The Erotic Highway

it's his fantasy, let him have it. After all, he is paying for it.
GaGambler 267 reads

I think the larger question is why does it bother YOU so much?

Guys fall for hookers all the time and post those insipid "I have fallen for a hooker and can't get up" posts, We ridicule them for a few minutes and then get on about our day.  

Also, SD/SB relations "can' turn into BF/GF situations, just like it's not only possible to have a hooker GF, but speaking strictly for myself, I have had more than a few, I have also had a couple of "non transactional' relationships in the Sugar Bowl.

Lastly while we are on the subject of allowances, back some 20+ years ago when I was married, I gave my wife an "allowance" ironically enough it was $500. lol I paid all the "big" bills like the house and the cars, she paid all the small bills like the cable and power bills out of her allowance and kept the rest for pocket money. Now before you laugh, this "arrangement" saved me most likely hundreds of thousands as the other option was what most guys opt for which is "joint checking accounts" Since I made all the money, or at least almost all of it during our marriage I NEVER let her have access to the business accounts a fact that saved me BIG money when we finally split.

Back to the subject at hand, as you said "it's his SB and he can call her whatever he wants" Maybe she is the closest thing to a GF he has ever had? or at least the closest he has had in recent memory. I'd cut him some slack while keeping yourself firmly rooted on the ground as you are correct, with very few exceptions these girls are NOT our GF's Whenever you want to put that to the test, just cut off the sugar and see if she sticks around.

I know a guy that keeps referring to his SB as his "girlfriend". I don't want to burst his bubble, but I find it kinda annoying that he would call her that instead of calling her his SB or "special friend", or whatever. He's a nice enough guy, but there's no way this girl and this dude would be together if it weren't for the Sugar aspect of their relationship. It's not like they met on and started dating... They met on SA, started an arrangement, and now he's calling her his girlfriend.  

That's fine that he found someone that turns him on and makes him FEEL like he is in a real relationship... but let's not get it twisted, she isn't his "girlfriend" and she isn't with him bc he is such a nice guy or their common interests, etc... She is there for the $$ and he is there to get laid by a hot girl who is half his age. Maybe he is just trying to impress me by calling her that, but it actually does the opposite and he comes off as quite delusional.  

Now needless to say, it's his SB and he can call her whatever he wants... but let's call a spade a spade... if you're paying a woman to sleep with you or spend time with you, she may be many other things (which are all fine), but sorry, she's not your girlfriend.

which is fine with me being attached, I am not looking for a GF. I do however like seeing the same SB and getting familiar with them, seems more comfortable that way for me whatever the relationship turns into. And I know many here like multiple SB's at a time and the variety of course, if single I would be same.  

I think many of the SB's also like seeing the same guy or guys, not unlike the pros. It's sex and money for them, and if they like those two things - not a bad deal to screw an older experienced guy and they can pass if they don't like you - just as we can do the same. The more desperate types, who do this only because they need the money, it may not be as great for them, but there are worse jobs at much lower pay. But SB's are not your girlfriend, and if you really want one, there are plenty of them available, many who are BSC.

GaGambler268 reads

I think the larger question is why does it bother YOU so much?

Guys fall for hookers all the time and post those insipid "I have fallen for a hooker and can't get up" posts, We ridicule them for a few minutes and then get on about our day.  

Also, SD/SB relations "can' turn into BF/GF situations, just like it's not only possible to have a hooker GF, but speaking strictly for myself, I have had more than a few, I have also had a couple of "non transactional' relationships in the Sugar Bowl.

Lastly while we are on the subject of allowances, back some 20+ years ago when I was married, I gave my wife an "allowance" ironically enough it was $500. lol I paid all the "big" bills like the house and the cars, she paid all the small bills like the cable and power bills out of her allowance and kept the rest for pocket money. Now before you laugh, this "arrangement" saved me most likely hundreds of thousands as the other option was what most guys opt for which is "joint checking accounts" Since I made all the money, or at least almost all of it during our marriage I NEVER let her have access to the business accounts a fact that saved me BIG money when we finally split.

Back to the subject at hand, as you said "it's his SB and he can call her whatever he wants" Maybe she is the closest thing to a GF he has ever had? or at least the closest he has had in recent memory. I'd cut him some slack while keeping yourself firmly rooted on the ground as you are correct, with very few exceptions these girls are NOT our GF's Whenever you want to put that to the test, just cut off the sugar and see if she sticks around.

I just thought it was a bit ridiculous and so I thought I'd point it out. Imo I think it's safer to keep perspective on these relationships... which most guys here seem to be pretty good at doing.

GaGambler338 reads

There aren't that many lines to begin with for those of us who are not married. The rules of course are very different, or at least they should be, for the married guys.  

Case in point, I took one of my little 18 year old SB's for a pedicure the other day, (her request for "what do you want to do today?") I am hardly a metrosexual, but what the heck I kind of enjoy getting pampered and having my feet rubbed so we went for a couples pedicure. Now I am 57 with slanted eyes and my SB is 18 and black (well mixed, but like Obama, you can't see the white half) I never thought we looked like BF and GF, but the woman at the nail salon asked, without a trace of being judgmental or sarcastic "so is this your girlfriend?" I actually had to take a moment and responded "you'd have to ask her" to which she responded "Of course you're my boyfriend Boo."  Even if not true, it felt rather flattering during the moment.

Now  I have ZERO delusions that this college freshman less than a third my age is actually my GF, but I can see how someone less grounded in reality could buy into the "fantasy" 110%

Its his fantasy, his SB, and his life.  If it makes him feel good to call her his GF then let him.  Maybe she likes the fantasy too.

First off, not every POT SD on SA is an old geezer. I'm sorry to break it to the geezer crowd, but since we can not look up SD profiles, we can not just assume that every POT SD is an older, grey, balding and out of shape man. I have been told by POT SDs on quite a few occasions that they have had met guys as young as low 30's on SA and got into a "no allowance" and more traditionally based relationship. Even the younger guys have caught onto this SA thing and are using (abusing) the method to their advantage as opposed to where they will have compete with hundreds of other fools to grab a girl's attention trying to earn her affection (in my world, traditional online dating = sh*t show!).

That said and out of the way, what is a GF? By my definition, an exclusive and monogamous relationship with intimacy, PDA, dates, etc... (well, as men we like to think that the woman is being exclusive with us but we have the "right" to f*ck around ;) ). Some BFs (not too many) help out their GFs at times (in longer term relationships) with some bills, take them shopping and also do not tend to split bills when out and about (and vice versa).

So to the OP: IF your friend's SB sees him exclusively, IF he does not allow an amount on a per-meet basis but helps her here and there out of sheer generosity and IF there are not quid-pro-quo expectations; I would hate to break it to you but she may indeed have become his GF!

As for me, I have said this before and I will say it again: the 1K per month which I typically allow "buys" me plenty of BCD fun, public togetherness (dates, shopping and that includes groceries for food prep together!) morning coffee shop visits, stimulating conversations and some degree of care from each side toward the other. I do not need nor seek a GF but if she wants to call herself my GF, I don't give a sh*t what title I'm bestowed as long as she is willing to f*ck me like a BF. The allowance part is just my insurance policy to set boundaries and to bail if and when the magic and the spark is gone and/or when i find someone hotter with the same or better offerings! This last road is a 2 way street of which I have no delusions about!

AsianManNOVA279 reads

I never pretend that the SD/SB arrangement to be anything more than money-for-sex so I tell all my SB's they can have as many SD's as they want/need, and I will see as many at a time as I can afford. After I told this to one Russian SB, she showed me the profile of her other SD from NYC. The guy is white, in his late thirties, good-looking and in shape. He comes to DC for meetings once every month, and they would meet when he is in town. Some of the younger guys don't want a real relationship so they opt for SB's. In the long run, it is actually cheaper IMO.

I was thinking earlier today that I wish this had been around when I was younger.  It would have been a lot more fun that the traditional dating scene back before I met my wife.

but we all know that's just a manner of speaking.  A real GF relationship includes exclusivity, drama, possessiveness, jealousy, unknowable expense and infrequent, unpredictable sex.  In short, everything I don't want in a relationship!

Zzbottom2142 reads

Posted By: junglegym25
I know a guy that keeps referring to his SB as his "girlfriend". I don't want to burst his bubble, but I find it kinda annoying that he would call her that instead of calling her his SB or "special friend", or whatever. He's a nice enough guy, but there's no way this girl and this dude would be together if it weren't for the Sugar aspect of their relationship. It's not like they met on and started dating... They met on SA, started an arrangement, and now he's calling her his girlfriend.  
 That's fine that he found someone that turns him on and makes him FEEL like he is in a real relationship... but let's not get it twisted, she isn't his "girlfriend" and she isn't with him bc he is such a nice guy or their common interests, etc... She is there for the $$ and he is there to get laid by a hot girl who is half his age. Maybe he is just trying to impress me by calling her that, but it actually does the opposite and he comes off as quite delusional.  
 Now needless to say, it's his SB and he can call her whatever he wants... but let's call a spade a spade... if you're paying a woman to sleep with you or spend time with you, she may be many other things (which are all fine), but sorry, she's not your girlfriend.
Jealous? It's ok, you can call your Sb your gf too if you want. No harm, no foul.

GaGambler128 reads

I do remember a friend of mine who claims to have "chemistry" with every woman he meets and he goes on and on and on and on about it to the point where to borrow a phrase from Roberto Duran, I have to throw up my hands and beg for "no mas" lol

He would fall in love with every hooker and SB that he saw more than once, and he seriously believed they felt the same about him. I still remember him seeing this hooker/SB who worked for an agency part time and also was an SB. She hit him up for a couple of grand one weekend for some kind of "family emergency" which also made her unavailable that weekend to spend time with him that he had already paid for via her "allowance" He went on and on about how much "chemistry" the two of them shared and how sorry she was as she REALLY wanted to spend time with him. Well the truth of the matter was, as I found out from her boss at the agency, she "needed" the money to take her "real BF" to the beach for the weekend. THAT was the "family emergency"

I have always endeavored to never be "that guy"  If I am paying a girl to be with me, she is NOT my GF, but if others want to delude themselves, no skin off of my dick, err I mean my nose. lol

SB, GFE,  provider, or wife.     You pay them all but get more sex from a provider and a SB.

GaGambler312 reads

You can buy a car, ie marriage. It's yours complete with all the upkeep and expense, which usually means you are quite happy with your purchase early on. It's yours, it's new, you get to drive it everyday, and although the payments might be a bit much, the upkeep is pretty reasonable. As time goes on however, the payments remain the same, the upkeep goes through the roof and a lot of times you can't drive it due to it being in the shop and the rest of the time you really don't care to drive it any more any how. probably the worst option in getting a car to drive.

Or you can lease, ie Sugar Baby. It too is yours but with out any kind of large down payment, the payments are reasonable, you still get to drive it whenever you want and are only responsible for basic maintenance and making the monthly payments of course. After a period of time you probably are going to get tired of driving it too, at which time you simply turn it back it and lease another, newer car if you like. Much better option than buying and probably the most cost effective for those of us who like to drive a new car all the time without having to be bothered trying to get rid of our old car when it's lost it's luster.

and of course for some of us who don't really care about the cost, you can always rent a car ie hooker. It's never yours, but who cares? you get to drive it whenever you want, you only have to pay for it during the time you are actually driving it. You are not responsible for ANY of the upkeep and you can exchange it every single day if you want to. It might cost a little more than leasing, but with ZERO commitment and you only have to pay for the time you actually use it. Pretty good option if you don't mind paying a bit more than leasing, and a great option if you don't need to drive every day. lol

Well try this one on for size...

I have been seeing the same SB exclusively for nearly a year (since the end of December 2015). She is 20 years younger than me and beautiful but we click real well, etc.

Does that classify as a girlfriend?  I'm definitely taking care of her; college tuition, allowance, no rent, etc.

She has never done anything wrong as far as I can tell, and believe me, I have used all means of technology to snoop and ensure nothing funny was going on - for months.  I do now trust her.

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