The Erotic Highway

I'll say this: I miss the Goddess
Zangari 1099 reads

miss LG, even though we had a love/hate relationship--I loved her & she hated me, lol.  
But I think she's trying too hard to be a chalk-covered academic.   If you watch her 'AskMen' videos, she has terrific star power.  And she's smart.

 I always thought LG had vast potential as a TV star.  I caught her once on Dr. Phil, but LG is way smarter than that self-righteous asshat.   I envisioned LG as a hot replacement for that old bat, Dr. Ruth.  --

Dr. Milrod, aka The Love Goddess, formerly the moderator of this board for so many years, has published a new article regarding studies comparing different types of hobbyists with the population in general.

I post it here for those who have an interest in such things.

madiba512104 reads

Milrod's work here confirms that "internet hobbyists" (represented by her TER survey respondents) are more affluent, more highly educated, and have more "liberal" attitudes toward sex than men in the general population.  The differences between the "internet hobbyists" and the "arrested offender" group are mostly attributable to the latter group's lower economic status, along with racial differences.  The "othering" of racial minorities is well underway before their status as arrestees begins, and continues throughout their treatment by the legal system.  

Milrod's study shows obliquely the huge differences between different groups of sex workers, e.g. between streetwalkers and indoor sex workers.  And it seems that the legal system treats the customers of these different groups differently.  Yet many of the most outspoken opponents of sex work continue to try to conflate all types of sex work. To combat this, we need more studies emphasizing the differences between different groups of sex workers.  However, I am not suggesting that Milrod take on this work; her niche has been studies of the customers of sex workers, an area which has been greatly overlooked in the past.

Zangari1916 reads

I've looked at LG's published work before, & this article is no different.  She merely states the obvious, dressed up in academic jargon.  Consider two points in the work:  

1.  Internet 'hobbyists' are wealthier than the johns on the street.  
2. Hobbyists are more likely to be white  

 Yes, indeed.  Call girls are more expensive than streetwalkers. And white people are wealthier than most minority groups.  So call girl patrons are more likely to be white.  And the Pope is Catholic.    

Another point made in the article:  

3. Men who serve in the military are more likely to use prostitutes.  

Yep, young men who are far away from home for long periods of time are more likely to pay for sex. Who would've guessed that, lol.   LG could be quite astute at dispensing advice, like the AskMen videos.  But this article seems worthless.  --z

Many of her points seem fairly obvious to those of us involved in the hobby.  As an academic endeavor however Dr. Milrod is not publishing her articles for hobbyists to read. The links get posted here and some of us read the stuff but we are not her target audience.

Zangari996 reads

Posted By: Bostonguy57
Many of her points seem fairly obvious to those of us involved in the hobby.  As an academic endeavor however Dr. Milrod is not publishing her articles for hobbyists to read. The links get posted here and some of us read the stuff but we are not her target audience.
 I'd agree with the above if LG's target audience =  Amish village.  Anyone who's plugged into modern culture knows the difference between call girls vs streetwalkers, and how those socioeconomic differences are reflected in their clientele.  You don't have to be part of the sex trade to make those distinctions.  An 80 year old spinster who watches LA Law & reads any big city newspaper could tell you all about it, lol.  

 That same 80 year old spinster knows that a young GI is more likely to bang a hooker than his college boy counterpart who lives on campus where there's all kinds of pussy.  --z

"Anyone who's plugged into modern culture knows the difference between call girls vs streetwalkers, and how those socioeconomic differences are reflected in their clientele."

Sorry but I can't really agree with this based on the stereotypical BS that gets printed in magazines or on the internet and shown on television I don't think most people are aware at all of the differences.

Zangari1100 reads

miss LG, even though we had a love/hate relationship--I loved her & she hated me, lol.  
But I think she's trying too hard to be a chalk-covered academic.   If you watch her 'AskMen' videos, she has terrific star power.  And she's smart.

 I always thought LG had vast potential as a TV star.  I caught her once on Dr. Phil, but LG is way smarter than that self-righteous asshat.   I envisioned LG as a hot replacement for that old bat, Dr. Ruth.  --

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