The Erotic Highway

Re: I HATE change.
sweetman 93 Reviews 304 reads

I agree! As the song says, orangutangs are skeptical of changes to their cages, and I'm usually as skeptical as they come. But this ain't too bad. Actually the weirdest, almost funny thing about it is that now the profile text wraps from line to line with no accepted word breaks or hyphenation. Come on people, this is basic text programming 101! You can't just break up a word anywhere and put the rest of it on the next line.

I am not a fan of the new format. They complicated things...

on each profile such as when you last viewed each other.  And one excellent upgrade you may not have noticed yet: when you write a message to a SB you are no longer limited to a measly 1400 characters.  Now it's 5000! Yay!

GaGambler285 reads

but this change is not too bad. I had no idea about the maximum character changes, but I assure you they don't affect me one bit. lol  

I agree about being able to see when you last viewed each other. All in all, I consider the changes an upgrade as opposed to the last time they made changes and did more harm than good.

I agree! As the song says, orangutangs are skeptical of changes to their cages, and I'm usually as skeptical as they come. But this ain't too bad. Actually the weirdest, almost funny thing about it is that now the profile text wraps from line to line with no accepted word breaks or hyphenation. Come on people, this is basic text programming 101! You can't just break up a word anywhere and put the rest of it on the next line.

First of all, I am known for my own propensity for writing long posts on here. A sorta mia culpa which I am acutely well aware of. That said, I tend to write only about three paragraphs and each is limited to like 2-3 sentences at most when I send an emal on SA to a prospect:

After opening with the customary Hi / Hello and hope that you...

The first paragraph tells them as to what piqued my interest about them indicating that I actually read their darn profile and that I'm not doing some sort of grotesque one liner carpet bombing!

The Second paragraph draws their attention to my profile and state briefly as to why I think we maybe compatible and I suggest sharing photos if / when I hear back (I don't usually share my private photos  right off the bat)

The last paragraph is about what I'm looking for in a "beneficial" relationship. I do not mentioned any number$ but I do strongly hint as to I know what these relationships are supposed to be all about and that I'm not a time waster!

Then I close with something like: BTW, my name is "Chubby" or something like that. Never, hope to hear from you soon, eager to hear from you, blah-blah... Never show desperation!

Lastly, if I am really really interested in someone who has checked my initial email but never wrote back; I will hit up with a follow up 4-5 days later (depending on how often I see them active) and tell them something like, "I know how some girls get inundated on SA with emails so I wanted to jump in front of the line of your potential suitors"... Blah, Blah...

There will never be a third time! Feel free to use if it bodes well with your style.

Case in point: when we go to our newly received email messages and before we open them, the very first couple of lines of the message is all that shows. So with bearing that in mind, if it is uninspiring, insipid, reeks of being fake or if it looks like a carpet bomb job, the chances of the profile to be looked at and getting a message back decreases!

Im good with 50!

Posted By: sweetman
on each profile such as when you last viewed each other.  And one excellent upgrade you may not have noticed yet: when you write a message to a SB you are no longer limited to a measly 1400 characters.  Now it's 5000! Yay!

I am quite cognizant as to when STFU when it comes to scoring p*ssy. With my larger than life personality, I just let my tongue do the wagging in more pleasurable locations than with uttering bits and bytes on SA cyber space.

What changes? Using my laptop and desktop and nothing seems different to me, where's the last viewed option?  5000 characters in a message? Why?????

You can now tell who has looked at your profile and favorited, versus just favorited every profile that popped up in an attempt to reach one.

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