it are overwhelmingly financial, such as not generating enough business to cover basic expenses or needing money for something very specific, e.g. kid's needs or unforeseen medical costs. Prostitution as an economic sector of society encompasses the highest price courtesan type provider to the lowest price outdoor sex worker. Chances are that those who operate on narrow margins with no savings can ill afford to turn down business - even if they have to go lower.

Does it set a bad precedent? Well, that just depends on who gets affected by this particular precedent, no? A successful professional with lots of money to burn doesn't care one iota about bargaining; in fact, some men are very suspicious toward providers with lower prices. It may be the halo effect, but some men genuinely prefer to pay top dollar, since in their mind, this guarantees an absolutely top class experience and almost flawless beauty.

And then there are those with that proverbial itch and not much money to burn; such men may try to bargain or settle for lower-priced providers to begin with. In this case, I'd say that birds of a feather often flock together; the problem arises when men try to "fuck above their station" in terms of fees and extra trimmings [high-rent incall place with loads of antiques in a posh part of town, champagne served, provider looking like a magazine cover, etc.] It can leave the hobbyist feeling like his hard-earned dollars go to support a lifestyle he could only dream about. Not to mention the fact that many hobbyists still see prostitution from the perspective of the biological male imperative: it must be great to have sex for money - easy, fun and not too much work involved.

To me, it is very interesting how some hobbyists still do not understand that fucking for a living is not like providing psychotherapy, dentistry or legal counsel. Until this becomes an accepted reality on the part of clients of prostitutes, I believe we'll continue to see bargaining until the end of time.

The chasm of comprehension,
The Love Goddess

I think you posted a similar question on another board on this site.  As a total newbie, I find it absolutely amazing the quality of women that are available for what I consider a few $.  I have more $ than courage though which is why I am still a newbie.  My biggest isssue is not wanting to hobby in my home town and I almost never travel, but I hope to change that in a couple months!

Zangari7146 reads

Oh Dear God...Jon54 is going to start talking about his San Diego trip again.  

Sorry LG & everyone else, I don't mean to hijack this thread.  Jon54 has been posting on the Newbie Board all winter long...about his upcoming first session...that is always... postponed for...a future date...


I pay what the ladies say.  If I disagree, I won't waste both of our time trying to negotiate down.  Nothing good can come from that!

That being said, the economy is down, and many feel the pinch.  It comes as no surprise that many guys feel that you ladies are also...and that the no negotiation rule on rates is now negotiatable.  You may not be willing to bargain...but other ladies may, and probably are.  So don't be surprised by it!

Personally, I still have my job, my income is still high, so no reason for me to play cheap.  Rules of the road are the same...

I don't frequent this site much anymore but this topic seems to come up often.

My own opinion is I don't really bother much negotiating, if I'm interested in paid service and a woman is advertising a rate higher than I care to pay, I don't consider seeing her.  Trying to negotiate many times deteriorates into the woman getting immediately touchy and often irate.  Even if I am not looking for the full range of services, she doesn't know who I am from adam and perceives that her time on the clock is worth a certain amount, and anyone asking to see her for less than that (under any condition) is somehow insulting her as a person.

There is, on occasion, I will notice someone I would like to see who is or may be beyond my means, and I feel she may enjoy my company beyond just for the money, and it's worth it for me to try to see her.  In that case, I don't negotiate.  I simply state that I'm interested to see her but because of my circumstances I can only afford a certain amount.  I leave it at that, letting her know if she's not interested it's OK, that I understand.  Normally I only even state this after some exchange, so she can clearly see I'm normal and easy to get along with.  The worst she can say is no, or that she's not interested, but much of the time I do get a positive response and we both end up having a good time.

The point is that the only times I've really done this is when I feel a strong desire to see a woman where the only boundary appears to be her stated rates.  These days I don't go for women who state their rates up front anyway, so I'm not sure how much this applies, but the most important thing is that I garner her interest in other ways, so she can be interested in me as a person, and when I make mention of my pay limits I need to ensure she knows I respect her as a person and am only letting her know that I would love to see her but otherwise can't afford what she's asking.  I don't demand she lower her desired rate for me, I merely let her know that I can't see her otherwise but would love to see her at a rate I could afford.  So long as she felt some sincerity from me, it usually turns out fine.

Just don't "negotiate".

I am a contractor. I have a small number of people ask for a discount, lowest price, sharpen your pencil--when I give a price it is the price---I KNOW WHAT I AM WORTH and when one of our ladies sets her price-that is what she thinks she is worth. Asking her for a discount is the fastest way to get lousy service no matter what price you pay. I pay what she wants and if she ends up being worth it--then I give her more--I think you call it a tip. I am always welcome back where I want to come back to.

The economy has hit us all but I believe that you will only jeopardize your exsperiance by asking for a discount. It is better to find a provider in your price range. The tougher things get the more you will see prices drop but that is only up to the provider. I believe they are all worth more than they ask for!

In many cultures negotiation is normal business. Some people like the give and take. Apparently most providers do not enjoy this aspect of the business any more than I enjoy going around with a salesman for a big ticket item.

I think it is fair enough for the providers to both state their rate and rates are non-negotiable. Hobbyist should respect the statement. If you want to haggle see someone who does not ask you not to haggle.

There is usually enough supply and demand in each market for providers to attract the appropriate clients and for the clients to locate a suitably price provider. For those of you from other cultures, adapt to where you are renting time...most of our ladies do not haggle.

In the end people are going to do what they are going to do on both sides of the discussion.

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