The Erotic Highway

Roberto46 12 Reviews 743 reads

Do you put non monogamous on your profile?  Why or why not?  I’m thinking of adding it just everyone knows.

By definition, an arrangement includes NSA (No strings attached) and/or FWB (Friends with benefits) as a core concept.  

It is possible to negotiate an exclusive arrangement, but IME you would be expected to provide enough allowance to cover ALL of her financial needs every month to be in a position to demand she not see anyone else. And even if she agrees to that, there is no way to really know she is not seeing other SD's or a civilian BF's, unless you have her with you 24x7.   As for your activities, you can always decide to only see one SB... but don't expect her to reciprocate without substantial financial motivation.  

Notwithstanding the context/details of any arrangement, adding text to your profile that basically shouts "I'm going to bang as many chicks as I can" can make you look rather douche-bag-ish. Even if you both know you it won't be exclusive, most POT SB's want to feel like they will be special/connected/unique/etc. to the SDs they want to meet. So perhaps a good strategy is to support the illusion of a romantic encounter framework in the initial stages, then get real about expectations during your M&G (meet & greet) or other offsite arrangement negotiations.  

Finally, your Relationship Status setting can tell part of your story... if you set it to Married but looking, Open Relationship, or decline to state you are already making it clear you are not willing to be monogamous.  

On the other hand, there are a good percentage of POT SB's (and SD's) on Seeking that are only looking for quick p4p hookups. If you read some of the SB blogs you will see a recurring theme about SB's who don't want "clingy" SD's. So if that's your goal, then try casting yourself as a travelling dick that ejaculates cash.  You may score big and wide with that population of wonderful (and I mean this in the very best way) whores.

Life is good

The Cat

Early on in my SB days met a lady that BSC but DTF. After a couple meets we ended up doing bareback.  A few days later we got into an argument because she wanted me to send het money. She then threw out this line.....I let you cum in me so that means we are now monogamous.  

I clicked the Open Relationship button on my profile and that works quite well. A few have been put off by it, and told me so, but that's ok,. that's what filters are for, right?  Also, early in our conversations, certainly no later than our first M&G, I tell them I am very happily married, polyamorous, and Ethically Non Monogamous.  This usually lands well and makes them even more eager.  I think it's because they understand I'm not going to be clingy and possessive.  I respect their freedom and independence as much as my own.  And as Herb said, any SB with half a brain should not be expecting an exclusive arrangement form occasional meetups with modest gift$.

Frankly it is none of their business if you have other "interests."  Now I happen to be married and I tend to put that out there because I need to be discreet.  But I never talk about or hint at seeing anyone else.

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