The Erotic Highway

Positive results a couple yrs ago
972619 22 Reviews 434 reads

It worked for me. I put sugar daddy in the caption. Had several girls contact me. Bcd action with a 18 yo college girl. I quit using it back then as I am still married and was afraid of getting busted. It was always my feeling that really good pics increases success rate. My SB tells me tinder has morphed from a pure hookup site to a legit dating site. So I guess a sugar profile with no pics might work. Just send pics when they contact you and get their number.  I found it a lot of fun swiping left and right! It's free! Hmmm, might try again with no pics and see what happens.

A few months ago I met a young 19 yo Pot sb and at lunch she mentioned that she found her last two arrangements through Tinder. She said from her point of view that Tinder was more efficient. She even showed me some profiles on Tinder of Guys stating on their profiles that they were looking for SB. Some didn't even have their photo but just had some random landscape photo with text saying looking for SB. Has anyone here tried using Tinder or other similar websites to search for SBs.

It worked for me. I put sugar daddy in the caption. Had several girls contact me. Bcd action with a 18 yo college girl. I quit using it back then as I am still married and was afraid of getting busted. It was always my feeling that really good pics increases success rate. My SB tells me tinder has morphed from a pure hookup site to a legit dating site. So I guess a sugar profile with no pics might work. Just send pics when they contact you and get their number.  I found it a lot of fun swiping left and right! It's free! Hmmm, might try again with no pics and see what happens.

My ATF who I know in RL met her fiance on tinder. One could say he really got lucky. Or didn’t. Lol

For my personal journey through sugarland, Tinder is not a good solution.  

First, the app was originally designed as a hook up function. I am not what any 20-ish (let alone 18 or 19 year old) hottie would call attractive. I'm old and fat. And I would never expect a hot chick to see my pic and go "OMG I want his cock in my mouth right now!".  Not saying I'm particularly ugly. I don't have any scars, odd facial or body issues (other than weight) and I am well-groomed and have good hygiene. I'm just not in the "sweet spot" of the hook up target area. In the sugar world, my most attractive features are the size of my wallet, my sense of humor and my ability to project myself as respectful, down-to-earth, and authentic. In other words, I'm a nice guy with cash. :)  

Second, in order to sign up and sign in to Tinder, you MUST use your Facebook credentials. There is no way that I have found to access the service with an anonymous email and password, as many other services (like SA) allow.  That means you must (I think) allow Tinder to at least see your FB contacts (even if you don't grant explicit permission. I know how the sign on with FB API's work.), and possibly post to your FB page or send messages to your FB friends.  This is a non-starter for me. I have way too many friends on FB (over 400), including dozens of work/industry colleagues who are FB friends that do not know about my sugar life and cannot know about it.  Yes, I could create a fake FB account, but it's too much hassle considering I don't consider Tinder to be a potentially high-yield source of SB's, especially compared to SA, WYP and Miss Travel (MT has not been covered in the Erotic Highway, but it's another sister site to SA & WYP. Jury is still out for me on it's usefulness.).  

So if it works for you, congrats.  I suspect (although I have no evidence to back this up) that you will encounter mostly drunk chicks (not a bad thing, but prolly not long term SB material), pro's, and scammers. But the above posts suggest that there may be some diamonds in the rough.  

Love to hear more stories of stunning success or brilliant failures.  

-The Cat

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