The Erotic Highway

The Girl and the Cadillac
sweetman 93 Reviews 1331 reads

Cautionary Tale of Poor Decision Making
How Not to Operate Two Brains at Once

Chapter One-The Beginning

Once Upon A Time there was a Big Bad Wolf. He lived in a Big Bad House at the edge of the Big Bad World with Mrs. BB Wolf. He spent lots of time thinking Big Bad Thoughts. (Well maybe not so bad really, but certainly extremely naughty!).  Now, this Big Bad Wolf liked nothing better than eating up Tasty Morsels. He searched far and wide to find the prettiest, tastiest, sweetest young morsels to be found anywhere in the Big Wide Web. One day while hunting on his favorite playground with his trusty mouse, the Big Bad Wolf found the cutest, tastiest, young morsel ever!  "Wow", said Mr. Wolf, "I must track down this very tasty morsel and use all my wily wolfly ways to get into her panties!"  This is the kind of naughty thinking common to Mr. Wolf's two brains.

So The Big Bad Wolf invited this tasty morsel to have lunch with him.  She was called Little Red Ridingcunt.  She wore a very low cut frilly top exposing the tops of her cute little titties.  Mr. Wolf gulped, and tried not to be too obvious.  Little Red was so tiny, and so cute he could hardly think properly.  Except for the Big Bad Thought that was always there;  How to get into her panties!

Little Red said, "Oh Mr. Wolf what a big wallet you have!"  "The better to impress you, my dear" said Mr. Wolf.  She said "Oh Mr. Wolf, I'd really like to make you extremely happy for a long long time".   Mr. Wolf was delighted to hear just what he had hoped to hear.

But then Little Red Ridingcunt said, "There's just one thing.  I really, really need a Cadillac. (That's a kind of coach)  I had one but it broke and now it's gone." A pout came over her pretty little face.  "But you could buy me a Cadillac and then I'd be so happy and so grateful.  I'd do anything to make you happy!)

Well The Big Bad Wolf stopped and pondered this.  He wasn't born yesterday and could see lots of problems with this idea.  So he said "Before I buy you a Cadillac I need to know that you really can make me extremely happy.  So let's have just one cash gift date to find out".  Little Red agreed to this, and soon after they met for their fun date.  Little Red climbed on the Wolf's lap and ground her cute tiny pussy into his crotch.  She kissed him sweetly.  Then he lifted off her top to reveal the finest cutest pair of titties a tasty morsel ever had.  So he sucked on them for a while.

Little Red liked sucking on things too, so Mr. Wolf gave her something nice and long and hard to suck on which they both enjoyed very much.  Soon Mr. Wolf knew it was time for him to taste this Tasty Morsel.  So he got all her clothes off.  "Yay" he thought.  " I've gotten into her panties just like I wanted to"  He put her on the bed and knelt by its side and proceeded to taste and lick and smell and see her sweet little pussy while hearing her whimpers of appreciation.   He was a very happy Wolf, soon to be even happier.  So he climbed up on the bed with her and soon he had his wolfly parts and her girly parts slipperingly intertwined.  

Afterwards Mr. Wolf said "You have proven to me that you can indeed make me very happy.  I will buy you a Cadillac."  Little Red Ridingcunt was very happy too.

Chapter Two- The Arrangement

After the fun parts of their first date were done, the Big Bad Wolf started thinking with his big head again.  He thought, "What if this Little Cunt (he called her Little Cunt for short, in an affectionate way) takes the Cadillac and doesn't make me happy after all?  And as it turned out, Little Red was thinking with her big brain too!  (Yes, Tasty Morsels sometimes have two brains with conflicting ideas!) She thought "What if I make the Big Bad Wolf happy for a long time and then he takes back the Cadillac and leaves me with nothing?  So they talked about these Thoughts and they decided to make an Agreement.  That's a piece of paper with Ideas and Thoughts all written down so everyone can see what's been thought!

So Mr. and Mrs. Wolf went shopping one day out in the World and they found a lovely Cadillac and they bought it.  They took it home and Mr. Wolf wrote up the Agreement.  When Little Red read it, she was very happy!  It said she could have the Cadillac to drive right away!  But Mr. Wolf owned it until she had earned it.  It said that she had to make 13 payments in order to earn the car. He would give her payment receipts after every payment was made and she could make them as frequently as desired.  After 13 payments he would sign all the papers and the Cadillac would belong to her!

But there was a Pumpkin Clause in the Agreement.  That's the Clause in every Fairy Tale Agreement which says that the Coach is going to turn into a Pumpkin (or pumpkin equivalent) if the Princess fails to watch the time going by. Little Red Ridingcunt had to make payments to the Big Bad Wolf no more than 30 days apart! If 30 days went by without another payment, he would take back the Cadillac and owe her nothing. Little Red was genuinely happy that he had addressed all her concerns and put it all in writing.  She was a very happy little Morsel as she drove home in her beautiful coach!

Chapter Three- The Payments
The Big Bad Wolf waited eagerly for Little Red Ridingcunt to visit him in order to make payments.  He knew she would pay him in ways designed to make a Bad Wolf's naughtiest parts very happy indeed.  (This was the part of the Agreement they both knew was obvious and did not commit to paper).  Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf had two more visits during which she "paid" his brains out and made him feel very lucky to have such a fine Little Cunt in his life.

But when he asked her to set up their next payment, a funny thing happened.  Little Red Ridingcunt asked the Big Bad Wolf for more money!  Her phone bill was overdue and she had other troubles and wouldn't he please just give her some more? Well, Mr. Wolf was not happy anymore.  He was the opposite of happy.  He told her, as gently as he could, and without growling, that they had an Agreement and needed to stick to it.  Little Red did not like this answer and tried to fool Mr. Wolf.  She said "Well if you won't give me some money I guess I won't be able to see you this weekend and I'll have to go find another Wolf prowling on the playground to play with who can pay me".  Well the Big Bad Wolf was not going to rise to the bait.  So he turned it around on her and said "Don't let me stand in the way of your business activities.  Go for it and do what you like.  We'll have our next payment soon after".  Anyway, Mr. Wolf knew she was just being bitchy because he knew she had not visited the playground since before he found her there.

Soon after that, Little Red Ridingcunt stopped talking to the Big Bad Wolf.  He was now a sad wolf, not a happy wolf.  He sent her many kind messages by various means, but all of them went unanswered.  So, reluctantly, the Big Bad Wolf pulled out his calendar and figured out when the 30th day would trigger the Pumpkin Clause and he could get the Cadillac back. That day is tomorrow.

Chapter Four- The Ending
The ending of this story has not been written yet!  Will Little Red Ridingcunt show up at the last minute and save her precious Cadillac? Will the time expire and her coach become a pumpkin? Will the Big Bad Wolf be able to find the Cadillac and take it back or will he have to hire some Bigger Badder Wolves who do this sort of thing for a living?  Will he have to endure the good natured "I told you so's" that Mrs. BB Wolf will no doubt plague him with for many months to come?  About the only thing certain at this point is:

The Moral of The Story: Don't pay for pussy with a Cadillac

GaGambler460 reads

Something along the lines of the Big Dumb Wolf seems more apropos

Now I will confess I have given a SB a brand new Cadillac to drive once upon a time, BUT there was NEVER any paperwork with her name on it. It was MY car, and I simply allowed her to drive it until she misbehaved and I took it back, and since the car was titled in my name alone and there was never anything more than my good will allowing her to drive it, I never had to worry about having to hire any more Big Bad Wolves to go find MY Cadillac. A simple stolen car report would have taken care of things if she ever got delusional and decided it was "her" car.  

I will say yours is a much more interesting and entertaining story than mine, but mine had a lot less complications to it.

Can't argue! I certainly feel dumb and posted this tale to amuse if not enlighten the masses. The Caddy is in my name and I have thought about a stolen car report as you suggest if I can't get it back by other means.

Posted By: sweetman
The Caddy is in my name and I have thought about a stolen car report as you suggest if I can't get it back by other means.
All well and good, IF:  

- IF she hasn't wrecked the car, and you haven't obtained insurance and added her as a driver.  

- IF she hasn't left the state. Pretty hard to prosecute a small claims repo across state lines.  

- IF she hasn't found some Bigger and Dumber Wolf to give her the funds to pay off the balance due. Actually you should be totally cool with that, expect for the loss of good pussy time.

Still, the "Sugar Car" model is a whole separate level of sugaring that requires deep trust, maturity of SD and SB about business agreements, and hopefully a target-poor SD environment that makes it very hard for the SB to find new POT's.  If I may ask, what's the order of magnitude of the "investment" made? 3 digits, 4 digits, or 5 digits?  

I have a similar deal in play now and so far have received 4 of 9 payments as scheduled. Next is due this Tuesday. Two of the 4 were unasked-for overnights.  For the record, I don't think I'm any smarter than you (I drew up a promissory note and kept title of the car as well), just having better luck. Or it's remotely possible that I'm fucking her really, really well and she wants more of that sugar, too. :p  

My "Investment" was low 4 digits. And in a strange twist of irony, I was the Bigger and Dumber SD that paid her to get out of a weekly payment deal from the original SD that bought her the car. According to her, he quickly turned into a jerk and demanded things she wouldn't do. So she stopped having sex with him and had been making actual cash payments.  Go figure.

Good points.  We did not have the trust established which would have made this work.  We do have a target poor environment which may work in my favor.   I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one to get into a Sugar Car deal. And there was always the possibility that she might wreck the car.  That's just part of the risk I knew I was taking. And if she came up with the money to pay me off that would be perfectly fine.  That was always an option she had if she got tired of dating me. My investment is in the mid 4 figure range.  If you have already received 4 out of 9 payments consider yourself lucky.  Sounds like it's going well.  I had hoped she'd pay me at least half of our 13 promised dates.  Only 2 so far, which sucks.  If it turns out she has driven away and left the state, a stolen car report will be about all I can do.  I know where she lives and where she works.  I've cruised by a few times but have not spotted the car.  Maybe a professional repo service will have better skills.

GaGambler280 reads

Most people have an aversion to jail, and assuming her name is nowhere on the paperwork, like hopefully NOT having her as the registered owner, the fear of ending up in jail should do the trick.

Or of course, she might simply drive your car into the lake for spite, but then of course, that is what insurance is for, right. lol

Once you voluntarily give up the possession of your vehicle by way of giving the keys to its designated driver, you ought to think very LONG and very HARD before you report it stolen because in my humble opinion, you will only compound upon a previously DUMB decision. The fact is that the car is not stolen so you will be giving LE a falsified account of the facts which will get you in further trouble if she has kept a copy of that contract.

If she there is a legal contract and you can prove that she is indeed in default of her contract having skipped a payment (look up the statues in your State), you can send a repo man after the Cadillac or if you have kept a set of spare keys and know of its location, you can call the cops and inform them that you are going to be repo'ing your vehicle.

Be very careful as to what actions you intend to take regarding claiming that Cadillac beyond this point.

Let my start by saying that if you are NOT already in the auto business, just refrain from purchasing an automobile for your SB unless you are fully prepared to deal with some pretty serious consequences in case she wrecks the car, is uninsured (or poorly insured) and in the process causes third party collateral damage (property or gawd forbid worse!).

I have friends who are sleazy / skeezy car guys who they reel in and hook their SBs with flashy Euro cars (Audi, BMW, MB) which are basically total jalopies with a bunch of miles, but they look good and have curb appeal. These sharks are buying these cars from sh*tty dealer trade-in auctions for 5K-7K (give or take) which in turn they sell to these SBs for 2 x 3 times as much! Sometimes they even collect about 1/2 of their actual cost upfront and carry the rest. Being formerly high $ jalopy POS cars, they always need some repairs so the auto dealer SD who also has his own repair facility is ensured frequent visits by the SB to keep up with the "payment" and the maintenance. One guy whom I know of, only allows 100-150 to his SA SBs BCD, because he is constantly having his mechanics fix their POS autos (their own cars, not the ones he has sold them).

This method is definitely not recommended for the faint of heart SD who is not in the auto biz!

I was actually in the vehicle business for 40 years. But I was in the motorcycle/motor scooter biz. I always imagined it would be very cool if a pyt came in batting her eyes at me and wanting to buy a bike and saying oh I just don't have the money right now sir, isn't there any way we can work something out?  Pure fantasy, it never happened. But now that I'm retired and into the Sugarworld, who knows. Maybe one of these days I'll meet a SB who wants a motorbike. I could work a trade for a bike from my current collection or find one perfect for her.  Doing this Sugar Car trade was admitedly somewhat outside my area of expertise, but I have enough knowledge to have made sure the insurance  issue was covered as well as buying a car in decent condition to minimize the risks. As I consider the legal implications of recovering the car, I'm leaning towards using a professional auto recovery service. I've used  them before to recover a motor bike for non paymant and it worked out well. If they are comfortable with my title papers and promissory note, there should be no legal problems recovering the car. That's assuming they can find it and it's still in town and still in one piece!

Everyone needs personal transportation (unless in a metro area such as NYC whereby operating own transportation is a major PITA with plenty of alternative public transportation). Motorcycles are really an unneeded luxury for women and not really a want toy as it works for most men. That said, as you know some/most women love the thrill of a bike ride as your passenger sitting behind and grabbing onto you ;)

Your best course of action is to talk to your trusty repo man which I do not believe ought to be a problem with the groundwork which you have had described. Plus, I also doubt it very much if LRRC will ever call the cops or the authorities to report a repo'd Cadillac!

Once you take possession of the car, you may want to offer a layaway plan for her to gain it back once she has fulfilled her part on that promissory note. Who knows, sh may even wish to expedite its fulfillment ;)

All true. Except that over the years I've met a surprising number of females who are passionate motorcyclists. I even saw one SB profile saying she really wanted a new bike. Too bad she lived too far away for me to take advantage. I spoke to my repo man today, got the MVD affidavit of Repossession signed, all the paperwork is in order. My biggest concern really is if he can find the car!  If he is successful in getting the car I Wonder how she will react? She's gonna have to get down on her knees and do a lot more than beg to regain my trust. And if I ever get involvd in a Sugar Car deal again I'll equip it with a gps locator before she drives it away.

The good thing (probably the ONLY good thing) about a really expensive lessons is that you only need to learn them once.  

You now have a Masters' Degree in Sugar-Car!  

[Queue live performance of  Pomp and Circumstance by Edward Elgar in background]


I've been sucked into a few traps and scams by SA ladies also ( haven't we )...reading about these encounters by you guys is very informative and entertaining as well.  
Thanks for sharing !

this the Best Soap Opera on TER. LMAO.

Sorry for your misfortune Sweetman.  It won't be long before I do something stupid like this too and all you guys will get a good laugh at me.

Posted By: inthepink257
I've been sucked into a few traps and scams by SA ladies also ( haven't we )...reading about these encounters by you guys is very informative and entertaining as well.  
 Thanks for sharing !

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