The Erotic Highway

Just a thought...
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 735 reads

This board is turning into the sugarbaby board it seems. Is there anything stopping providers seeing what we are up to and doing who knows what?  I know the RO board is somewhat safe but our comments here seem to be out in the open.

On the other hand maybe pros will see there is a new outlet for us horny fuckers.

Capitalism at its best. If only the SBs will learn that they have competition  then the floodgates will open and the price of pussy will drop like oil.

Because I am not planning on doing reviews under this handle and also I don't plan on seeing hookers. I used to have the hots for LisaL our own local American-AZN but after seeing her shitty attitude on the GD and how she laid into you on the local board, I just said faaaark that and also I am not going to pay 400 for our haggard ol' hookers. If this rattles them and becomes an impetus to banish me, then good. Mexico is only 60 miles to the south and you can get better than what we have locally for a 100. If I needed it so badly, I'd venture south but SA is gonna be my playground. I get to see what I want and pay what I want (+ or - a certain threshold).

Lol. Im having wayyyy too much fun in sa world. But it can change quickly.  

Posted By: principium
Because I am not planning on doing reviews under this handle and also I don't plan on seeing hookers. I used to have the hots for LisaL our own local American-AZN but after seeing her shitty attitude on the GD and how she laid into you on the local board, I just said faaaark that and also I am not going to pay 400 for our haggard ol' hookers. If this rattles them and becomes an impetus to banish me, then good. Mexico is only 60 miles to the south and you can get better than what we have locally for a 100. If I needed it so badly, I'd venture south but SA is gonna be my playground. I get to see what I want and pay what I want (+ or - a certain threshold).

GaGambler289 reads

but then she kept posting and I quickly lost any respect or good feeling I initially had for her. She is kind of a spiteful and nasty bitch, isn't she?

I am in different circumstances than you. I most definitely plan on continuing to see hookers, but at one point hooker sex made up about 90% of my sex life, now it's less than 20%.

I think I am a man of "large" appetites, I tend to overdo most things I do in life and the sugar bowl is proving to be no exception, but I am loving every minute of it, and comparatively speaking I am spending much less than I did in the hooker world, and MUCH less than my casino habit of a couple of decades ago.

The one worry I do have is ending up with a girl friend, I know this is going to happen sooner or later, but I am confident my short attention span will take care of that problem on its' own.

First, whether or not this board gets shut down depends entirely on the cold-blooded business evaluation of TER. Since traffic = $$$s I do not think we get shut down until things change a bit. My guess is that someone in TER is looking at SA and trying to figure out how they can add some sort of paid SB subscription, at which point we would not be able to mention SA any more. Until then TER is not likely to do much - mo' traffic, mo' money.

As for how providers and others look at this, I think that is pretty simple. Haters gonna hate. Those who find clients annoying, pitiful disgusting, etc are just going to see this as more of the same. Sure, they will say we are cheap bastards, lying shits, cradle robbers, evil people or whatever, but those same people would be saying similar things anyway. Just how they roll.

If we were to have honest conversations with providers (as I have had with a few, but I have no idea how representative these are), I expect their views of Sugarland would break down something like this.

- Experienced, established provider: annoying amateurs are taking business I should be getting and pushing rates down.
- Mid-level providers who have been doing this for a little while, but do not have a regular clientele: wondering about whether SA might work for them, but don't like what they hear about rates.
 - Newbies: they probably have a listing on SA along with their profile on TER. Since a lot of them find out about this from word of mouth, it is very likely they know someone doing SA if they know someone providing. And which one they do more  probably depends solely on where they have nicer, more regular clients/SDs. They could go either way. Why should they?

Not that there aren't very real differences between being a SB and a provider, but the big barrier is becoming a provider, so once you go there, coming back to also be a SB (as many providers have always done on their own) is minimal.

My two cents


of "Horney Fuckers" who post here. And pros know what's going on with this whole SB/SD thing. But no pro would bother coming in here. There's nothing for them to gain here.. The audience here, be it very small is fixed on SB's with the thought of "More bang for the buck" mentality. My thought on this is that the pros probably look down on guys who post on this they're cheap fucks. And if SB's learned that they have competition from Pros, then that would be your worse nightmare. they'll realize that they're please keep it on the down low, for your sake....

MDraft250 reads

I've spent more $$$ on sugar from SA in a short amount of time than I would have on providers. Received less bang too but boy is it higher quality!  Not only that but the thrill of the chase and the uncertainty of the kill is part of the "bang" !!

When you say higher quality - are you saying better sex? or other. I understand the chase and catch - that's fun especially if you have not been in the dating scene or are attached.

I believe that some hookers come here in stealth mode and read us, if nothing for entertainment and/or intelligence gathering value. It will be foolish of them to engage the SDs and the aspiring SDs on a small enclave of a forum where their minds has been pretty much made up.

Personally speaking, I became sick and tired of the hookers in my demographic who despite their lofty price points, had most often misrepresented themselves as a younger, hotter, shapelier form of what they may have been in years past.  

More bang for the buck? You state this in a demeaning way as if there's something wrong for this concept?! If I want to spend 1K on P4P, I personally prefer to disburse the funds in the way that I garner the best experience for what I am willing to spend for which I am proud of and I don't care as to how a hooker or a hookers' WK denigrate such a novel notion!!! Again, I proudly carry that mantle of a "heap fuck" bestowed upon us by some hookers.

Lastly and on the contrary, SBs in general do not think that they are undervalued and id their financial aspirations are on the higher side, they will recite the whole (lowly) hooker versus a civilian SB type story and as to why an SB is definitely "worth" more and I have the proof to prove this point. Quite often you come across a handful of your local market's hookers who masquerade on SA as potential SBs. When the hooker mask is lifted and the SB one is put on, these ladies seem to have both higher standards in their selection process and also different rates which are in excess of their hours hooker commensurate, but then again hooker math or hooker logic never has ceased to amaze me!

Posted By: hpygolky
of "Horney Fuckers" who post here. And pros know what's going on with this whole SB/SD thing. But no pro would bother coming in here. There's nothing for them to gain here.. The audience here, be it very small is fixed on SB's with the thought of "More bang for the buck" mentality. My thought on this is that the pros probably look down on guys who post on this they're cheap fucks. And if SB's learned that they have competition from Pros, then that would be your worse nightmare. they'll realize that they're please keep it on the down low, for your sake....

But I doubt it, I'm a little raw at this..Yes pros do come in here, they won't chime in but they look. But they don't stay long and they leave wondering, "WTF did go there for". See there's nothing here that they can learn from. They can't come in here and be cute and charming and have GaG salivate over them..(sorry GaG, I couldn't, so what's the point?
And yes I agree that the "Escort" world can be deceiving.Price point are out of whack,photoshop picture so I get you there..
And the "More for your buck" is just a crude phrase that's been around forever, sorry if it offended you but I don't have a PC way of saying it. And there's nothing wrong with this concept, I embrace it when I'm in Vegas. I have two SB's that are early 30's very attractive mom's that will do a Dinner, gambling and yes fucking till the sun comes up from 7pm till 7am for $500!!! And that's Vegas! Now excuse me but if that ain't "More bang for your buck" then call it what you like....sorry I don't have a proper term for's the cholo in me
And not all SB's feel that they're undervalue.. But I've met some that ask for Escort rates, I know some that have an ideal but don't know how or aren't sure how to handle this P4P, and yes this SB/SD,Pros, hooker world it's still P4P. But that's a different topic. And yes, an SB would have a higher standard than an escort, I get that's why all my first meets have been over coffee to meet, we're both feeling each other out, it's the natural process...I was just saying that "Worlds would collide" if the some SB's really did some serious homework to find out what they could really get. I've come across quite a few SB's that my thinking was, "Shit you might as well be a pro"..

I see nothing wrong with getting more bang for your buck and had stated rhetorically as if there was anything wrong with having that mindset.

I don't give a rat's arse if a hooker finds out as to who I am and I get paced on a blacklist because I have not been "lobbying" for a good 3 year now and the last time someone showed up at outcall, was much older and not even close to the none representative photos, I wrote her a sh*tty review, endured all the threats and swore to myself that I was done whit that shyte! Like I had said earlier, Meh-hee-ko is only 60 miles down south and they treat us like Kings there if we want to venture down south (I don't because I don't trust that place).

We are good my fellow monger brother. No sweat!

GaGambler384 reads

and once they removed that "pinned thread" that took up the entire front page we made a conscious effort to convert this board into the de facto "Sugar Board"

I recall many posters complaining that the RO board was becoming the Sugar board, I haven't had access to the RO board for years, so I have no idea if it were true.

What do you expect the providers to do? I suppose they could lower their rates to $500 for an overnight to compete, but somehow I don't see many doing that lol

I am sure the pros already know about the Sugar Bowl and most of them do their best to bash it, for the obvious reasons of course. I love the Sugar Bowl and I am having a blast, but I haven't totally given up on hookers and the world's oldest profession isn't going away anytime soon.

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