The Erotic Highway

Sugar Bowl Surprisesteeth_smile
rick.smith41 1159 reads

I've been thinking of posting this topic for awhile, but have been unbelievably busy.
Thanks for keeping the board lively fellas, while I've been away !!! I've been somewhat inactive in
The Sugar Bowl for the last few months, but had a very busy year last year, otherwise. My strategy  
is somewhat different than others on this board as I almost always demand to have a phone conversation
with the POT SB first!! (Can't tell you how many times that's saved me). If that goes well then it's off to
A meet up. Because of my techniques I've spoken with many, many ladies (but met with far fewer-my choice).
Anyway, that has caused me to gather some interesting intel. At least it's been eye opening for me.

I've noticed quite a few things that have surprised me. Here goes:
1.) Girls Talk-it's uncanny how often I've spoken with a POT SB and asked them how they
  got going in the Sugar Bowl only to find out they learned of it from a friend, or relative!!
That surprised me, as I've never told anyone about my activities in the bowl, nor would I.
But, from what I've gathered I guess these ladies can't help themselves.
2.) Industry Concentration-I've been surprised at how many of these ladies have ties to
 either restaurants, hotels or bars. There have been a few in the arts. Some with normal jobs.
But, the waitresses, bartenders, hair stylists and hotel front desk people have been the mass majority from  
The ones I've spoken with.
3.) In Real Life- I've also been surprised by how many of these "arrangements" got started  
In the real world, having nothing to do with the site. The first time I heard a lady tell me that
I had a hard time believing that a dude would approach a woman he recently met about an arrangement
 Involving money and sex. But, not only is that the case, but the women often take to it. Who knew!!
4.) Princess-Damn, I'm shocked at how many of these women still have the Princess fantasy.
You know what I mean "Some suave, handsome gentleman is going to show up, sweep me off of my
feet and give me gobs of cash to boot. Because I am worth it. I'm a Princess after all!!" Really !!!
Don't believe me, read some of those profiles. Those are usually the ones marked "substantial".  
Woman please!!
5.) They are Very Open-Yes, I am still very much surprised, by open they are with their information.
In the first call, or the first meet up it's all there mostly. Where they work, live, their names, etc.
I guess that's not that surprising at what they'd share in person, but even the first contact by e-mail
You get a wealth of info. I always laugh when they give their e-mail: [email protected]. Priceless!!
With my current lady she asked me to drop her off at her house after the first meeting!!  
6.) Older Guys Rock!-i didn't really believe it at first, call me a skeptic. But, after hearing this from more
 Than one of these POT SB's, I guess some of them actually do really like being with older guys. I guess
 what there is lacking in the physical attractive department gets made up for in the, "he knows how to treat
A woman department". I still wouldn't have believed they were doing it for anything other than cash, but
I've heard from more than a few of them that they had, had normal relationships with older guys in the past.
I'd love to hear about things you've run into in this activity that have surprised you.

First off, great post. Some of those observations are classic. #3 also amazes me... curious if any the guys here have just approached a woman out of the blue and propositioned them to be their SB... and if so, how'd it go?

Re: #5... you say they are open with their info... I say they are often downright careless with it. Between using their real phone numbers or email addresses to using their FB or twitter pics that can be googled in a heartbeat, I am often shocked at how tech savvy these millennials are but are also completely oblivious to being safe online with their personal info. If someone had bad intentions or was some sort of stalker or sexual predator, it could really be unsafe for some of these girls. At the very least, in the age of identity theft, you would think they would be a little more aware of their surroundings.

John_Laroche310 reads

not so much #1, 2, or 4. Even #3 because sugaring has been around as long as prostitution.
#5, Yeah, but it shouldn't be a surprise given how generally careless with personal information this generation is (social media, open WIFI use, etc...)
#6. Yeah it still surprises me (in a good way, obviously) when a girl says "I'm really into older guys."

It used to surprise me (now I'm used to it):
how many girls will marry for citizenship and some even pay big $.
how many SB and hookers just have NO plan for the future.

I had lunch with a POT SB yesterday who told me she's had one previous arrangement, but she met the guy socially, not online.  that was the first time I've heard of such a thing. But I'm glad to know that she's had sex with a guy before who gave her money.  

I too have been amazed at how clueless many of these girls are regarding sexual predators and safety.  One 20yo cutie recently gave me her phone number right away, before we even met.  I entered it in the Facebook search box and found out her real name, where she went to school, what sorority she was in, who her college girlfriends were, etc.  I mean, wow!  If I was a bad guy I'd have a wealth of info.  When I met this girl I told her to be more careful!

GaGambler388 reads

I give my real name, real phone number and real company Email.  

I like the POT SBs to feel comfortable that I am "for real" and that they won't end up dead in a ditch. I am sure some of them think they have a wealth of info on me too, but what are they really going to do with it?

Ditto for me.  

And I am single and live alone in a house.

I avoid it.  I've had just a few call me first so it was unavoidable.  But it always felt so awkward.  When I compose at the keyboard I can organize my thoughts and edit before hitting the send key.  I have good skills at expressing myself this way and eliciting the kind of information I want before committing to a lunch date.  And in person I make a good impression too and can actually hold a damn conversation.  But a disembodied voice on the phone is so hard for me to deal with.  Especially since the days of the old clunky handsets with good fidelity are gone and on a new smart phones I often can't even understand what the girl is saying.  My hearing is excellent and I've been told many times that my voice is quite beautiful!  But I still hate talking to a girl I don't know on the phone.  What do you get out of it?

I can tell alot by talking to someone, you can sense their laugh, how they choose their words, Is the conversation free flowing. Does she ask asked and answer the question in a timely manner. There's alot more but texting or email is so impersonal. I'll still text and email but drop a dime every now and then...but that's just me.

-- Modified on 1/23/2017 8:35:32 PM

First off, my schedule only allows for a limited number of time windows to meet and greet. Secondly, when I am in the bowl I am looking for something a bit more than just a quick hook up. Let's call it a very casual, ongoing friends with benefits situation. So, chemistry is really important to me. In the beginning, I would meet without a call, but learned quickly how inefficient that was. I try to find out about most of the relevant info, and build chemistry, on that first call. I can tell right away if she is going to be: high maintenance, money grubbing, not really into sex, not compatible with my schedule, not compatible with my charming personality, flirty, etc. You get the idea!! I have also found out on those first calls if she has a heavy accent so the communication is nearly impossible, but the texting skills were awesome. Also, it makes the meet up much more enjoyable, IMO and increases the chances of getting BCD. It works for me!

Posted By: sweetman
I avoid it.  I've had just a few call me first so it was unavoidable.  But it always felt so awkward.  When I compose at the keyboard I can organize my thoughts and edit before hitting the send key.  I have good skills at expressing myself this way and eliciting the kind of information I want before committing to a lunch date.  And in person I make a good impression too and can actually hold a damn conversation.  But a disembodied voice on the phone is so hard for me to deal with.  Especially since the days of the old clunky handsets with good fidelity are gone and on a new smart phones I often can't even understand what the girl is saying.  My hearing is excellent and I've been told many times that my voice is quite beautiful!  But I still hate talking to a girl I don't know on the phone.  What do you get out of it?

I got catfished by a transgender once. So you best believe that a phone convo is my initial screening requirement. Also it saved me from a couple of other transgender potential catfish as well.

I find it essential to building chemistry.  If they sound like a stupid version of Meg Tilly, I d rather know that in advance.

Chatting with them about THEIR lives and showing some interest in something other than what she will do with your cock makes them feel like they are being treated properly.

And with more than a few it has led to some pretty wild phone sex which paves the way for an afternoon or night of acting it all out!

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