The Erotic Highway

Another WYP experience turned sour...
AsianManNOVA 1716 reads

I met this girl a couple months ago when I first joined WYP (WhatsYourPrice). I offered her 100 for dining out. She has an attractive face and a very tight body (I suspect she is a dancer although she told me she is a waitress). The meeting went OK, but there didn't seem to be any hint of BCD time. A month later, she wanted to meet again. This time, I asked about the possibility of intimacy. She said she just had a nose surgery so intimacy was not convenient, but definitely possible once she recovers. We met for dinner again (she did have a nose surgery). This time, we made out a bit with some DFK. She said she would text me once she's completely healed. Today, she texted me and told me she is healed. I again asked about BCD time and she's OK with 300 per meet. But then she asked me how often we would meet (once a week or twice a month). I didn't want to commit before having at least a taste first, so I suggested we meet once to see how we enjoy each other in bed before deciding how often we would meet (seems reasonable to me). She went BSC and told me she is not a whore and not to contact her again. LMAO. F*cking some for money once is being a whore but f*cking someone regularly is OK then? The logic of some of these SB's truly baffles me.

On another note, I decided to use up all my remaining WYP credits so I offered this girl 120. She accepted it right away. Her pics were kind of blurry so I really didn't have any high expectations. We met a couple weeks ago for lunch. She floored me once I saw her. She was gorgeous! Tall (5'11"), athletic, busty (wearing low-cut see through blouse to show off her assets) with a strikingly beautiful face. Definitely a model material (IRL, not just TER). She spoke with a sexy British accent (she is from London). We had a great time. Next week, we are going to a spa for pedicure/manicure and then dinner (hopefully more but no expectations). I haven't hinted at any intimate fun yet. I have a feeling I might have to go slow with this one, but she is definitely worth it if it pans out. I will forget all the other bad experiences on WYP if this one works out.

-- Modified on 2/25/2017 5:50:06 PM

what she wanted to hear, i.e. twice a month and then run for the door if she sucked in bed. Just saying, at least you would have got to taste it!

AsianManNOVA476 reads

Just want to see if she is OK with it and then decide what to do. I guess she made it easy.

I had one very nice looking blonde agree to have a M&G with me.  And then much to my surprise she started texting me nude pics of herself, which I certainly enjoyed but had never asked for.  So I figured, game on, right?  I very discreetly asked if she might want to change the venue for our first meeting to a more private setting.  She went BSC on me accusing me of being a bad guy and saying what kind of girl do you think I am and don't ever contact me again.  Well ok, I thought I knew exactly what kind of girl she was from the nude pics, but I was mistaken.  In fact she was a nutjob.

Then lay out the full terms around $$ and meeting frequency.  

Lot's of POT SB's on SA and WYP get (or make) "meet once and then I'm moving on" offers and if they are really looking for a possible ongoing sugar arrangement, they don't want the one night stand. My guess is she saw your pull back from committing to a schedule as a hit it & quit it deal, and she freaked out.  

I would have (and normally do when discussing terms before BCD) offered her an amount and a number of times per week or month.  That shows you are thinking ongoing arrangements and she can do the math to decide what her monthly income will be.  She has a target based mostly on her unpaid bills and ego and she needs to know if you will meet it.  

For me, I almost always offer "2 to 3 times a month" and see where she goes. If necessary I mention that I travel for work often and have client dinners during the week as well, so it sounds plausible that I can't offer a weekly or more frequent deal.  

Make her what ever offer you think would be ideal and don't worry at that point if the sex will be disappointing.  You both have the right to cancel or renegotiate at any time.  So if you get your 1st BCD and she doesn't suck enough (pun intended), then you can either call it off, or push out the next meeting by an extra week or two. Or you can slow play her and take an extra day or two to respond to her texts until she gets the idea you aren't that interested.  It's also possible that she will walk away from you if you don't float her boat or she meets a bigger wallet.  

One nuance to WYP to remember. Sometimes you will offer to meet and have a nice dinner or drinks and talk about meeting again. Some women will dance around the idea of PPM BCD and will want to go out again to get to know you better - if - you pony up the same cash as your first date.  You need to kill that idea immediately.  The WYP model is pay for a 1st date and you can both see if you want to continue.  Some will want the full SD/SB deal and off you go.  But some are financing their college tuition through paid lunch and dinner dates and have no intention of getting naked.  When I get the "yes I'd love to see you again for dinner. Can we agree on 100?" response, I always come back and tell her for more financial help I'll expect much more intimate time.  Some shift gears and negotiate for BCD, some say that won't happen and I wish them luck.  

I'd say I go on two to four 1st dates on WYP before I get a serious negotiation for BCD. Bit that's not much worse than I do on SA meet and greets.  Several others on this board say don't get the conversion rates that I do. But I was using WYP for 2 years before I started on SA.  So YMMV as usual.

You have done well on WYP.

Thanks, though, for noting that some women there are content to collect modest amounts of money for lunch or dinner without any intention of going BCD.  I have difficulty convincing some of my friends that many WYP girls have no interest in sex.

BTW, I'm available for dinner for $100.   ;)

8pointbuck440 reads

No exceptions.    They know what the games about.

in_vino_veritas301 reads

to know that these girls' ego lives and dies by whether they think of themselves as whores or not.
So, in her mind, what you said sounded like "Let me take a test drive first and then decide if I want to ever hit that poontang again."
Is that crazy considering that the whole thing is supposed to be NSA anyway? Absolutely. Is it surprising? Hell no.
If you really wanted to test drive, the right answer is "whatever you want works for me babe." And I know that you know that.

AsianManNOVA284 reads

They all do it for money of course but some really love sex. I usually can gauge it after the first meeting even if we don't go BCD right away. There is always heavy make out in the car with girls who love sex: DFK, boobs fondling, sometimes even BJ and FIV. This one wouldn't even let me touch her little boobs after the 2nd meeting. I just have a feeling I would flush my money down the toilet with her. I probably should have just told her I don't think this is going to work right from the beginning, but the little head took over as usual. :)

in_vino_veritas341 reads

Never had the make-out in the car because there's never been a car that was mine or hers. Also, never tried asking the Uber driver to step outside for a minute while I fondle and make out with the SB.
But, you're right, you can feel the energy with the ones that are not in it just for the money. Those are the special ones which are definitely worth waiting for.

I have actually turned down BCD on a 1st meet & greet and it worked out great.  

She was giving me all the right body language: leaning into me, touching her knee to mine at the bar, lot's of eye contact and very responsive to my flirts and inferences to hot sex. She was horny, and I could have taken her home then, without even discussing sugar. But I didn't. Not because I didn't want to, I just had an early business call the next day and still needed about 4 hours of prep time for meeting.  

So I told her I'd love to have more fun right away, but I wouldn't that night.  We made plans to meet over the coming weekend for dinner and BCD and I left her a previously prepared envelope with $100 in it as a small Sugar Gift.  The bar bill came to $78 so no a big investment really.    

The effect was very interesting. She later told me that my 'restraint' and the small gift impressed on her that I was serious SD material and she bailed on 3 or 4 other POT SD's she had been talking to that night.  When we next met she totally fucked my brains out and I gave her 300 to cover bills.   She's become #1 in my current rotation.  (Although the new 19-yr old pansexual porn star I just added is climbing up the ladder quickly.)  

Don't know if this is a repeatable phenomenon or even a good strategy over all, but it was for me that one time.  

in_vino_veritas320 reads

Don't try this at home kids. In the few instances that I've felt compelled to do this, it has really paid off. You're just meeting for coffee, there's really no time for anything else. She looks even hotter in person than the pics and you know her mailbox is filling up daily. So, although she's got the goods to be a total bsc diva, she turns out to be cool, flirtatious, giving you a green light the whole way. She never asked for a donation to meet, but you discreetly slip her a c-note to show your appreciation as you give her a parting hug. You need to be really careful not to throw your money away here, that's what makes it an expert move. But, if used judiciously, it can be the money shot. Shows you're serious about her, you stand out from the average joe cheapskate, you understand the mutually beneficial aspect of it. And, it gives her a reason to really be grateful, not because it's a ton of money (it's not chump change either), but it's the thought that counts here. In the handful of times I've done it, I would say it's paid off huge in all but one case. It just created a lot of goodwill, a feeling of ease that took the following BCD session to a new level. I do remember the one instance where the fish still got away. So that was wasted money.
You can also vary between 50 and 100 depending on how you feel about the SB (and your local market obviously). In one case, I was only moderately attracted to this SB (she was a TER 6 or 7), but she was just such a cool person and we had such a good time, I slipped her a 50 on the way out and she was really grateful. It was just in case I wanted to come back and tap that at some point. That was months ago and I haven't gone back yet. Too much good stuff out there.

Only used SA not had anyone from WYP..

I offer to pay for lunch or dinner ( that is cost of meal & drinks) I do not pay her to see if we are compatible..  

Majority i.e. 90- % agree to above I drop the 10% who want $$ no matter what..

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