The Erotic Highway

Re: I tried it once...
Zangari 6055 reads

Dear God, Fisher--I think LG took Mother's Day off & left us the car keys.  Before I drive the Mercedes into the lake, I'll try to answer MikeDFW's post without the Magic 8 Ball.  

Mike:  it sounds like you want it both ways: you'd like to experiment with a TS, but you also want everyone to know that you're a 'purely straight' guy.

Conflicted, thy name is MikeDFW.  There's nothing wrong with experimentation with a TS, but it does reveal something about your sexual nature.  According to P411, there's over 300 female providers in the Dallas metro area.  But you'd rather book a session with a Dallas TS.

Your claim of being 'purely straight' may be an attempt at denial, of trying to cover what you just revealed.  I think there's latent homosexuality in most people. But when you deny it or repress it, that's when problems arise.  Good luck.  

Sorry LG, I did my best.  --z

There is a beautiful,very feminine looking, TS in Dallas I am thinking of visiting. What is the chance that a purely straight guy can enjoy a TS experience? It just seems it would be a really unique and "out there" experience and I am very curiuos.

Zangari7800 reads

MikeDFW,  I referred your post to my Magic 8 Ball:

Q: Should MikeDFW see TS girl in Dallas?

Q: Is MikeDFW a 'purely straight' guy?

And there you go.  regards, --z

I had a nice mental/social thing going with an attractive post-op TS who I met on another board.

We met, hopped into bed and.....nothing.

My mind was willing but my body was telling me:  "This is a dude man, what the hell were you thinking?"

Even though surgeons can perform miracles (Even the adam's apple was shaved.) and the person was very feminine, there was something (chemestry?) that my body was rejecting.

You have to listen to your body in these matters.  As Madonna says, we are living in a material world.

Zangari6056 reads

Dear God, Fisher--I think LG took Mother's Day off & left us the car keys.  Before I drive the Mercedes into the lake, I'll try to answer MikeDFW's post without the Magic 8 Ball.  

Mike:  it sounds like you want it both ways: you'd like to experiment with a TS, but you also want everyone to know that you're a 'purely straight' guy.

Conflicted, thy name is MikeDFW.  There's nothing wrong with experimentation with a TS, but it does reveal something about your sexual nature.  According to P411, there's over 300 female providers in the Dallas metro area.  But you'd rather book a session with a Dallas TS.

Your claim of being 'purely straight' may be an attempt at denial, of trying to cover what you just revealed.  I think there's latent homosexuality in most people. But when you deny it or repress it, that's when problems arise.  Good luck.  

Sorry LG, I did my best.  --z

oalexander5367 reads

An open mind is a very beautiful thing.

Timbow6051 reads

Yea he was not gay and could not go thru with it :)

TheLoveGoddess6365 reads

Dear mike DFW,

Chances are that "a purely straight guy" can enjoy a transgender woman very much, depending on the woman. If she is post-op, chances are she has been on hormones for several years and you will find very little difference between her and a female-born female. If she is pre-op, AND she uses her penis to engage sexually, I suppose it depends on what you want her to do with it - or you with hers. Some "purely straight guys" actually enjoy anal penetration very much, mainly due to intense stimulation of the prostate gland. This could mean that their female-born sex partner wears a strap-on and penetrates the male anally, or uses a vibrator/dildo/buttplug for that very purpose.

Now, if the woman in question already comes equipped with a penis, then there is no mechanical device needed, and you may enjoy the sensation of her penetrating you with a condom-covered organ. Or, you may enjoy giving her a blowjob or her giving you one.

The point is that you, as a "purely straight guy" will NOT relate to her as a man. If you see her as a man wearing women's clothing, AND you are attracted to "him" as a male to another male, then you wouldn't be "purely straight" and we could say that you have some homosexual/bisexual attraction/orientation. But, since this is a female-GENDERED person, albeit with male genitalia, it is quite possible that you will find her just a woman with a "unique" anatomical variance. If you are able to do so, then you'll enjoy your experience as a lover of women with penises, that's all.

My advice is to try it - that's the only way you'll find out if it's enjoyable and how you will react. Clearly, if you find that this is a fantasy and not as appealing in reality, then politely pay and leave. If you do, then enjoy it for what it's worth and don't worry about it, other than being sure that you both use protection at all times - for obvious reasons.

Such a big issue over a rather small piece of tissue,
The Love Goddess

Zangari6932 reads

LG, I'll  plead ignorance regarding the pre-op/post-op TS experience.  But an alarm bell went off when Mike described himself as a 'purely straight' guy wanting to book a TS.  

 I'm hetero, but like most people, there was a time when I considered a same-sex experience (for me: in college with a gay friend).   Purely straight?  I'm not sure such a thing exists.  When someone makes that type of declaration, aren't they tipping their hand?  

And consider: over 300 P411 providers in the Dallas metro, yet 'purely straight' Mike wants to book with a TS. If I had limited choices, (e.g., small town in the middle of nowhere), I'd consider an attractive TS.   But Dallas?  No, sorry.

Another thing: there's no emotional tie between Mike and this TS--he just likes the pix and the idea of anonymous sex with a TS.  And note Mike's  choice of words:  Pure = Straight.  Impure would be what, exactly?   --z

Try posting your message on the transexual board.  You will get responses from guys and TS providers.

hallelujah u retrieved the keys .... z was scaring me .... why we gotta question someone's sexuality here?  if they want the label 'straight' let 'em keep it.  its just a label

Zangari7348 reads

All: I was trying to make a couple of points while joyriding in a stolen car:

1) MikeDFW wants to have sex with a TS.  I have no problem with that scenario.  Mike, have fun.    

2) MikeDFW also wants everyone to know that he's "purely straight", NOT LIKE THOSE HOMOSEXUALS OVER THERE.  Sorry, I do have a problem with that statement.  

If this thread were a novel, MikeDFW is now an 'unreliable narrator'.   Since Statement #2 is very questionable, it casts Statement #1 in a new light.      --z  

but I can't resist pointing out that the category "homosexual" is of very recent historical vintage. For most of history there was no such category. And there are plenty of examples both from history and the present of guys who were "totally straight" who engaged or engage in sex with other men.

It's purely a label. And contrary to what Z says, mikeDFW was most of history on his side – there are plenty of guys who are "totally straight" who have sex with men.

(That's of course leaving aside the transexual issue which he was really asking about. I just thought I'd throw my two cents worth in.)

Zangari5976 reads

Here's an idea: let's stop falling back on the phrase 'it's just a label', as if it contains some  zen meaning .  Words mean something, people, and they don't mean whatever-the-hell you want them to mean.  

When someone states that they want to have sex with a TS, and in the very-next-sentence declares that they're  purely straight, we have every reason to question that assertion.  

And maybe you should consider where MikeDFW is posting from: Deep-In-the-Heart-of-Texas, where men better be  purely straight or in the closet.  

If words mean nothing to you, and everything is 'just a label', please stop posting.  No one wants to read meaningless garbage.    Thanks.  --z  

yep, words do mean something.  but the same words can and are interpreted differently by different folks.  and i am deep in the heart of texas in houston and i havent seen the homophobia demonstrated that u seem so well versed in.  have u ever been here?  

its a public board Z.  we can all post all the garbage we feel inclined to post until the moderators boot us off.  

I see myself as 'straight' and generally accept that label.  I've played with gals before and it didnt trip my trigger so I reckon I can keep the label I've chosen.  But occassionally i see a gal that has a swagger, or a coolness, or a joi de vive that I have to say is very sexy.  does that make me homosexual?  

back to Patrick Henry, Z if u wanna stand on real strict interpretations of what makes someone 'straight' or not, you are certainly entitled to that opinion and outlook. I hope it serves you well in your quest for understanding of the human condition.   Can i be entitled to mine too?  it seems to have served me well thus far.  

for mike, if u are attracted to this TS, i say go for it if she will see ya.  hell, most of the good intimate experiences I've ever had happen way more between my ears than between my legs.  If u are 'into' her, and she is 'into' you, I'm bettin u are gonna have a great time.

"there are plenty of guys who are "totally straight" who have sex with men."

I couldn't care any less if someone is gay or not and I have never been threatened by a gay guy, however years ago I was threatened by a couple of lesbians because I went in a girl only bar.."Babes" in Richmond to be specific..
I am wondering how a guy could have sex with another guy if he isn't gay...
How a  straight guy would get a hard on with a gay guy does not compute..

Timbow7086 reads

If a guy has sex with a Tranny no matter how good looking the TS is the man is gay :)
Sorry I ain't PC and tell it like is :)

the only one that came close is LG. If you were to monitor the the TS board you would find that the guys and girls over there are not homosexuals. The VAST majority of the guys over there have no interest whatsoever with having sex with a guy. You being attracted to this lady does not make you gay. By simply publicly admitting your feelings you are proving that you are more of a man than your hecklers. At a ripe old age of 65 I decided that before I drop dead again that I would go see a TS. Not a TV or CD--she had to look like, sound like, smell like and move like a woman. I entered this with an open mind and an understanding TS.  It was terrific. Take your time if you like---oral only then top ot bottom or do it all if you feel comfortable.

Now I will go a step further for you uneducated. After seeing 5 totally different ladies---I wondered what would be the difference between a TS and a guy. So I tried the erotic massage with a full time guy provider. Believe me ---IT IS NOT THE SAME--- and I know I am not gay. However I will continue to enjoy being with TS ladies. The biggest advice that I can give any of you now is to become VIP and read the reviews. Now Mike---go over to the TS board after that an inquire of you lady of choice--maybe you can get some additional info on her.  Every one over there are very cordial unlike some of the regional boards.

Lecture over --- questions?

Zangari6911 reads

I have a question, TS_Beau:  The object of your desire is a TS who  (your words now):  "looks like, sounds like, smells like, and moves like a woman."

So why not see a female provider?  And let's take this one step further.   A fully trans-gendered person (in this case, male-to-female) could advertise as a female provider. And maybe I can't tell the difference, and neither can you.   I'm happy.  Are you?  No, you're not.  

You're not shopping for female providers because you want to have sex with a man who looks like a woman.  That's part of the allure, or you wouldn't be in the market for TS sex.  YOU ARE GAY--or at least Bisexual.   And these words mean something.   And you're running away from that reality as fast as you can.  

And I'm not heckling you.  I admire an openly gay or bisexual person.  They possess self-knowledge and are comfortable in their own skin.  They don't pretend to be something they are not.  

One more thing: I have never seen such homophobia on any TER thread as this one. Every time I use the word 'gay', people treat it as if it were radioactive.  --z  

TheLoveGoddess7101 reads

A transsexual woman (M-T-F) who has had hormonal reassignment is no longer "a man," unless you label male and female according to chromosomal configuration. The problem is that when you label male or female according to XX or XY, then what happens with perfectly female appearing individuals who are XXY? Or XXXY? Or who have AGS? Or Turner's syndrome? Or who are born with ambiguous genitalia? Or testicular feminization?

Gender - male or female - is a concept that is felt within the individual. Gender presentation is the outward manifestation of that gender. If the transsexual person feels himself/herself to be a gender that is not corresponding with his or her genitals, we assist with hormones and possible genital surgery to provide correction.

The thing is, some people feel themselves to be a particular gender, but do NOT wish to alter their genitals. This often happens to people born with "ambiguous" genitalia. Do we take their preferred/perceived gender away from them? That's precisely what's been going on in the medical field for decades, and we have seen the disastrous results of this practice. Read the story of John/Joan if you don't believe me.

See my last posting in this matter - sexual orientation, gender, genitals are separate concepts. The vast majority of people have a heterosexual orientation, and genitals that correspond to procreative purposes. But many do not - hence, it is erroneous to call someone who prefers women with penises "gay."

Hope that's clear for now,
The Love Goddess

z, in my opinion, the profession of a given sexuality is a personal choice and not something that someone else (i.e. YOU) can decide for any person other than yourself.  Thats the only reason I take issue with you questioning Mike's choice of words and for that matter TS_Beau.  IMHO, ones sexuality is more a reflection of how one sees oneself, not how others see them.  but it is just my opinion.  I dont see myself as homophobic either.  

course i am blind in one eye and cant see out of the other, love to shop at walmart, married my cousin at least once and still dont own a pair of shoes at 47.  I just luv me some patsy cline.  watching her biography movie right now.  Mensa is the only folks that dont think I'm an ignorant slut.  They say I tested in the 99th percentile when i only needed to text in the 98th percentile.  Always was an overachiever ... 'cept for the marrying cousin thing.  LOL

ok, i swear i aint postin to this dang thread again no matter how much i am baited.

If you are not sure if you want a TS, and wondering if you will enjoy the experience, why not ask your favorite provider to use a strap on ??  That way if you aren't enjoying it, you can tell her to please take it off..

not all TS providers or those that admire them do anal. Fifure that one out.  Besides we forgot about attitude.  Unfortunately an awful lot of GG's DO have an attitude and that is mostly eliminated.   Remember the biggest sex orgam is your brain.  Who knows how long this fascination will last. But I also think there needs to be another name besides gay attached to it.   maybe the Love Goddess can rename us.

TheLoveGoddess6788 reads

As to what we call men who love women with penises - mercifully, they have resisted scientific classification, most likely because we as social scientists have not found it important to categorize them [and pathologize, which is what usually follows.] Colloquial speech has these men as "trannylovers;" I find this offensive, superficial and in no way representative of a sexual preference [NOT orientation] that is a small part of someone's total sexual repertoire.

The fact that people conflate gender, sexual orientation and anatomy is only proof that sex ed has failed miserably in this country. And that's the topic for another thread altogether.

Repeat after me, please - genitals, gender, sexual orientation - mutually exclusive,
The Love Goddess

im a 19-year old asian ts but im pretty much sure that Mr Z needs to be educated more so he wont get so delusional next time.

i just have some few questions..

do u love watching a woman get double penetrated by two guys?? dont you think that watching and enjoying two guys with huge hard-ons is somewhat gayish in a way??

what should we call a guy like you if for some unfortunate accident you got your winnies cut off?? a man, a woman or simply ASSsexual because you only have you ass to play with.

how does it feel if a transexual like me looks,smells and feels better than your gf?

those are just questions nothing personal.

anyways, eversince i was a kid i was never attracted to girls and until now i never been with a woman so i always believe that the guys that i been with are not gay or bisexual in anyways. it does not make you gay or bisexual if you are attracted to the female form and you relate to a ts as a woman.

sometimes whats between your ears is better than what is between your legs

or maybe two heads are better than one..what do u think??

Zangari5319 reads

Well, I was going to let LG have the last word, but then ts_19ca posted a Kinsey-like questionnaire for me to fill out.  

Q1: do u love watching a woman get double penetrated by two guys??

A1:  No, my porn tastes are fairly plain vanilla, I don't care for any depiction of group sex.  

Q2: dont you think that watching and enjoying two guys with huge hard-ons is somewhat gayish in a way??

A2:  I think your assertion is true, but it doesn't apply to me. See Answer #1.  

Q3: what should we call a guy like you if for some unfortunate accident you got your winnies cut off??  

A3: Unlucky.  But I think you want to cut my dick off.  Please put  that knife down.

Q4: how does it feel if a transexual like me looks,smells and feels better than your gf?

A4: You're bragging now,  I don't have a gf, just a wife and an ATF.  The wife is a cute asian, and the ATF is a Native American goddess.  You have some competition there.  

Nice chatting with you.  --z


The only way to find out if this is an experience you wish to explore, you should start at the top.  TS Daisy works out of Austin.  She is one of the best providers in the US, and you should try and connect (literally) with her.  

Then let us know how this works for you :-)

Saw an interview with a psychologist once who stated that he believed that sexuality lies along a spectrum, with very few people being either 100% gay or straight.  My guess is that simply fantasizing about a TS (or TS porn, etc., etc.) may do the trick for you.
Do you wanna take a step (or two or three) futher? Only you can decide. For some folks, guy with other guy's penis=gay. For me, not so much, and, ultimately, if you're gonna hobby, then you're in a place to live out your fantasies, right?  In other words, for all the "straight" posters out there, that pornstar ain't gonna run away with you, or be thinking about you while she fucks her significant other, etc. Just enjoy the ride, dude.

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