The Erotic Highway

Im doing the same thing
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 406 reads

Going to Florida for 11 days. Have 2 ladies lined up. They know the deal. I also have a pro in sight for a backup.

Appears some of you guys have great success on the road--it takes a bit more game, no doubt.

I have found that if you start looking around ten days out--the SBs are looking at the bill stack, and just might think, "Well, once might just work."

Any approaches tend to work better four out of town versus local? (All locals think that you'll be smitten and be wanting to see them many times.) The roadies, not so much.

Going to Florida for 11 days. Have 2 ladies lined up. They know the deal. I also have a pro in sight for a backup.

NYC is very good, though a little pricey.  Much of Florida is very good and more affordable.  Smaller cities are problematic.

There is an optimum time to start looking and contacting the SBs.  I think about 5-10 days before the trip is best.  If you contact them too far in advance, they will disappear.  If you contact them on short notice, they won't be available and may not even get back to you in time.  

As you know, this is a numbers game.  I'd recommend contacting between 10 and 40 SBs.  You can copy and paste your messages, while still making them personal.  Some of those you contact won't read you message, some won't reply, some will be too expensive, unavailable, uninterested, or restrictive in terms of time or menu.  There is roughly 20% attrition at every step in the process.  I've had a couple of trips for which I contacted 40+ SBs and wound up discussing price and menu with 5-8.  By the time I was done, I found some real winners.

Be upfront about being a visitor.  Also say that you plan to be a repeat visitor.  Say that you are looking for a nice date with dinner, drinks, and some adult play.

Things work best if you are there for a while and have a flexible schedule.  If you are there only one night and have only a 2-hour window to play, I think you are better off trying for a pro.  But if you are going to be there for three nights, you'll find more SBs whose schedules will fit yours.  If your visit is longer, tell them that you are looking for at least one date, and more if the first one goes well.

With local SBs, I take a slower, more gradual approach.  I don't discuss menu or money until we meet in person, unless the SB forces the issue.  With SBs out of town, I want to narrow things down much more by email or text, so that the first meet is almost certainly going to go BCD for the right amount of time and money and the right activities.  Once we establish some rapport and are on the same wavelength, I ask them what they particularly like or dislike on the bedroom.  Some of the replies have been very helpful in my decision-making:  "I love to suck dick," "No anal or anything rough," "No kissing," "I don't like to do BJs," "I love to receive oral sex," "I'm fine with you cumming in my mouth."  Some will say that they are open-minded and like pretty much everything.  I then follow up and ask if they like to give and receive oral.  I tell them I like both.

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