The Erotic Highway

Maybe I dont put enough thought into the possibility.......
TheLoveGoddess 1967 reads
1 / 9

I understand, New-problem,

Having said that, I seriously doubt that you'll be able to voice this particular concern to a cognitive-behavioral therapist who would otherwise help you with anxiety reduction techniques. You are engaging in an illegal activity and with that, risk tolerance comes into play.

Some people are genuinely afraid of potential entanglements with the law and some feel that the benefits outweigh the risks. It's the same with STDs - some people go for BBBJs while others want everything covered. It comes down to what feels comfortable for you. If you're not feeling OK about it, then don't do it. If you're comfortable with seeing women who are familiar to you, then do that, and avoid meeting new people unless they are introduced to you by another provider or client. And of course, you know that there isn't some specific formula that will guarantee that you'll never be busted or entrapped - it's just not that kind of business.

You can't have your cake and eat it too,
The Love Goddess

New-problem 3536 reads
2 / 9

I have been hobbying now for the last 14 years. So far i have loved it and have no plans of quitting the hobby. I usually do it once a month and I am very careful about selecting the ladies (well reviewed on TER and verified on date check). Over the years I have learnt the different ways of protecting myself ( I have a hobbying name, email id and a hobbying phone).
However, in the last few months I have started becoming very anxious about the sessions, I am very afraid that I will be busted on my date.  I have started cutting back on the seeing new girls, I am very anxious before going in the session and have been scheduling less dates , and then on my last visit after cup 1, i was feeling so nervous that I got up and said goodbye (something that I have never done, I always see girls who offer 2 cups and stay for the other one ). Once I got in my car and I was driving away I was cursing myself for being so worried.  
I still love the hobby and I want to keep on doing it as much as I can. I don't have anxiety issues at other times (work etc) and like I said this is something new and except for the early jitters 14 years back when I started (which weren't this bad), I had enjoyed this hobby very much.

romeogolf 34 Reviews 1788 reads
3 / 9

...of somehow my being caught by LE. It usually never enters my mind.

I do my research, I stay with well reviewed providers and I am careful to not stand out from the crowd.

There are those who deal with BackPage or the like who have much more to worry about.

It can be tempting to view some of the fabulous (often time fake) women on those sites and wonder....
...but why would you take that chance when you really don't have to.

GaGambler 1940 reads
4 / 9

I would think that the only way to eat your cake would be to "have it", how else are you going to eat it?

I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming, but please don't tell me I can't have my pussy and eat it too, that would be depressing as I love to DATY. lol

casinostocks 7 Reviews 1873 reads
5 / 9

What causes you to become fearful and anxious (I am in the same bracket as you) is what makes others in this hobby to be thrilled. What is the Yin (the Black part) to us, is the Yang (the While part) to them. Of course just like you, there was a time that I used to swim very well in those waters too, but the apprehension of it all, has caused more fear and offered less thrill. There is perspective to be found in both, if you are willing to learn.

casinostocks 7 Reviews 1456 reads
6 / 9

This proverb actually came about originally in reverse fashion of how it is commonly used today, i.e, it actually stated that you could not eat your cake at first, and then wish that you still had it! In other words, it simply implies that one wishes to have the best of both worlds! The way that this phrase makes sense in its modern format, is when you think of "have" consumption and not possession! Therefore, when you already had (eaten) your cake, you can not wish to eat it again, as it is already in your stomach and unless you can regurgitate akin to a bovine, then you are SOL!

This has been a PSA from casinostocks :D

P.S. don't even get me started on, "can't have your pussy and eat it too" as I am quite certain that you don't have (own) a pussy and if you have (consume) a pussy, you make sure that it does not end up in your pallet!!!

jenniferxj6 See my TER Reviews 2213 reads
7 / 9

I am a provider and can relate to your hobbying anxiety. I alway worry about new people coming my way on the phone i try to wied out gainster typs or drunks sluring there word, or guy that are to direct with there wording. next after i say ok i worrie if i did the right thing. next as the time approches i right my ttorneys phone number on my hand just in case.
After my hobbiest leaves and all went well i silly for being so scared.
I guess just stay carefull but keep it fun.
Hope this is readable my spelling sucks

MisterDobalena 2287 reads
8 / 9

Agree with romeogolf completely, thank you.

I'm not cavalier about the law and the risks of hobbying...far from it. I treat the law with the utmost respect, and take what I consider to be reasonable and sensible precautions. As in everything in life, it's about an honest understanding of your chances, and stacking them in your favor as much as possible. I'm far more likely to be busted for speeding on the way to a date, than at the date itself, lol. I also far more a danger to others when I speed than when I date, but that's a whole nother topic...

TheKarateKid 7 Reviews 2239 reads
9 / 9

An alternative may be to give "legal" prostitution a try.  I got my start in the hobby about 10 yrs. ago by visiting the legal brothels in Nevada, since I didn't want to do anything illegal that would compromise my career.  Of course, the traveling distance to the brothels did make my visits rather far inbetween, but it alleviated all my worries about LE.

I did feel comfortable seeing escorts/indies a couple of years later when some hobbyist friends showed me the ropes and how to do research using TER, etc.  I still have some hobbyist friends who afraid to go the illegal route, so they continue to visit the legal brothels.

Many hobbyists will also call the legal Nevada brothels ripoffs, due to their high prices and because all sex acts including BJs are covered, i.e. condoms are require for all sex acts by law.  However, it's the only legal alternative available in the USA unless you are willing to do some international travel to a country where prostitution is legal or decriminalized.

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