The Erotic Highway

Once again, Clarification Please,
Clarification Please 10583 reads
1 / 17

Sorry for asking such an explicit question....but it is something I wanted to get a clarification on....

How long do periods last?  Do they come every month at exactly the same time?...  Can a woman have sexual activity during the period?...

Love Goddess 8729 reads
2 / 17

Oy vey, Clarification Please,

If I knew we didn't live in such a sex-negative country, I'd surely think this posting was a joke. But I will answer the questions as such:

1. "Periods" or menstruation can last anywhere from 1-15 days, depending on the woman's hormonal makeup, age, illness or health, just to name a few factors. If it goes beyond two weeks, we can generally say that there are some dysregulating factors making her bleed beyond a regular menstrual cycle which is present in non-menopausal, non-pregnant females.

2. It depends. Some women have a longer cycle, some have a shorter cycle, some are in flux at any given time. In a "regular" menstrual cycle, yes, the period comes at regular intervals, meaning roughly every 28-33 days. But again, this can vary, depending on if the woman is on hormones, birth control pills, etc.

3. Yes, a woman can have sexual activity during her period. It might get a little messy, but a woman who is not experiencing any illness affecting her general health can certainly engage in sexual activity.

There are zillions of internet sites addressing this. I've attached one on the menstrual cycle from Wikpedia.

It's those fundies at work again...Teletubbies, Pat Buchanan...egads,
the Love Goddess

foodcritic 15 Reviews 7198 reads
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AWomanLikeNoOther 7374 reads
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Wow, 15 days? And I thought mine were bad! My cycles range from 18-35 days and last 7 days. A lot of women (lucky ladies) have periods that come like clockwork every 28 (or so) days, with them lasting 3 days. Every woman's body is different. On the pill, I "spotted" (bled lightly) every day for about (the first) 2.5 months. After that, I was able to skip my periods using the pill.

When I was in a monogamous relationship, I loved period sex unless I was having bad cramps. Some of my very best orgasms were when I was on my period. Some women are the complete opposite and have NO desire to do anything sexual during that time.

And yes, LG. It is terrible that in our society, something so natural cannot be openly discussed. Crazy.

Love Goddess 6852 reads
5 / 17

try perimenopause! Of course, as a nubile escort, I doubt you're even close...but lemmetellya, 15 days of light-to-medium flow every month for say 3 years or so,[sorry to get graphic here folks, but this needs to be known] during the perimenopausal years is not unusual. That's why some women have resorted to hysterectomies...out of sheer desperation over a situation which is considered "normative" and not pathological whatsoever. And then, it's all over...only to result in feeling all dried-up and possibly going on HRT...which gets back to a state of having menstruation again...

They don't call it the second sex for nothing,
the Love Goddess

-- Modified on 2/21/2008 5:59:31 PM

RoseMallowe See my TER Reviews 6925 reads
6 / 17

I will soon be at that age when women in my family start "the change of life". Been having hot flashes. Ever hear of evening primrose for pms and perimenopause? works for me.

Clarification Please 5348 reads
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I don't know why you would be so surprised by this question, Love Goddess. Out of all the nasty sex questions on here...this was really more of a benign, albeit private question.  As you can see with the answers here and among the journals...there's quite a range between women...and as guys we don't experience it first hand so we take your word for it.  I still would like to know the general average range of a woman's periods (young woman...not pre-menopausal)....not really the extremes or some atypical case.

Love Goddess 7912 reads
8 / 17

The genesis of this whole thread is surely a sign of the mis-education of Americans in general and of lacking informative sex education in particular.

First of all, I have attached a link about menstruation. In it, it clearly states that it can vary from 2-7 days. So the information was there for you all along. If you had read it, you would have known the answer to your query.

Now, as to the expression of "nasty sex" questions - it is precisely this type of vernacular that I take as a sign that this country persists in sex negativity, the obscuring of simple facts such as menstruation, its duration, its content [yes folks, there are people who still think it's "dirty blood" coming out, ach ach ach,] as well as a general erotophobia among the majority of sexually active adults 18 and above.

There ARE no "nasty sex" questions. I repeat - none. There are questions such as yours, which isn't even a sex question, it is a question about reproductive human anatomy and biology - something which schools should have a vested interest in teaching ALL its students, irrespective of gender. N.b. if you did not go to school in the United States - mea culpa.

Now, there are a myriad of questions concerning sexual practices and behaviors - granted - but are they "nasty?" As an observer of sexual behaviors, as a clinician, as a person who studied anthropology in my undergraduate years, I can tell you that what some find "nasty sex," others find endlessly fascinating and very sexually stimulating. But as long as we persist in labeling something "nasty," we will never get anywhere in our evolution toward sexual and human enlightenment. Please remember this as you continue to delve into the observation and the study of sexual behaviors, instead of falling back on simplistic judgments.

Let's all keep our eyes and minds open, please,
the Love Goddess

mattradd 40 Reviews 4836 reads
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I must admit that, at first reading, I thought you might be joking. I grew up in a small mid-western town, in the 60's,  with no sex ed. and very little sexual instruction in the home other than my mother  saying, "If you get a girl pregers I'll cut you balls off." Yet, I knew the answers to your questions when I was in high school. So, it was hard for me to understand how it was you did not know. Though I can't imagine the circumstances that must be involved in your not knowing, without any moral judgement, I accept your questions as sincere. I'm just not understanding what you are truly searching for in trying to nail down an "average." Perhaps you can be a little more self-disclosing. The typical reasons why most guys want to know about the length of periods is that they are worried that they got someone pregnant.

Oh, and regarding averages; after several girlfriends, three wives and two daughters, I wish you luck in your search for averages.

-- Modified on 2/22/2008 2:32:52 PM

-- Modified on 2/22/2008 2:33:29 PM

Clarification Please 5492 reads
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Jesus, LoveGoddess.  No need to get on a sopaboax and talk down to me.  I was just asking an open ended question in a friendly manner...I don't know why you felt the need to get on a soapbox and go off on the lack of sex ed in America...  I don't know why you can't just talk nicely on a subject, without feeling the need to prove yourself as an authority every time....It's the Erotic Highway...not the Love Goddess Show.  I asked a simple question and then you go off on the mis-education of you know how rude that sounds? Yes, I read your article and saw the 2-7 days before answering you...I also saw a few others that gave slightly different ranges---so by no means, is your article the definitive word on the subject.  I also read tons of articles before that....and of course, I can go with the general times that my past partners have had them.  That doesn't mean I still do not want to hear what others think about the subject....before this got turned into a soapbox.  There was nothing behind the question.  I am not afraid that I got someone "preggers"... just noticed that someone I've been sleeping with had a different period than some of my other past partners.  And yes, there are some "nasty sex questions" on this board....and I suppose the discussion of "bestiality" goes a long way towards sexual and human enlightenment?... who cares what I call it anyway?  You're just playing semantics.  Ligthen one's trying to challenge you on the subject of "sex"...just throwing a topic out there to see what people's general experiences were.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 5412 reads
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My ATF had to cancel last week because her period came a couple of days early. It's mother nature Mr. CP and we as humans have no control over it, we are just along for the ride.
Honestly I am a bit puzzled as to why this is so important to you. Does it relate to a specific relationship? If it does you should be able to talk about it with the lady involved.  If in fact it is merely a general curiosity I think it's time for you to do some more research as the topic is certainly discussed all over the internet.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 6455 reads
12 / 17

The Erotic Highway IS "The Love Goddess Show" and most of us can appreciate it.

With a little of your own perscribed medicine maybe you can lighten up.  You've gotten your answer - there is no "average" just average ranges which can fluctuate from woman to woman depending on the tides and the moon...

I personally haven't had a "normal" cycle in over three years.  2 1/2 years I was on a hormone shot that stopped my cycle completely.  Now almost a eyar later I'm still waiting to see what my body will do when it gets past this random intermittent spotting thing.  I couldn't guess what my OWN norm is at this point...

rockmeat 1 Reviews 6708 reads
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I think the reason for LG's soapbox lecture is that she (and many of us) are surprised that you did not already know about the length of a period and whether or not one can have sex during menses.  I think the question on everybody's mind is, "why don't you know these things?"  Is it a failure of your school district, your partents, your own disinterest that caused this hole in your education?

And I believe she is right that this country is anti-sexual - I mean, we impeach the Prez for getting a basic perk of the office, getting a bj from an intern - yet fail to react when the current one breaks the law.  Nearly half of our country does not believe in evolution - in essence, they still believe the stork brings babies.

So, we're curious.

Love Goddess 9106 reads
14 / 17

No one is talking down to you. In fact, the title of my posting directed to you was asking you NOT to take the posting personally. However:

I do feel the need to get on a soap box about the mis/lack of sex education in America. If you do not believe me, please check the sources for federal funding toward sexual education in the United States  - they are targeted to faith-based programs or programs teaching abstinence at their core. This is a serious problem, in that it skews important issues such as sexual competence and the inquiry into sexual behaviors by individuals such as yourself toward judgments as to what is "nasty" and what is not, thereby sacrificing scientific inquiry into ALL sexual behaviors, regardless of personal preferences.

Now, as for "nasty sex questions," I would like to inform you that asking about bestiality is not a "nasty sex question." It is a behavioral question which asks WHY a minority of individuals engage in this type of behavior. This is a legitimate question which has been addressed in many scientific articles. Information, no matter on what topic, ALWAYS goes a long way toward sexual and human enlightenment. The subjects are not always to the liking of the majority, but they still deserve inquiry - not only by scientists, but by the population at large. And that includes your "innocuous" question about menstruation, to which you were provided a reliable answer in my first reply to you 1-15 days, WITH SOME VARIATIONS.

No one is "playing semantics" here. This is a serious forum for legitimate topics. As to this being "The Love Goddess Show," it's an interesting concept. Clearly, when individuals write in for issues such as menstruation, there may indeed be a need for such a forum.

My last comment to you: Please refrain from posting here if you do not like the tenor or the issues processed on this board. In contrast to repressing sexual information, we try to be as open as possible. That goes for both myself and the participants. And if you just can't restrain yourself, it's very easy to block your access.

Thank you,
the Love Goddess

-- Modified on 2/24/2008 12:55:43 PM

balathazar 1 Reviews 5371 reads
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CyndiSmith 5317 reads
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I had terrible, terrible symptoms of my menses when I was 14-20. Even though I took BC pills to regulate and for contracepton. Then I went on Depro-Provera (the injection four times a year to prevent pregnancy). I had no menses for seven years. I loved that part, but for a lot of other reasons I do NOT recommend DepPro to other ladies.

When I got off of hormones entirely, my cycle didn't come back. I went to a Doctor of Chinese medicine, and he did acupuncture, cupping, and gave me two elixirs to take. My cycle came back in a week and was nice as pie. No more 7-10 day cycles. Ususally, I only have the mildest of cramps, bleed way less, and have no bathroom symptoms.

As I approach menopause, I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make sure of just one thing : I want to remain horny! That's the only possible change that I'm dreading!

To the original poster : do you like, dislike, or are you neutral about sex with a woman while menstruating? I have one guy who just really loves it when I'm in full swing, as it were. *shrug* I don't mind as long as I'm feeling good, and most times he makes me feel VERY good! :-)

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