The Erotic Highway

Kick that bitch to the curb
junglegym25 19 Reviews 422 reads

I don't care how hot she is. If she's ghosted on you twice now, you're not hitting that. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You gave her a chance to redeem herself and she flaked again. If you give her a third chance, you will just look desperate.  

On to the next one.

RockyTop_3211407 reads

Been in the bowl a few months. Great response ratio, very successful M&Gs and even have a unicorn in the stable. Have a strange feeling about one though and want to know what y'all think. Started messaging POT last week. She's only been on for 14 days and has acted excited to meet. Great conversations with lots of humor. Anticipation has bee building for scheduled meet this week in her city. Soon as we scheduled, she is no longer signing on site. Silence for 5 days. Normally not a concern. Don't like endless messages anyway. Date is scheduled and confirmed. But I've heard about new college SBs who get on, make a well intended date, get nervous and ghost. Ever had it happen? Does this sound like a probability here? Don't want to waste my date night opportunity so aim wondering if I should sel alternatives. But don't want to dominos to someone else. Advice?

RockyTop_321398 reads

...low light and auto wording but you hopefully  get the drift

GaGambler517 reads

If you are still on only SM messaging terms by the night of your date, I would be very hesitant to drive very far out of my way to see her.

A lot of new POT SB's get cold feet and never see a single guy before changing their minds about the whole thing. I would send her a message and wait for her answer, radio silence of course is it's own answer if that's all you get.

and while GaG is correct about moving to text and getting a confirmation on the day of, it's still no guarantee that she will show up. I had a first coffee date today with a young lovely who reassured me by texting several times to say she was on her way, would be 10 mins late, etc. She turnd put to be exotic and wally ntelligent and perhaps we will have a great future. But not all f them are as easy and reliable to communicat with. Which spcially sucks if you have limited date times and wind up wasting one on a no show. Good luck, let us know how it plays out.

easternpacific409 reads

Had a couple messages recently with an SB, then continued with texting. Had a meet set in a couple days, stayed in touch and let her know exactly what time I would be there. As a sidelight, I was to pick her up because she lost the keys to her car and didn't have the $ to get them So two hours before the meet I texted to reconfirm that I would be there. No response. Thirty minutes before scheduled pickup texted again with no response. When the actual  time we arranged arrived, I texted to say "I guess your plans have changed, I won't be coming by to pick you up" Ten minutes later she texts saying she fell asleep and the alarm didn't go off. Now she wants to reschedule, has sent some revealing pics by text etc. I figure she's pro/semipro and had a scheduling conflict with our meeting.  Or, should I cut her some slack and reschedule????

GaGambler493 reads

My very best experience in the sugar world started off with us agreeing to meet in "the next few days" during which she sent me a VERY hot pic, followed by her ghosting on me for a good two months. She reappeared, explained that she had given her longtime BF "one more chance" and that she was now ready to explore her freedom.

We got together a couple of nights later, had a three bottle of wine date that led to several hours of BCD time and several more dates without a single penny being exchanged. Go Figure. Unfortunately she went back to the BF yet again, so I suppose I will have to wait until they break up again to see her. lol As a gambling man, I am giving odds I will see her again. I am giving even shorter odds that she will ghost on me again too, but the sex is so good, I really don't care.

As for your situation, yes I would most likely reschedule,

This is one of the most annoying "excuses" I see.   Even if it's true (and it usually isn't as she probably got a better SD offer and pushed me to her B-list), it shows a total disrespect for my time and efforts to set up a date and perhaps my financial loss due to no-show at the hotel.  Probably a preview of how she will treat me if we continue to sugar together.  

My worst experience of this:  Met a POT SB for a M&G dinner in her city - about a 75 minute drive - she had no car. Picked her up at her place, went to a decent restaurant and hit it off well the whole night.  We had agreed not to BCD yet as she wanted to get to know me before committing.  Ok with me. But we did a fair amount of making out and groping under her shirt in the car before I dropped her off for the night.  

The next day I suggested we take a trip to Napa for a 2-day wine tasting and BCD adventure. Agreed to the sugar and confirmed for the next weekend. We continued to text about the trip and I confirmed I would pick her up at 8:00 am Saturday morning.  Got there at 7:55 am and texted.  

Radio silence

Called - went to voice mail.  Texted again - radio silence.  

Wash, rinse, repeat until 9:00 am.  

Around 8:30, I got out of the car and walked around her apartment building, hoping I could see her. No joy.  

Finally wanted to leave a final voice mail that I was going home (and abandoning the $275 first night charge for the hotel room I had booked) and ask her WTF. But - her vmail was full.  

She finally texted me back at 8 pm that night.  Her excuse was, of course, that she had fallen asleep, left her phone on vibrate, and it had run out of power and she didn't charge it until that evening.   I told her no worries, I would come by next morning and we can salvage the trip...  I assume she is still looking out her window hoping I will show up.  

If she ever asks me what happened, I'll tell her I fell asleep.

-- Modified on 4/3/2017 5:15:27 PM

easternpacific423 reads

So it started again. The above SB that no-showed me texts me this morning asking when can we meet. Since I work about 10 min from her location, I said how about 4 pm. At about 1 pm she texts and asks if 4 is still looking good, I replied yes and would let her know when I'm on the way. At 3:30 I texted if she still needs me to pick her up since she had "lost her car keys" last week. No response....I drive over to her area of town, no address had been given out yet and let her know I was minutes away.  Took care of some business at the bank and at 415 still no response. Waited about another 10 minutes, texted again and politely let her know I didn't appreciate a repeat performance by her and good luck in her search. Ghosted again... I know it's all part of the game. She's been online and has yet to block me so at least I still have a chance....hahaha

I don't care how hot she is. If she's ghosted on you twice now, you're not hitting that. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You gave her a chance to redeem herself and she flaked again. If you give her a third chance, you will just look desperate.  

On to the next one.

I've been ghosted from text or messages thru SA. It is what it is.  That's just part of this. Sucks when it blows your planned night especially if you have a hotel room paid for.

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