The Erotic Highway

Re: Did that first gal know your home address?...
xray84 28 Reviews 289 reads

Please say it's a hobby phone or burner number....

For the last three weeks ID been in communication with a gorgeous sb from a different city. Everything was amazing, we texted each other several times a day, we spoke on the phone every other day and she even did not log again on SA since she mentioned I was the person she was looking. We even Skype and everything was perfect. In order to get together I had to take a flight to see her and she was extremely excited with the idea of getting together. I took the flight, we talk and everything was normal. She texted me that she was getting out of work in ten minutes so we can get together finally and then, she ghosted. Completely disappeared, no text, no calls, no nothing. I don't know if something happened to her but I came up empty with no answer. Now I am searching SA for a backup plan with very limited time. Sometimes you get burned and is a really bad feeling to say the least.

GaGambler321 reads

Personally, I would stay right here on TER and find yourself a nice hooker with whom to commiserate with. lol

I have to travel sometimes to see POT SB's since there are so few in the actual town I live in. Fortunately I travel to Dallas about once a week. If I get stood up by a POT SB, there are hundreds of hookers to help get me over it. You might try the P 411 "available now" section in what ever town you are in.

Finally she sent me a text that she had been abused many times in her life and got scared about meeting a stranger so she is crying and confused. I am not happy for sure but I believe her. She shared a lot of personal information before and I believe it can be true. Now my fallback plan, I was able to set up a meeting with a girl and just came back from having a couple of drinks and it was great. She was very hot, like a Barbie and at then end of the date we kissed very passionately and is checking a few things and maybe will spend the night with me. Whatever happens, at least I spent a couple of hours with a very hot woman and made out with her. Let's see what happens.

one thing:

Stay away from the ones who claim that they were abused, freak out about meeting a stranger or any garden varieties of these two! Do not white knight and do not become captian-save-a-ho! These women who are extreme cases of damaged goods, are really nothing but asking for trouble. I think that she did you a favor by ghosting on you and now you ought to return the favor. However, it appears to me that you are getting suckered in as evident by your empathetic tone.

Posted By: chardonay
Finally she sent me a text that she had been abused many times in her life and got scared about meeting a stranger so she is crying and confused. I am not happy for sure but I believe her. She shared a lot of personal information before and I believe it can be true. Now my fallback plan, I was able to set up a meeting with a girl and just came back from having a couple of drinks and it was great. She was very hot, like a Barbie and at then end of the date we kissed very passionately and is checking a few things and maybe will spend the night with me. Whatever happens, at least I spent a couple of hours with a very hot woman and made out with her. Let's see what happens.

This is exactly the type of girl who will meltdown and go BSC on you when she gets drunk. If I knew that my first monthly arrangement girl was abused and treated like shit by her prior boyfriends, i never would've got involved. Be glad that this girl told you now so that you can avoid wasting your time trying to be the "nice, sweet guy". I was the sweet guy and treated her great and all was good until she got drunk and proceeded to lump me in with all the fucking assholes in her life. Chick's with that kind of baggage are seriously damaged inside and it eventually comes out and ruins everything.  So Ghost her and be glad you didn't waste time and $$$ on her.

Because if she did, your home may have been broken into by confederates of hers.  The idea is to get you far away from your home, and then a gang cleans you out.  Another way people do this is by going to the airport and checking out luggage labels on people's bags looking for addresses knowing that those homes will be empty for a while.  Don't ever put your address on your luggage.  A phone number or email will suffice.

It's an old scam, she probably lives in your city.

I hope I'm wrong, but guys, don't fall for this old trick.

She doesn't know anything from me other than my phone number.  Regarding the empathy I believe is sad for her that she is so damage goods but I am not interested in meeting her at all. Is not going to happen nor helping her in any way.

Please say it's a hobby phone or burner number....

GaGambler281 reads

and I have been doing this for decades. I've also had the same cell number for over 20 years and I have never had to change it over some BSC SB, Civvie or hooker.

I am also very happily divorced, with no kids and no boss to answer to. I have had a couple of women go BSC on me over the years, but nothing that blocking/ignoring their calls/texts hasn't been able to solve.

She ghosted on him, why should he have to worry about her? He can, and I hope he will, just move on to the next one. I also hope he has learned his lesson about jumping on a plane without a back up plan.

There's just too many ways it can go south.  If you already have a date or two set up with a well reviewed TER provider your trip will be a success no matter how the POT SB thing plays out.

I would only set up a 1st time meet in another city if I was already flying there for business or another "sure thing" meeting.   I'd think of it as a bonus opportunity, not a all or nothing event.

She's new, young and scared.  Put on your caring verbiage and text the crap out of her.  Make her think you care.  If she responds it's like fishing she's on the hook.  Then you fuck her and pay her like she's s hooker that she is.  Then move on.

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