The Erotic Highway

I'm right there with you
bassrat51 4 Reviews 199 reads

Since getting into the sugar world, I have had the same thoughts.  Walking through the mall, on the streets, at the gym (big time at the gym), and almost anywhere I go.  I just wonder if this one or that one are on SA or something like SA or would be interested in being a SB.

There is that old adage, power corrupts.  Well give the little brain some power like being a SD and it gets corrupted.  ha ha ha

easternpacific621 reads

Have absolutely no regrets about the sugar world. Having a great experience with current SB and have weekend trip coming up. So I find myself sitting in LV airport tonight and just about every young hottie I see appears to be POT SB material to pursue in my vivid imagimation. I thought by having a regular SB or two I would resort to being  just a lecher and not a monger. Guess that was wishful thinking. Looks like I got a few  miles left in me and just enjoying the ride

Since getting into the sugar world, I have had the same thoughts.  Walking through the mall, on the streets, at the gym (big time at the gym), and almost anywhere I go.  I just wonder if this one or that one are on SA or something like SA or would be interested in being a SB.

There is that old adage, power corrupts.  Well give the little brain some power like being a SD and it gets corrupted.  ha ha ha

GaGambler228 reads

Like you, I am loving my time in the Sugar World, but that doesn't mean I plan on giving up hookers.  

The only time I ever give up hookers is when in a "committed relationship" Having multiple SB's hardly qualifies as a "committed relationship" so hookers are still very much a part of my life, a smaller part of my life of course, but still a part of it.

Even though I just had a great week with two SBs in the playground, I'm back home and have plans to see my local SB and an escort (ok hooker) this coming week.  Escort is one that is passing through and have seen a number of times and is just a wonderful woman to fuck

The SBs seem to ebb and flow.  Sometimes I have several in my rotation and sometimes they all disappear at once.  But my escort friends are always there and always so very sweet.  I just sent an email to one of my atf providers asking for another date and also exchanged several messages with a  POT SB I plan to meet on Wednesday.  So both sources of female companionship work great for me.  No need to choose one over the other.

I have actually had SD/SB arrangements with twice that did not involve the SA (or WYP) site.  

Both were webcam girls on 2 diff webcam sites. Both were living close to me (within 15 miles) and both were open to the idea once I casually posed the concept through private chat messages. I may write a separate post on these some day - one ended when she got pregnant (not mine) and married the father. The other is still ongoing - though she's on my B list. Interestingly, in neither case did I need to be the guy spending hundreds if not thousands on them through "tokens".  I only "invested" a modest sum, but visited rather regularly and established my self as a smart, respectful guy they could feel comfortable talking to and eventually meeting.  

So, don't assume that SB's are only available through SA.  Just don't assume every hot piece of eye candy you see is desperate for your $$ or willing to have sex with some old fart, either.

Posted By: herbtcat
don't assume that SB's are only available through SA.  Just don't assume every hot piece of eye candy you see is desperate for your $$ or willing to have sex with some old fart, either.
I don't assume any of the above, I just have that "I wonder if" thought run through my head every now and then when I see a hot women in a sexy dress or tight gym gear.  Hard not  to after having gotten into the sugar bowl, because you never know when you are going to run into one that is.

Every time I see a young hotter lady these days, all I can think about is whether she is a SB or not? Always say to myself, wonder if she is interested in an arrangement. I wish we had code words or a phrase that we could use to indicate we are interested and the real SB's could respond....... in a perfect world I guess?  

One interesting thing that happened to me was one day I made a comment around one of my younger female co-workers about someone having a "sugar daddy". Never thought about it in this context as I had just joined this world. Should have seen her reaction, really interesting and I think she new what I was talking about. If she was not in our company, I would have gone for it for sure!

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