The Erotic Highway

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chardonay 42 Reviews 2158 reads

I was in contact with a POT sb for about two weeks and we decided to finally meet.  She is in medicine school and you can tell that she is a very smart lady.  When I met her I was blown away by how hot she was, a lot better than her pictures.  I mean a solid nine on TER scale.  We had a great time and told her my interest on having an arrangement with her (we discussed the financials before the meeting and she was happy with my offer).  She told me that she liked me a lot but she wants to take things slow since she never done anything like that.  During the meeting she shared many personal things from her name, facebook and others so I know she is genuine and not experience whatsoever.  I guess my question for you guys is how to handle this.  How many dates or time before having any intimacy is reasonable?  She told me that she never had a boyfriend in her life and she likes me but she is concern about expecations (meaning that I want sex right of the bat) if we decide to start an arrangement.  I believe she is honest but on the other hand I don't want to waste my time.  She is unicorn material in term of looks and personality.

NiceGuyInCapital531 reads

Danger Will Robinson.  A chick like that has had boyfriends.  She might be stringing you along.  

I've learned to probe arrangement history; we all want the virgin unicorn, but those who have already played the game, while potentially more expensive, are also much faster to BCD fun.

John_Laroche451 reads

If you want cheap sex now, move on.  

By never having a BF, I assume that doesn't mean she's a virgin, but she does want to be wined and dined.  
How did the first meeting end? A handshake, hug, or light kiss?  If she's a real Unicorn (and not a rip-off) there should at least be a steady increase in intimacy. Kissing, fooling around, genuine affection given by her. Re-evaluate after date #2, but don't be afraid to cut your losses if she's pulling back when you're leaning in. Your gut should tell you the difference between a little shy and not interested.

GaGambler595 reads

I can be as patient as I need to be where it comes to intimacy, HOWEVER, her "allowance" doesn't begin until she puts out. I am not paying a girl to NOT sleep with me. If a girl is hot enough and I believe she is going to be worth the wait, I don't really have a problem going on several dates without sex. but I am not going to pay her for those dates. Paying for platonic dates only encourages her to put off intimacy that much longer, or possibly even forever. After all, why should she put out if she is getting paid without it. It's like paying for lap dances in a strip club. If a girl can get you to pay her a couple of hundreds bucks an hour in the club, why would she ever want to let you off the string and ever go home with you?  

Now of course if you aren't willing to pay her simply to "go on dates" the chances are very good she will ghost on you, but isn't that better than investing hundreds or even thousands of dollars without knowing if you are EVER going to get laid by her?

This rule has served  me well. No $ugar until  the intimate part of the Arrangement has begun. I've had several quite recently who disappeared when I made that perfectly clear. Which is great! Saved me a lot of wasted time and energy. I had my 4th meeting with my newest super sweet 21 yo pyt SB last night. Yes, we spent a very long time exchanging messages before she was willing to meet irl. Meeting #1 was coffee and conversation. Meetings #2 and later were BCD and we fucked each others brains out! Had a great time talking too, she's a real sweetheart and seems to think I'm a font of wisdom. Anyway, that's the way it's supposed to go in  the Sugar Bowl.

If you want to proceed slowly, that's your call.  But the allowance shouldn't begin until intimacy does.  

It's possible that she hasn't had a true boyfriend.  I know some college seniors and recent grads for whom that is true.  They have had some FBs, but no one they would consider a boyfriend.  

Try to ascertain the veracity of her med school claim.  I'd want  to know how honest she is.

Never had a boyfriend and is virgin.  She wants to take things slow but she wants to change that but never done anything and never had an orgasm.  It can be true, who knows, she is smoking hot.  She told me that she was focused on school but wants to explore her body.  Don't know what to think, more confused now.  Btw, our goodby was two big hugs and kisses on the cheek.  She sounds genuine but I will not provide any allowance without moving forward with intimacy.  I am intrigued to say the least.

I'm not sure I'd want to mess with a virgin, but try a massage with a vibrator.  If she really is a virgin, get her interested in sex, and show her how great it feels.

in_vino_veritas427 reads

Anal virgin I can deal with. Virgin virgin, no bf, I'm out. I would have to teach her way too many things, even if she's a fast-learner. Just takes me back to the junior high days when you would make out with a chick and she would end up slobbering all over you because she didn't know how to swallow her saliva as you were french-kissing.
At the margin, it would be ok for a civvie thing; but for an SB, no way. For that I need at least basic reading, writing and 'rithmetic.
Sounds like an interesting project though. Have fun. Please report back so we can live vicariously through you.

If she is genuine you'll have a nice LTSB

If she truly is a virgin and likes you enough to give it up to you for the first time EVER, this will not be your typical NSA FWB arrangement. Like others have said, she sounds willing and ready to go and perfect to "train" if she really does want to explore and could be a great long-term SB. Just be prepared that she likely won't take this relationship lightly and if you have a wife or SO at home, think about how willing you are to develop feelings for her as well. If you are looking for something more loose and casual, you should probably pass. If you want someone who is more or less a part-time girlfriend and your home situation can handle it, then by all means go for it cuz she does sound like unicorn material.  

You are the more experienced here so the ball is in your court to keep the boundaries clearly delineated.  

Also the timeframe is up to you. You want her to be comfortable.. so take her for meals and drinks as you see fit until she's ready to go, but no real sugar or gifts until she starts putting out.

Super hot
Never had/doesn't have bf

Either RUN AWAY or it's all BS on your part.

I see all sorts of warning lights going off and none of them are yellow, all are red.

If I'm wrong so be it, but it just sounds like a load of bs if what you're are saying is accurate. Or you've embellished or made up the facts to tease this crowd.

shes probably being genuine.... shes in medicine school after all so she probably needs the money... with this being said, i thought SD/SB relationships were like that.... like you guys dont just **** right away and all the time... like you guys are kind of like bf/gf or what ever. i mean why not just get a regular provider if you want the intimacy to come like bada bing bada boom, you know?

or is SD/SB really a way for guys to get intimacy on a regular basis with out dishing out as much?

I'm just curious:-) no judgment. lol

Just because you want it to be true doesn't mean it is. Girls that are that hot have lots of boyfriends,men doing shit for them and people buying them shit. They may not ask for it,it just happens. But my experience girls who make a point of saying they never do this or that,are big fat liars and actually quite the opposite lol. She may be awesome but she could also just be interested in your wallet and never plans on touching you. Js. Be careful and take the rose colered glasses for a moment.

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